
Full Moon Of August Herb Moon
"Named after the Roman Emperor Augustus, August was once called Sixtilis, or the sixth month. There is no apparent disagreement (from me) that this is the month of the Herb Moon", some also call the Barley Moon, and is the time for the first harvest of grains.

You may wish to incorporate these verses into the 9 BASIC RITUAL STEPS when conducting Full Moon Rituals. You may also want to include a CHARGE OF THE GODDESS.


"Goddess of the harvest night, I honor You in my Full Moon rite"

"as I stand between the worlds to share, communion with The Lady Fair."

"From around the globe Your children call, miles apart yet One with All. "

"Hear my words in the echoing sound, as I welcome You in my circle round."

"I call to You North with Your grounding ways, lend earthly strength to my pagan ways;"

"I call to You East with Your airy breath, transform the stale to new and fresh;"

"I call to You South with Your energy, may your fiery rays burn steadily;"

"I call to You West with Your fluid motion, guide psychic abilities and emotions."

"August marks the harvest when, we reap the first crops that we tend"

"The wheat was kissed by dying sun; now bread-baking has just begun"

"The herbs are gathered with great care, and berries liven up the fare;"

"We put our magic, love and light in all the things we share tonight!"

"The work was hard throughout the year, but now as wintertime is near"

"We give our thanks to Deity, and stock the shelves with things we need."

"In just two months we'll feel the cold, but til that time we shall behold"

"the gifts of God and Goddess blended; in hearty crops carefully tended."

"(Requests, Spells, Thanks, Cakes and Ale)"

"I release the quarters one by one, now that my ritual is done;"

"Farewell to North, East, South, and West; thank You for honoring my request."

"Goddess of soothing silvery light, thank You for attending on this night."

"My circle is open, never broken; magic wishes fulfilled, the words have been spoken."

"Known in the Pagan Community as the "Green Witch", Polly Taskey is descended from Mary Bradbury (Perkins). She uses her writing talents to bring you PAGAN BY DESIGN BLOG and MESSAGE BOARDS. If reprinted, this byline and links shown here must be included."

Reference: mysteryvoodoo.blogspot.com

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