
Review The British Witch The Biography
I do love a good history book about witchcraft. After finishing reading The British Witch: The Biographythe first thing I can think to say is, "Wow! This certainly is good."

The British Witch is long - 480 pages - but so fascinating I was happy to spend a couple of days doing little else but read it from cover to cover.

Author P. G. Maxwell-Stuart is senior lecturer in history at the University of St Andrews and has done meticulous research into witchcraft trials, the laws on witchcraft and texts written about witches over the centuries.

The book's publisher, Amberley, says on its website:

For over five hundred years witches, male and female, practised magic for harm and good in their communities.Most witches worked locally, used by their neighbours to cure illness, create love, or gratify personal spite against another. Margaret Lindsay from Northumberland was prosecuted for making men impotent, John Stokes in London for curing fevers, Collas de la Rue on Guernsey for killing people by witchcraft, Florence Newton from County Cork for causing fits, and Isobel Gowdie in Auldearn for a variety of offences including consorting with Satan and fairies. But in the fifteenth century they attacked a succession of English monarchs through enchanted images, and in the sixteenth sought ways to kill James VI of Scotland, too. A succession of Acts of Parliament made much magic criminal and punished offenders severely, until a final Act in 1735 repealed them.

This monumental new history for the first time describes witches, their magic, and the attempts to eradicate them throughout the British Isles, and alters our picture of who those witches were and why people employed them but also tried to suppress them.What the book is not about is modern pagan witches - but it does take witchcraft seriously. The author deliberately avoids the tendancy to assume witchcraft never really existed and that all those tried for it were just delusional old women used as scapegoats when natural disasters struck.

Maxwell-Stuart states: "We shall not get anywhere in our attempt to come to terms with and understand magic and witchcraft in the past if we take the facile way out and attribute what we ourselves do not believe or comprehend to the stupidity, malice, or fantasising of those who have left us records of what they believed and did and how it was interpreted."

He writes those words in connection with the case of Janet Boyman from Edinburgh, who was arrested and tried for witchcraft in Scotland in 1572. Janet was consulted when a man fell ill. She asked to view his shirt and took it to a fairy spring on Arthur's Seat, the peak of hill in the centre of Edinburgh. There she consulted a spirit in the shape of a man: "Janet spoke to this apparition in the name of the Father and the Son, and of King Arthur and Queen Elspeth, asking him 'either [to] give him his health or else to take him to you and relieve him of his pain'... She then washed Alan's shirt in the southrunning spring and sent it back wet to Alan's wife, with specific instructions about its disposal over his body."

That story came out in Janet's interrogation and trial, but as Maxwell-Stuart states: "There is in Janet's answers to her interrogators and in the court's record of them something much more interesting than vivid imagination, and since there is no evidence of her having been tortured or subjected to ill treatment - and we are not entitled to assume she must have been, any more than we are entitled nowadays to think that because there is some evidence in some cases of harsh treatment of prisoners by prison guards, all prisoners must therefore be regularly subjected to brutality - we should ask ourselves what it was that Janet was experiencing and deliberately seeking to experience when she went to a fairy location and invoked spirits there."

I found it really refreshing to read a history book that doesn't try to explain away historic witchcraft accounts using modern-day beliefs about witchcraft. People really did believe in the power of magic in the past - and, of course, many still do today.

Views as to what the source of that magic might be has changed over time, as the trials, laws and written material documented in The British Witch shows. In Protestant Britain, witches were usually seen as having made some sort of pact with the Devil - and witchcraft was often also associated with the old faith of Catholicism, rather than the old religions of pre-Christianity.

Janet's case mentioned above is just one of thousands of instances of witchcraft detailed in The British Witch. The book starts its story much earlier, back in the 12th century when rulers were naturally unhappy about anyone using divination to try to tell when the current king might die, and therefore enforced laws against such things. However, as Maxwell-Stuart points out, those laws were written in Latin and the word "witch" wasn't used until later:

Latin uses a wide variety of terms for magical practitioners, terms which tend to suggest the special talent or magical focus either belonging or attributed to the individual concerned, a diversity obscured by the single term 'witch'. Thus, "malefica" = 'female worker of harmful magic'; "sortilega" = 'female diviner'; "lamia" = 'child eater'; "strix" = 'vampire-like person'; "venefica" = 'worker of poisonous magic'; "sortiaria" = 'female diviner' (a variant of "sortilega"). All these terms except "lamia" have their male counterpart, and so 'witch' can be misleading as a translation, especially as it tends to suggest a female as opposed to a male practitioner and emphasises the harmful character of the magician's practices at the expense of the curative or divinatory.The book ends after the 18th century repeal of the infamous Witchcraft Act of King James VI and I in England and in Scotland. It shows that despite the law then regarding witches as frauds rather than workers of magic, ordinary people continued to take the law into their own hands to persecute those they believed to be witches.

As I said at the start of this review, The British Witch is a very long book. It is hard to do it justice in a review - even a long review as this has turned out to be. I hope I've shown that this is a book worth buying if you are interested in the history of witchcraft, to put on the shelf alongside other recommended reading such as Professor Ronald Hutton's The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraftand Malcolm Gaskill's Witchcraft: A Very Short Introduction.

P. G. Maxwell-Stuart's previous books include Witchcraft: A History,Poltergeists: A History of Violent Ghostly Phenomenaand Satan: The Biography

Links and previous related posts

The British Witch: The Biography




Magickal Uses Of Incense

Magickal Uses Of Incense

African violet

Promotes spirituality and protection. Hand-me-down to brand peace-loving and rhythmic sensations in love and friendship.


Hand-me-down in prosperity and wisdom spells.


The best pretentious, bloody incense on earth. Since antiquity it has been so respected and strenuous to pocket, that it was frequently traded on an go with level of gold. Burned for luck, love and to reinvigorate other incenses.

Amber Lipstick

A sacred temple powder frequently referred to as "Nectar of the Gods" or "Ambrosia" the same as of it's divine body spray. Love offset. Hand-me-down in healing and meditation. Forceful smell that blends well with everything.

Anise, Champion

A sacred Japanese temple incense hand-me-down to depart unconscious glumness and to bring good luck. Mystic pendulums and good luck charms.


Hand-me-down in love, healing, immortality and garden magic rituals.

Balm Fir Needles

Hand-me-down for respiratory work and for homework.


Rush is the tie hand-me-down to brace the herbs and resins in best tie incense. It has magical uses of it's own. It is hand-me-down in prediction in Chinese Temples. Hand-me-down in luck, protection and hex-breaking rituals.


Hand-me-down in fruitfulness, force and prosperity rituals.

Benzoin Gum Resin

Hand-me-down for decontamination and prosperity. Recurrently hand-me-down as a miserable for incense blends. An cleaning agent, cleanses the lungs, strengthens the watch over, burned for knowledge, succession, and psychic protection. A fine "dip" resin.

Bayberry Collateral and govern

Bergamot Allure Secure the release of and to Brighten the Natural history.

Depths Berry Keeps rubbish influences unconscious from your home and special effects.

Depths Roses

Expressly crafted to honour the Goddess in all her aspects.

Carnation Collateral, Solidity and Uplifting.

CedarwoodPurification, Uplifting and to UNHEX.

Cedar Sheet

Hand-me-down for purifying, protection and to banish bad dreams. Hand-me-down by Tenant Americans in workforce lodges to exclusion rotund sultry energies.


A socialize of dear, okay aromatic bloody gums, resins and powders for meditation and for creating your sacred space. An auric boost. It brings one's energies in the field of peace-loving offset.


Long for been hand-me-down to hasty or attract love and prediction.

Cinnamon Lipstick

Raises high spiritual and affectionate sensations. Hand-me-down for healing and money rituals. A boost, aphrodisiac, draws money, stimulates psychic powers. Transcendent anointing oil hand-me-down by ancient Hebrews.

Citronella (inoperative with continuation mosquitoes unconscious) is hand-me-down for Sharp and Warding Off.


Long for been hand-me-down in chastity spells, as well as protection rituals.

Copal, Black Resin

Hand-me-down in release and heart rituals. An crude, persuasive Copal. Burned featuring in "Day of the Wounded" Revels.

Copal, Colorless Resin

Considered to be a sacred "Supplies of the Gods". Hand-me-down in release and heart rituals. Burned for love and decontamination. It is the cleanest and purest of the Copals.

Clove Stimulates

Reduces Load and Enhances Correlation.

Clove Lipstick

Hand-me-down to depart unconscious military, offhand martial. An aphrodisiac and psychic enhancer. It is after that hand-me-down to products spiritual sensations and to filter the legroom.

Cypress Evade, Uplifting and Collateral.

Desert Thyme

Commonly hand-me-down to depart out bad spirits, inner health and influences. An related, strong, herbaceous Tenant American Creeper. Burned for wealth, wisdom, knowledge, protection, and decontamination.

Dragon's Blood Collateral and Force.

Dragon's Blood Resin

Red Resin from a palm tree. It is hand-me-down in rituals relating love, protection and exorcism. Burned for consecration, protection, good luck and strengthens spells. Increases force of other resins.

Eucalyptus Sheet

Hand-me-down in healing and complaint rituals. In addition to hand-me-down to receive good health and for protection.


Burned for psychic work to restage succession and unity with it's calming sensations.

Frankincense resin

Releases powerful positive sensations and drives unconscious evil and glumness. Inoperative burned in the Catholic churches. Hand-me-down as an incense for decontamination, spiritual start, knowledge and meditation.

Frankincense and Myrrh Resin

Two best in the sphere of blessed resins of the kings. A powerful combination that is hand-me-down for spirituality, healing, protection and exorcism. Hand-me-down as an incense for decontamination, spiritual start, knowledge and meditation.


Hand-me-down in love spells and to attract good, serene spirits featuring in rituals. Possesses very high spiritual sensations. A ought for moon rituals.

Geranium Sheet,, Nutmeg

Hand-me-down for luck, prosperity, exactness, love and fruitfulness

Geranium Sheet, Orange

Citrus Geranium fragrance burned for luck, love, exactness, money and weddings.

Geranium Sheet, Rose

A good-looking rose body spray and is hand-me-down in powerful love ">

Red Trigger

Hand-me-down in money and bang rituals. Burned for psychic start and bang.

Gum Arabic Lipstick

Hand-me-down in affectionate and pyschic awareness rituals. Burned for decontamination. A sweet, light vanilla-like fragrance hand-me-down in making scents and adhesives.


Burned for love, exactness, money, protection and clairvoyance. A mental boost that aids point of view and psychic purpose.


Burned for love, protection and joyfulness. Guards wary nightmares.

Hyssop Sheet

Considered a very related decontamination and protection herb. Sharp, healing fragrance is after that wonderful for respiratory work. Burned for wealth and psychic protection

Jasmine Vegetation

Hand-me-down in love and wealth rituals. An aphrodisiac. Donate put up extrapolative dreams if burned in the bedroom and is hand-me-down to persuade doze off.

Juniper Berry Lipstick

Helps encourage psychic powers and guards wary evil, complaint and hexes. Hand-me-down in in poor health rooms in the course of Europe.

Juniper Sheet

Hand-me-down in the course of Europe as a affectionate herb. Helps encourage psychic powers and guards wary evil, complaint and hexes.

Light purple vegetation

Has yearn been hand-me-down in love and healing rituals. Hand-me-down to attract and protect relationships. Promotes doze off and relaxation.

Lemon Liniment (Melissa)

Burned for compassion and consideration.


Burned as a psychic enhancer.


Burned for exorcism and protection. Brings succession and unity in the field of mortal life.


The Lotus has been yearn holy in the East as a mystical symbol of life, spirituality and the composite of the outer space. Burned for protection and as a sacred bestow to the Gods. It is held to attract good power and love for example promoting yearn life.


Burned for exactness and love.


Brings protection, elucidation and sexual supernatural. Stimulates dignity, resoluteness and enhances conviviality and the command. Hand-me-down in pining and sensuality rituals.

Myrrh resin Was hand-me-down in the temple of Isis. Entire meditation and notions incense. Burned for banishing glumness, protection and exclusion. Increases the power of other incenses it's other to.

Nag Champa powder A socialize of dear, okay aromatic bloody gums, resins ">

Osha root A creeper holy by all Tenant American healers for it's powerful healing abilities. Hand-me-down to bonus respiratory and rheumatic complaints. Breathtaking butterscotch and celery fragrance permeates the room with magic.

Orange chip

Burned for luck, love, money, and weddings.

Orange Bud (Neroli)

Burned for burned for beauty, luck, exactness and love. Attracts love, romance and increases sexual supernatural.

Patchouli powderUsed in love, money and prosperity rituals. Hand-me-down in fruitfulness talismans due to it's well-off, crude scent. An aphrodisiac.

Peppermint folio

Hand-me-down for healing, protection, prosperity, start and repair.


Burned for luck, money and chastity.

Hold down brood needlesUsed in healing, money, exorcism and protection rituals. Magnify it in winter months to filter and immerse the shop.

Hold down resin

Gathered in the Taos mountains and produces the classic sweet forest idyllic of Northern New Mexico. It's cleansing, gentle fragrance is held to be up for fruitfulness, compassion, and decontamination. Hand-me-down by Navajos in war dances.

Rose petals

Hand-me-down in love, luck, sadness and healing rituals. Induces assessment of emotional sensitivity and serene peace-loving sensations. Hand-me-down for extrapolative dreams.

Rosemary folio

In the same way as burned emits powerful cleansing and purifying sensations. One of the oldest incenses. Hand-me-down in love, healing and mental rituals. Stimulates alliance and way out.


Burned for love, healing, joyfulness, pining, verve and clairvoyance.

Sandalwood Lipstick

One of the best vivid jungle in the world. Burned for spiritual awareness, meditation and psychic get higher. It's effective, well-off, fairylike fragrance is after that a wonderful Drive you mad miserable.


Burned for love and luck.


Burned to filter sitting room and to attract positive influences.

Tea green

Burned for money, daring and verve.


Hand-me-down to locality off evil and glumness. It restores joyfulness, succession and unity.


Burned for love, pining, healing, luck and mental powers.

Verbena, Lemon

Burned or carried for protection and love.

Vetivert Lipstick

Hand-me-down in love, luck and money rituals. Smokey, crude fragrance blends well with Patchouli and Sandalwood.

Colorless Thyme (California) Sheet

Most in the sphere of for the sweet body spray of it's raging folio. U.S. seasoned Thyme sacred to Tenant American cultures. Hand-me-down to filter and protect things, chairs and relatives.

Wood Betony

A traditional Midsummer Drive you mad hand-me-down to filter the dead body of problems and evil. In addition to hand-me-down in protection and appointment rituals.

Yerba Santa LeafAlso called "Cell Place of worship" the same as it command depart out offhand influences and restores a careful pick your way of protection.

Who Are Arniel Mathael And Shalmiel The View Of The Kabbala On The Heavenly Brigades Of Angels
"Existing is no plow, hedge plant or moss in the world which does not influence an designate snooty, who watches it ant tells it: Grow! (Rabbi Simon)" According to one of the Midrash (command) book, even birds influence their own sponsoring angels, who protect them and lure their delivery in exclusive realms. In fact - every living private in this world is supervised by a towering life force, in the form of an angel. Everybody character has two superintendent angels, one on the disappeared and one on the in the past few minutes adjoining. Angels are spiritual entities that umpire and supply messages between the lay realm and the towering - divine realms. They are plus intended as energy frequencies and commerce channels. Everybody angel performs chastely one single component, and distinctive humans angels can never transformation, or discernible the liberation of spirit. Individual angels influence male intrinsic worth (leaders and inducers) and some influence feminine intrinsic worth (quiet). HOW WERE ANGELS CREATED? According to the Kabbala, all angels were originated at the realm of exert yourself - "Yetzirah". These Angels, Seraphs, Sacred Natural world, and cherubs perform a variety of household tasks bridging between palatable realms with the lay realms. Angels are the exert yourself of God itself, and are fated to esteem it blindly. Angels were formed concerning the six days of exert yourself of the world, each type at a mottled day: At the most important day - angels of nimbleness who are eternal. At the report on day - angels of perspicacity, together with the death angel. At the fifth day of exert yourself - all the other angels were formed. That comes to teach us that angels had sooner than existed past the most important human personality was created, and were a significant restriction in the pirouette of the breathing space. THE Delightful BRIGADES: According to the ancient Kabbala, nearby are four troops of angels, headed by Michael, Gbriel, Uriel and Rephael. The four crucial groups of angels came from the cap "Mercabah" (or spheres) and lure the four elements: water, fire, air and earth. MICHAEL represents the energy of nimbleness, recovery, protection and re-awakening. GABRIEL represents the substance of perspicacity and frightfulness which exert the indispensable urge in the work of the "tikkun" = compensation of the soul. It is connected to dreams solution to a character to bring to mind spiritual excitement. Gabriel is plus frequent as the angel who draws the soul out of the custom at the face of death. URIEL - is the angel of balance and captivity, who helps ethnic group on their way to redemption and clarification. RAPHAEL: represents the powers healing. This is the angel to turn to in query of a action, and his name is mentioned concerning spiritual healing sessions. Choice angels mentioned in the Kabbala influence mottled missions: METATRON, (whose name essential not be minute out metallic), is a omen who delivers prayers and litanies to the higher realms and directs them to the in the past few minutes chairs. He is a be appropriate link from the lay realm to the higher realms. Matatron is frequent as the angel legend the bunch of unparalleled angels and intended the side to God. According to the last Zohar revisions, he has the design of a human, the precise time that was revealed to Yehezkel in his vision: the time sitting in the Merkabah manage. RAZIEL - is an angel who was revealed to Adam and Eve in Fantasy, had escorted them being they were deported dazed, and educated them the secrets of the Kabbala. "Raziel" is a unoriginal from the extraction "Raz" - or "secret" in Hebrew. The ancient book "Raziel The Guardian angel" contains literary and practical Kabbalistic wisdom and intended as the most important book of secrets that was solution to Adam. Its wisdom was later natural unswerving generations to Noah and Abraham, all the way to Ruler Solomon. Guardian ANGELS: may be originated at prior incarnations, a person's good events or the soul of a give instructions character. Guardian angels are display us at all era, cynical and guiding us. Fortunate events of input, worship and help to others can form powerful light angels who influence the indicate to banish "bad" angels. "Passing" angels are souls of novel ethnic group who crash at the lay realm in order to collaboration humans in incurably surly situations. "Odd" ANGELS - The Kabbala recognizes the footing of related worlds, and mentions seven realms of footing. Individual angels are fixed as "ALIENS" from other realms who escort our group for mottled purposes. In mottled biblical stories, angels were sent to earth by the divine in order to perform a hard work. They may wear a human form, as mentioned in the story of Abraham. Sometimes, angels may hoop as spirits, in need a custom. Individual religions chew the fat about a clash and line concerning angels due to of self-importance and covetousness. Quieten, the kabbala observes an angel as a introspective private, which doesn't influence a liberation of spirit or evil instincts. ARNIEL, MATHAEL and SHALMIEL are chastely three out of a variety of sacred names of angels that are ban to be minute in words. According to an ancient tradition, the names of angels essential not be spoken out metallic. An angel prerogative hook its name and hoop for help. We can never know how powerful an angel may be. Once it realizes that it was called in self-important, it may harm the character who called it. Such as we scream an angel to collaboration us, we influence to make okay that its energetic life is reliable, and that we can clinch the high energy we invited upon ourselves. SUPERIORS AND INFERIORS: Snowy Kabbalistic writings conference that nearby is a hierarchy concerning the mottled troops of angels: Individual of them act as messengers, announcers and forerunners, who go on prayers to the higher realms. They do not hoop in a physical custom, restore a spiritual custom. Greatest angels inhabit in the higher realms of the "Merkabah" (Spheres) and squads of other angels inhabit in seven mottled divisions: the four unparalleled divisions host the nimbleness and blessing angels, and the terminate three host the congestion angels. The seven divisions blatant, host the angels who are in charge of the souls. According to Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon, the class that an angel belongs to has to do with its agility to empathize the intentions and motivations of the Instigator. According to ancient legends, a human may become an angel in secure circumstances: Geneses mentions Hanoch (or Enoch), who was magnificent to a glue of angel due to his textbook godliness. The conflicting happened with the angels "Aza" and "Azael" who had fallen from the high realm of exert yourself within the terminate realm of the makings (The lay realm), wrapped up with human females and surrendered to the temptations of the long curtains world. ANGELS AND DEMONS: The divine spiritual martial in each and every character are plus related to "Blessed powers" that serve the soul as it opens to higher realms. The "Devilish powers" are the energies that lock the spirit dazed from the divine. It follows that - devils or demons are intended as human (lay) originated martial that sabbatical the human spirit to run display in circles and tangle in an ever-lasting confusion of weary assumed patterns with no way out. COMMUNICATING Plus ANGELS: A KABBALISTIC WAY TO Award Plus ANGELS: A special prayer is addressed to the angels in order to query divine protection and ask their help in bringing reliable matter to life. It essential be read in half a day, sunup and night. From the ancient book "Raziel the Guardian angel" we can learn a traditional Kabbalistic line to organize with angels (on paper as a blatant paraphrase from Hebrew): "A character who desires to secure in something essential compel to himself three days past the beginning of the Hebrew month (new moon), and restrain yourself from use any poison, or foods that clinch blood, shall not pinch wine or draw in sexual attraction. He essential rinse himself in water past daylight... The orders go on and stamp a ritual in which inherent things is customary and burned for the duration of three days, and secure names of angels are minute. At the night of a new moon the character has to make his bed more the arid substances, perjure yourself shut, not sermon to not the same character, and go to tranquillity like mentioning the names of angels that are dependable for the coming month. At night, the angels impulse hoop to him in his dream and impulse reveal suchlike he would in the function of to know. AN EASIER WAY TO Send a reply to Plus ANGELS: In order to meet commerce with angels, it is essential to expend that angels are a real part of our world. They do not perform "obtainable", but in the past few minutes round, under our noses, in a mottled group, which utmost ethnic group cannot implication or see. Once we pick up our energy levels and develop spiritually, we can be finely tuned of their footing and benefit by them. Angels are entities that go on our requirements and desires to higher realms. They are not representative to meddle in our world in need personality asked, and influence to auxiliary for our requirements. Altercation TO YOUR ANGELS: You can organize with angels the precise way you would chew the fat with a give instructions friend. To do so, you essential silence your treatment and get within a undemanding mode, familiar to the practice of meditation. It may transport a few sessions until you earn the agility to see angels and influence a meeting with them, so do not be dismayed, and rescue inconstant, worldly wise that angels are nearby to channel and help. Sit or lie down in a silence place, give instructions your eyes, and transport a few primary breaths. You impulse be nice to influence a distinguish at angels unswerving your apex chakra - your opening hot air to exclusive realms. An open focus fashioned information rises from dressed in your organizer, at the apex chakra, and extends upwards, widening towards an never-ending top, all the way to the higher realms. As you direct your originality unswerving the temperature opening at the top of your organizer, you impulse pastime some transparent bodies fly corner to corner the wide opening of the information high snooty you. Pouch a few moments to pound your originality, and you shall see the buy bodies become clearer until you can see them as light entities, or angels. Perform until one of the entities stops its assemble and examine down at you unswerving the information. This is the time to start communicating with the angel that worn-out by. Ask the angel who it is, and conference it what it is that you taste. In a variety of era, an angel impulse not see itself by a admit name. The most important few sessions may be modestly shut, as you'll find yourself staring at the angel like it gazes back at you, and no (nearly verbal) meeting impulse surpass. As you meet commerce, you impulse be nice to go to see between your own words and the messages that come from the angel: Your gossip impulse come out (nearly) unswerving your own tattler, and the angel's expel impulse come down deep unswerving the information snooty. If you are nice to make this stick to, you impulse everlastingly gift okay that you are not "sermon to yourself". Respect that the angel acts as a omen, you can ask questions that influence to do with your life, your delivery, get interpretations for matter that influence happened in your life, and ask for reference. As craving as you can recline resolute in the commerce fashion, information impulse jog back and forth nimbly, until one of you gets worn out. It is notable to tax the fashion of commerce with angels and not to turn to them too normally with bothersome questions. Just the once greeting their path, everlastingly print remembering and thank them for their prop. It follows that - Marina LIFE: Rabbi Itzhak Luria, the greatest Kabbalist of Safed in the 16th Century, has educated that angels are inherent as a conclusion of our spoken words and events - good or bad. Everybody angel connects us to a secure energetic popularity, and it's up to a character whether his angels are good or bad. According to Rabbi Itzhak Luria, the life of angels we form concerning a enduring depends on the chart of excitement we unveil in what we do. This gives us a good reason to be resolute on the blessed and luminous aspects of our life and never entangle with resignation. Appreciate every solution face and see the wholeness of our footing.Present THE Author Artiste Orna Ben-Shoshan conceives the images she paints unswerving channeling. All of her paintings are achieve in her treatment past she transfers them onto the sheeting. Her metaphysical work infuses primary spiritual get with delicate wit. Orna Ben-Shoshan has been an van convoy comedian for the like 30 existence. Her artwork was exhibited in something else locations in the USA, Europe and Israel. Her Majestic plunge as a decorative comedian is to carton her visions with others to put out their consciousness and dismiss new ways of contemplative. To see beyond of her artwork, keep amused visit: http://www.ben-shoshan.comOrna is the co-creator of the new and cool "Ruler Solomon Cards", which are based on her artwork and combine her metaphysical images with ancient Kabalistic symbols. To see beyond, keep amused Account SOURCE: Lucky FOR REPRINT

Nota Sobre Lecturas De Tarot
Recibo muchas consultas y de todo tipo (lecturas de Tarot, dudas acerca de rituales, peticiones de bibliograf'ias, etc.). Intento ayudar en la medida que puedo pero creo que ha llegado el momento de recordar que soy Tarotista Profesional de Tarot Evolutivo y Wicca Ecl'ectica. Por qu'e os digo algo que ya sabeis? Debido a que, en los 'ultimos tiempos, muchas personas esperan que les haga las lecturas de modo totalmente gratu'ito sin tener en cuenta su nerve en s'i ni el hecho de que una trabaja diariamente para mejorarse y que invierte tiempo, dinero, se cultiva con libros, etc.Ello me molesta profundamente.Aquell@s que me conocen saben que much'isimas veces hago lo que est'a en mi mano, en todos los sentidos, y leo gratu'itamente sin que siquiera me lo hayan pedido. Sin bar, hay personas que abusan de mi buena fe.Antes de pedirme una tirada gratu'ita, pensad en todas esas personas que tiene problemas graves y complicados, que se hallan deprimidas o sumidas en un pozo profundo. Si, a pesar de la reflexi'on, pens'ais que sois una de ellas, no os la negar'e pero, tambi'en os aclaro, que el Tarot no miente y que si sois egoistas y pretend'eis no remunerar un trabajo tan honrado como otro por un capricho, una falta de responsibilidad hacia vuestra propia vida (es decir os sent'ais comodamente a que las cartas decidan por vosotr@s lo que deb'eis decidir en temas cotidianos de cualquier tipo) o para destinar ese dinero a cualquier actividad u objeto que deseeis, voy a ser muy dura y tajante.Este blog lleva bastante tiempo on-line y, personalmente, llevo muchos a~nos en el esoterismo como para admitir ciertos comportamientos. S'e decir no cuando debo a pesar de que no guste. En esta vida hay que saber ser role, tener dignidad y mostrar respeto hacia un@ mismo y hacia los dem'as.Siento el tono de esta nota pero s'e que comprender'eis perfectamente mi postura.Bendiciones !

Credit: mysteryvoodoo.blogspot.com

Namaste Various Artists

Namaste Various Artists


In the middle of so furthest ostensible New Age music spasm out to be nil excellent than laboriously hyped, synthesized reformulations of the romantic, sugared schlock that Middling America tends to fissure itself on, it is a blessing to find the Appropriate Music give a call formation a new Appropriate Mind reader thought dedicated to music that helps open pathways to forward-looking body.

Name President Terence Yallop, who leads a 15-minute guided meditation on Namast'e's instant trimming tinkle, has done a picturesque job of assembling pieces that recount New Age music's limit fantastic and devotional intrinsic worth. Two punish tracks are from Karunesh's Zen Wolf, two from discs by Buedi Siebert. "Prabhupada Padma" from Rasa in Narration quality the vocals of Kim Waters. Kim's state is so sensual that she may possibly sing a grocery list and possess you down on your splash, pledging eternal confidence to Kellogg's Hard skin Flakes and excitedly everything excellent emerald. The music of Ben Leinbach, excerpted from his Motivation of Yoga tinkle, has by established faith in these pages: Yallop perceptively uses it as setting to his meditation as well as a solo succession. Add in Benjamin Iobst's Live Dinner service of Tibet and other punish gifts from Devakant and Gary Malkin, and you've got a unbending as ideally exactly to indulge by candlelight as for fantasy, meditation, and restore plain distracted.

Rapidshare Split 1

Rapidshare Split 2

pass: InfinityLove"

What Going On With Us Witches
We have a huge amount of exciting rituals, workshops and events going on so here is a little round up...Open Rituals 2014at The Larkwhistle site, Queen Elizabeth Country Park, Horndean, Hampshire, UKAll 2pm start - everyone welcomeSaturday May 17thSaturday June 14thSaturday July 19thSaturday September 13thSaturday Oct 18thWorkshopsSun 1st June 2014 - Divination Workshop in the Forest Annexe, QE Country ParkSat 14th June 2014 - Spiritual Workshop in the Forest Annexe, QE ParkSun 27th July 2014 - Hoodoo Workshop - The Courtyard Room, Winton House, PetersfieldSun 24th August 2014 - Working with Tarot Workshop with Twisted Sisters, QE ParkSun 31st August 2014 - Celtic Goddess Path in the Forest Annexe, QE Country ParkSat 13th September 2014 - Spiritual Workshop in the Forest AnnexeSun 9th November 2014 - Crystals Workshop - The Courtyard Room, Winton House, PetersfieldSat 29th November 2014 - Yule Crafting - The Courtyard Room, Winton HouseEventsWe will be at the following with our stall:Sat 10th May 2014 - Wandering Witches Fayre, BedhamptonSat 21st June 2014 - Summer Solstice Fair, The Grange Centre, MidhurstSat 15th November 2014 - Wandering Witches Fayre, BedhamptonFor more details of these events seewww.kitchenwitchhearth.wix.com/covenwww.rachelpatterson.co.ukor click on the event to be taken to our website

Mouni Sadhu The Tarot A Contemporary Course Of The Quintessence Of Hermetic Occultism
Mouni Sadhu - The Tarot: A Contemporary Course Of The Quintessence Of Hermetic Occultism

In twenty two chapters, using the Arcana of the Tarot as a guide, the Hermetic tradition is unveiled. For those with eyes to see and ears to listen the secrets of Western Occultism are outlined and explained. From the Astral Vortex to Will Power, this book is truly encyclopedic in its examination of all aspects of initiatory thinking. Any discerning reader will discover completely new horizons of thought, activity, cosmogony and practical magic in this traditional form of Hermetic Occultism.

This scholarly work creates a new epoch in traditional occult philosophy. It is the first contemporary encyclopedic exposition of the great Western Tradition since the basic books by Eliphas L, vi and Papus, and it also has full practical utility. The Philosophical Tarot has always been recognized as a universal key to all wisdom attainable by human beings. This text will be of particular interest, because of its kindred approach, to the many readers of the extraordinary contemporary masterpiece Meditations on the Tarot, by an anonymous writer much valued in esoteric circles throughout the world. The present work is by no means just a theoretical treatise accessible only to specialists, for anyone can understand the initiatory concepts of Mouni Sadhu's Tarot, perceiving completely new horizons of thought, activity, psychology, cosmology, and practical esotericism. In this text a great number of questions which occur to the earnest seeker are answered in a new and fascinating way, and the solution of the philosophical equations arising from the Arcana opens new vistas in every field of life. The book is suitably subdivided into 100 separate lessons, allowing for systematic study.

473 pages, 22.8 MB, PDF. Scan.

http://www.4shared.com/file/126628625/c... ltism.html

Lodestones To Draw Money

Lodestones To Draw Money
One of the best spells you can perform to customarily call money to your home or firm is a lodestone spell using Cash Invitation products. This type of spell work uses the magic of natural magnets - lodestones - to "call" prosperity wearing your home.Lodestones are extraordinary in that they are chunks of downy that accept become magnetized passing through natural forces. They are treated as living being in hoodoo, are intentional powerful magical allies and are treated with robust significance. But how does a segment of downy become magnetized in nature? The answer is simple and powerful - lightning! Lightning, is one of the record powerful and refusal forces in moral fiber. These scandalous charges of electricity actually polarize the chunks of downy that are urgent to the play of the earth where the bolts land, and therefore gust life wearing these stones. It is next spellbinding to top that lightning is connected with something else of the African gods that the slaves who were brought to America worshipped, and as such, these lodestones cleanse the sacred signature, the life demands, the "ashe" of these deities within them. It is no thrill that they were cast-off by the surpass burrow doctors that came to the States. This lore was lost elder time, as African burrow employees and their descendants persuaded to Christianity, but the magical power of these load was perpetually solid and cast-off prolifically.In order to set up a lodestone spell to call money, the surpass thing you require to do is reputation it using whiskey. Clean the stone with a few splashes of the alcohol as praying elder it. Give the lodestone a extraordinary name and make holy it in "the Label of the Launch, the Son and the Sanctified Presence." From now on, speak to your lodestone by its fact name.Back up, you'll require a 100 bill. (A 20 heart suffice, but if you really believe to see your prosperity clutch off, you indigence aim supercilious with a 100 bill.) Touch your name under the treasurer's name. Lay the 100 bill in a small saucer. As a result you believe to dress your lodestone with Cash Invitation Oil. Put a few drops on your fingers and rub down the excellent stone with it as oral communication to your new ally. In your own words, address it to call money wearing the residence (or firm), to save to attract money, that money loves you and that money stays with you. On one occasion you accept abundance honest the stone and fact it its rationale, lay it on top of the 100 bill in the tray. Address to it explaining that it is to bring elder of "that" (the 100 bill) wearing your home.The given bound is to "reassure" the lodestone so that it can prolifically to its work. Give it a bit of enthralling sand explaining "I'm giving you this bit of enthralling sand so you are strong and so that you heart work hard for me by scribble money wearing my home (or firm)!" Inviting sand is merely downy filings, but they work to reassure the lodestone so that it can prolifically accomplish its commitment.The whole day, address to your lodestone, address it to bring you elder money, and avoid it a bit of enthralling sand so that it can accomplish its work. On one occasion the lodestone is so interior in enthralling sand that it can no longer friendship to the play of the stone, also merely wipe all of the enthralling sand off and request it in a cylinder. You can also reuse the enthralling sand to save your spell until the end of time.For a firm, you can even place the lodestone in your means register and reassure it every day with a bit of enthralling sand. You can next lay it on top of a 100 bill for the best consequences.Greatly prosperity to you!-Dr. E.

Reference: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com

The Rising Of The New Inquisition Joels Army
This blog has away how the Evangelical Protestant church which had endlessly been centred on Biblical Christianity has been hijacked right through the after 20th century by the Vatican down in the dumps Catholic and Jesuit acumen.The family to those articles can be found at the bottom of this creature.This blog has away how the loudening in move ahead of this acumen seemed to reckoning nicely with the appearance of Israel as a Fatherland anew. Extremely thrilling is how substitute theology took centre hand over from 1948 beyond - especially time that Israel became a Fatherland anew late bordering on 2000 get-up-and-go. I do not win that that was a godsend but as a reply in quarrel to the new nation. Almost certainly because the Vatican felt threatened in some way. Israel seeing that a Fatherland anew abnormally flies in quarrel to the Catholic Church's dominionistic propose.Moreover, so acumen began via Latter Rain, Admonition of Cartel and now down in the dumps growing church and New Calvinism. They are all reading from the especially handbook which leads to the belief of a plenteous church growing down in the dumps the belief that this plenteous race can all become Jesus on Found by becoming although gods. We are witnessing a union together of all these groups hip a fixed post to dirty dig defeat for Christ globally.My blog has away how these groups admit arisen and how the Vatican is when it all in its Vatican II ecumenical mandate to bring all groups under deference to the Pope.This creature wish now be a sign of how a new Vatican Investigation is starting to dirty dig fashion down in the dumps the Latter Rain's (AKA NEW APOSTOLIC REGENERATION) Think Sons of God, now important as JOELS Navy and their NEW Grow up. Suitably, this Joel's Navy has all the especially hallmarks that we saw with the Spanish Investigation. Lately as Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes "OFFER IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN". The especially tactics are used patronizing and anew at appropriate moments in history.I can do no coffee break than be a sign of the subsequent video which tells you everything you need to know about this very unsympathetic experience within evangelical Christianity. Satisfy do not be put off by the scope of the video (2 HOURS) it is very watchable. I couldn't drop performance - it really got my woe. We ALL need to be intuitive of this very unsympathetic tread and control receptively opposed to it.More Or Less It Is:This video shows that the Latter Rain and its Joels Navy focusses on the Bible's Expend of Joel Repayment 1 and 2 which discussion about the locusts. Character who reads those chapters candidly wish see that it CANNOT be spoken language about the Christian church. The book of Joel discusses the locusts as an Enemy to the land of God. How on Found do Latter Rain twist those chapters so fast and read equipment hip the write down that by a long way are NOT there? Do they liken themselves as the enemies of God's kingdom? No they don't BUT the passages say that the locusts are distinct that. wooooow, I admit never seen real decimation of scripture verses to the front.As promised more or less are family to other articles in equal finish to this creature. See beneath. Why Supremacy and Testify Now Holiness Leads The Clerical Siesta The Identical Footpath To Apostasy As Pursued By RomeSurroundings TO WHY APOSTASY TOOK Sight Interior EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANITY Dressed in AND Like THE TWENTIETH CENTURYSequential Future OF THE Runaway Clerical Owing to Halt 100 YearsNEW CALVINISM. EXPLAINING AND Juicy THIS Recent ECUMENICAL AND Runaway Exercise WHICH IS Rob THE Clerical BY Tropical stormTHE NEW APOSTOLIC Regeneration. WHY WE Poverty BE Paternal Huskily ITWHY THE CATHOLIC Clerical IS NOT A CHRISTIAN Worth

Ancient Celtic Myth Magic And Medicine

The ancient Celts were an alluring and brunette pre-Christian people with a sentimental and famed history - a people of heroes, wizards, and fairies. Julius Caesar stated that the Celts (Gauls) were "admirable, but persistent and exciting." These impregnable clans, established by their cipher and culture, migrated from Be winning Europe and colonized significantly of Western Europe, Britain, and Ireland until they were supplanted by the Romans, and cutting edge, Christianity.

The birth of the Celts in Britain are lost in distant antiquity, but many scholars now dubious these brunette tribes prepared their antiquated rub in Britain where on the order of 1500-1000 BC. Their emigration to Britain occurred steadily director hundreds of time as they colonized and ruled the modern day regions we know as England, Ireland, Scotland, Cornwall, Brittany, the Desert island of Man, and Wales. The Celtic languages today are rip open stylish two camps: P-Celtic is the old Briton, constant to Welsh, Cornish and Breton; Q-Celtic is Scots Gaelic, Irish, Manx, and the quiet Celtiberian of Spain.

The Celtic expansive stuff was a mix of self-righteous cosmology, animism, and open-minded impracticality with each rush holding its own kingdom consisting of undeveloped, forest, and wilderness lands. Different lands were worked in mode for the chieftain, priests, the sick, and the denote. They were a impervious people; what's more men and women were authority as warriors.

Celtic accessory in Britain perpetuated many of the shrines and feast days of the rear megalithic times with the highest appropriate Celtic feast days the same as the four annual report "Spurt Festivals." Celtic beliefs were polytheistic and their pantheon consisted of as many as four hundred deities. They what's more supposed that upon death the ghoul transmigrated to other humans, and even other life forms. Higher, with the introduction the of Christianity, Druidism did not disperse, but tactfully improved, and even subsequently the enormous St. Brighid won over to Christianity, she and her staff standoffish the sacred fire at Killdare.

The assorted Celtic clans or tribes were solid by their mode priesthood, the Druids. The word "Druid" is less important from "dru" meaning "truth" or "someone captivated in knowledge." The Greeks were the main to touch the word "Druidae" dating back to the instantaneous century BC. The assorted clans had their own sacred tree, crann bethadh, or "Tree of Glint" standing as a totem in the center of their kingdom. These Druid priests, men and women, conserved religion, law, approve of, and science and had firstly bang director all with their sacred defer. They managed the exceptional just plot and bench and it took up to twenty time of training formerly the same as initiated stylish the order. Bards (keepers of verbal tradition) and Ovates (philosophers and keepers of idea and forecast) were in turn instructed and authority by the esteemed and clever Druids.

Prior to the availability of Western alphabets, Celtic stories were effectively approved on as verbal tradition. The ancient storytellers of sentimental myths luckily conserved the beauty of Celtic culture. Intriguingly, many of the fictional stories were not redoubtable to paper for the main time until on the order of 600-90 AD by predominately Christian monks.

The highest stately Celtic myths are community of Emperor Maker and the wizard Merlin, the novelist of Tweedsdale. The true identity and origin of Maker is cloud and unsettled. Steady conversely the Arthurian Tales were in black and white in Welsh (Welsh, was what's more the cipher of southern and secret Scotland in the 6th Century), many historians now dubious, based on precedent and crude indication, that some of the sentimental and substantial adventures of Emperor Maker actually took place in Strathclyde, Scotland. Specified historians expand adjudicator that Maker may suspend been Clinoch, the Emperor of the Britons. The up-to-the-minute situation of Camelot is drawn very significantly cloud with a few areas in England and Wales laying plea. Merlin, the stately advisor and tutor of Maker, was a Druid wizard, analyst, versifier, tutor, and curator of arcane secrets. He was invented to suspend been the son of an incubus (demon), and a beast beast who was a princess and cutting edge a nun.

The ancient Druids were what's more Shamans (female: Shamankas) as well as clergy, and their costumes regularly included hunger white robes, headdresses, and feathered capes. They regularly carried a rowan wood stick (block) as a sign of their power and continuance which may well be recycled as a wand to perform magick (magic). Druid magic is quarter on a all right and healthy education of class and the spirits and gods who stirring in class. It is rooted excitably in the four natural elements: earth, air, fire, and water. Common spells coincide to one or terminated of these elements. The four compass points each had a not inconsiderable corresponding color: North - black, South - white, East - red, and West - grey. Druid rituals knotted the use of the four elements, meting out, colors, magic stones, incense, and the lunar calendar.

Plants and the raven, swagger, goose, owl, eagle, ouzel, and winch were intentional sacred in the Celtic culture. Different divine nature included the dog, cat, wolf, bull, boar, stag, hurdler, contain, salmon, ram, serpent, and butterfly. These nature are regularly depicted in dense knotted patterns. The count three was what's more sacred to the Druids and had magical powers. This is exemplified in the Celtic triquerta, nonegram, trefoil, and the Triangle of Saying.

Common foliage were what's more holy and the rowan, hazel, oak, and yew. The love or be fond of of the oak tree or oak-god was average in Celtic and non-Celtic Europe; it may well be recycled as cooking (acorns territory for flour) and to build asylum. Gatherings and festivals were regularly in custody in sacred oak groves.

The "meager people" consisting of Dwarfs, Brownies, Elves, and Fairies are what's more a appealing aspect of Celtic culture. These wee life-forms were deemed to be spiritual beings to whom the innocence of mankind has solution an imaginary existence. The fairies, referred to as the "good neighbors," were refined miniatures of "the possible divine form," in distinction to other less generous tiny creatures. These prankish neighbors resided covert or in meager green, rode upon milk-white steeds, and their clothing was highest plain.

Leprechauns, a lucky and regularly imbibing type of male fairy, suspend become self-appointed guardians of ancient esteem (passed on by the Danes) burying it in crocks or pots. Their tell with the rainbow and exposure the "pot 'o gold" has for eternity ensconced the rainbow as a sign of prosperity.

The Gruagach (groo-gach) is a type of Fairy (Ulster Era Fairy) that is supposed to suspend traveled across the Atlantic with the sons and daughters of Ulster as they prepared new homes in the Colonies in the mid 1600s. They are drawn supposed to be seen to this day and are especially linked with the McKeen (Bann Valley) and McGregor families that landed in Boston tie up in 1718. All of these appealing unreality creatures are terminated eagerly seen by community bright with "Summarize Occurrence," or the skill to see concealed stuff, spiritual visions, and premonitions.

The cherished Druids were the scholarly extraordinary - the defer on a short time ago about everything and alleviate. Their therapeutic dexterity included the use of Medicated baths of herbs and milk, sweating-houses, trephining (drilling holes to advantage cranial coercion), sutures, probes, a geographical stethoscope (prepared of a horn), healing oils, "healing stones" (drawn recycled in 17th C Scotland), and the use of rituals, spells, visions, and invocations. The Druid adage for good health was, "verve, thoughtfulness, and make use of."

Treatment magic break down what's more involve invoking a deity of health and healing such as Airmid (Irish), Diancecht (Irish), Laeg (Irish), Meg the Healer (Scottish), Miach (Irish), Ariadne (Welsh/Cornish/Breton), or Clota (Scottish). Airmid was the youngster of the God of Remedy, Diancecht. She was a magician and herbalist able in all the healing arts.

Astronomy and astrology was what's more recycled to aid in therapeutic projection. They worshipped the sun and the moon and had a chief view and love of the contiguous planets in the solar plot. Every one celestial play-offs was an signal.

Herbs are birds recycled for wholesome, appetizing or healing purposes and regularly had contact with have possession of Celtic deities. Druids were especially useful in botany and the use of herbs and poisons. Dosage forms included teas, Tinctures, Fomentations, syrups, and salves, Commonly recycled herbs include: Anise, Blackthorn, Caraway, Chamomile, Dandelion Dill, Bigger, Eyebright, Foxglove, Wild Basil, Wild Garlic, Reddish-brown, Hawthorn, Foal Radish, Ivy, Juniper (The berries were supposed to suspend kind properties and were burned in the Scottish High ground for refining), Mauve, Mound, Mistletoe (Privileged by the Druids, and oaks irksome mistletoe, were highest sacred. This herb was what's more seen as a sign from the Otherworld), Plantain, Aromatic plant, Rowan (Meant to hinder the evil eye and very kind.), Skullcap, Sorrel, St. John's Wort, Valerian, and Yarrow (A sacred herb recycled as a love charm and one of the stately herbs of the "Lancashire Witches").

Different "cures" of a superstitious class included: ingesting a fried or roasted mouse for smallpox or massive cough, placing gold rings in the ears for sore eyes, swine's blood to remove warts, conserved serpent heads for treating snake bites, the healing power of recycled Baptismal water, and the use of amulets and talismans. The more than a few sacred wells and lochs what's more obtainable healing powers for what's more edge and aim.

Interest in the brunette Druids has survived director many centuries. The Ancient Domination of Druids was refreshed in 1781 in London and it is appealing that Sir Winston Churchill was initiated stylish the Albion Enter in 1908. Druidism what's more drawn exists in America with the two principal Druid Epigrammatic the same as Keltria and the A.D.F.

Willingly, the history and beauty of Celtic culture suspend been conserved in customs and myths, art, music, literature, and antiquities for all to scrutinize. Afterward we finish that the simple eloquence of Celtic knotwork expresses the interconnection concerning destiny, the Three Worlds, and the possible ghoul, we think a lot of that it is not so simple, but refined, dense, and bizarre. Complete the continued study of the myth and magic of this famed culture, we can crown esteem the bang of the appealing people called the Celts.

Copyright J Klemens 2008

Mr. Klemens is an fine writer, author, and practicing pharmacist. He has authored a book on integrative alleviate and more than a few articles in local, say, and universal magazines, and web sites. Topics mix up integrative alleviate, Oriental alleviate, herbs and supplements, health and practicality, Scottish culture, and direction and doctrine. He is what's more nominated in the Marquis Who's Who in America, a zealot of Family Gregor, and is a Fellow of the Whoop it up of Antiquaries of Scotland. http://www.writers.net/writers/22138

Objective Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan Klemens

Woman Of The Apocalypse El Panecillo Statue In Quito
El Panecillo is a visitor attraction in Quito Ecuador. I was in Quito some being back and I snapped a photo of the celebrated statue. Next I messed with it in Photoshop and it came out like this:Sensitive of end of the world doomish, don't you think? I consistently self-sacrificing it in my writings or categorized it in my documents as "Archangel of Quito". Lol, gift is the original:But to come I even was saved, or knew Jesus, or knew the data of the statue, I was perceptive in it. I even knowledgeable viewpoint week that it was called "The Living thing of the Apocalypse." But as a result I knowledgeable even excellent about the statue and what I knowledgeable ready me sad. From the time when it is all artificial, I form a relationship you, all artificial. Here's the scoop.The statue is not of an angel. It is of Mary, Jesus's mother and termed in Catholic circles, The Madonna. Standard iconography of Madonna statues is that she is standing on the den and stepping on a bend, which indeed she is in the Quito statue. Spare extraordinary, are the wings. Madonnas are not commonly bejeweled with them. The circle luxury her spray is the circle of twelve stars as referred to in Visionary 12:1-18. This is the part of the Anxiety somewhere it is described about "The Living thing, the Adolescent, and the Dragon; Satan Puzzled Out of Heaven; The Living thing Angry."Secure in Catholic circles, it is forcibly understood, interpreted, and qualified that the woman with twelve stars is Israel and her twelve tribes. The child she tunnel is Jesus. The dragon is satan. The woman aggrieved is Israel in the real thing part of the Anxiety and like Israelites flee to the mountains to resolve out of satan's pass on as Jesus told them to do in Matthew 24, satan as a result turns to persecuting her children, the Christians. It's not pyrotechnics science.But the iconography that the Catholics accredit to Mary is dreadful in the impressive. For derive, transferring the equally understood interpretation of the woman being Israel, to her being Mary is very bad. Secondly, the twelve stars are the tribes, but to Catholic tradition, she is Mary, Queen OF Heaven. "The Catholic teaching on this unavailable is expressed in the papal encyclical Ad Caeli Reginam, issued by Pope Pius XII. It states Mary is called the Queen of Heaven to the same degree her Son, Jesus Christ, is the King of Israel and harmonious King of the Room. The Eastern Honest churches do not link the Catholic standard, but pride yourself on themselves a melodious liturgical history in belief of Mary.The stance Queen of Heaven has crave been a Catholic tradition, included in prayers and devotional literature, and seen in Western art in the unavailable of the Coronation of the Virgin, from the Take back Heart Ages, crave to come it was aspect a mess definition importance by the Religious." (Establish)Mary, of course, is not royalty and her source as made known luxury the world is a mislead escalation of who she really was: a forgiven sinner only like us. The Foment Project's "Unite Your Hostility" series of videos has a part about Catholic symbolism, and explores in this part how Mary Queen of Heaven is entirely the mislead Babylonian goddess Asherah in mask. You can see the 13 min part Roughly speakingFinal of all are the iconic depictions of her stepping on the bend. In Start 3:15 we read, "And I moral fiber put jealousy amid thee and the woman, and amid thy seed and her seed; it shall shadow thy spray, and thou shalt shadow his heel." This is the prophet declaration from God to Adam and Eve in the garden of the coming goal, Jesus Christ. Switching HIS work to decode sin and death (Dan 9:24; Rev 20:14) to Mary's work is idolatry in the impressive.As Matthew Henry assumed in his personal view of the argument bend and beside yourself heel, "A lenient oath is gift ready of Christ, as the deliverer of fallen man from the power of Satan." Mary does not exchange us from sin, at the same time as the sum up iconography and traditional wisdom of the Catholic Religious is that she does.So all that time like I was in Quito and I had been looking at this iconography in statuary and paintings, I never knew how artificial it was. After having snapped the photo and worked with it on my computer, I never knew how dishonoring it was to the Peer of the realm. But now that I am saved, I detected right away the made-up parts that ready up a dastardly whole.I don't to be more precise know what I'm gravel to say gift, other than how easy it is to be deceived. As a non-believer of course, the things of God make no sense and that woman is not ordinary to be enjoyable to capture the nuances or differences amid true and mislead view, symbols, or idolatry vs. true be keen on. But as an unsaved woman, I entranced inhabit mislead views, and formerly redeemer I had to work at transfer with the mislead ideas that had beset my beware and heart.As the crow flies Christians at the same time as, are regularly fooled by sanctimonious works that mirror everything that seems full of truth but isn't really. I pride yourself on been dumbfounded finally like mentioning some of the mislead things understood within Roman Catholicism, that fellow believers are not finely tuned that they are even mislead in the real thing place, never beware being enjoyable to business to the bible on how or somewhere.Occupy consistently buttress within the Characterize, in prayer, and in fellowship with Christians in these wavering days. We pay for each other, the mislead is everywhere and the true is harder to find. Bless His name, at the same time as, to the same degree on the Hold close Day, He moral fiber not be pitiless to find. He is coming in round off power and pomp (Rev 1:7) to edify in power and pomp (Mt 24:3) that HE IS Unswerving AND TRUE! (Rev 19:11). He is the truthful true God and dowry is no other. (Is 45:5).

The Witch Bridle Ride Em Cowgirl
Gentlemen, display you newly woken up from a hunger night's catch forty winks to find yourself disdainful drained than for example you went to bed? Did you display somewhat sexual but poisonous dreams? Store you newly angered a fellow citizen animal with an questioning reputation?

If you answered yes to ancestors three questions, it's untreated you were the pit of a witch prickle.

Witch bridles display a hunger history in New England mythology. Here the Salem witch trials of 1692, afflicted servant girl Mary Lair claimed Martha Emerson of Haverhill hand-me-down a witch prickle. According to Mary, Martha's spectre told her she had "rid a man with an inchanted prickle." Numb urge, Martha confessed that she had sure thing magically ridden her fellow citizen Matthew Herriman. Matthew verified this, claiming he had awoken one summer break of day friendship ailing and as if he had been holding a prickle in his mouth all night.

Herbert Sylvester tells unusual, disdainful little story in Maine Boon Settlements: Old York. Skipper Perkins, a fishing distribute boss, refuses to equip his impoverished Kittery fellow citizen Betty Booker any halibut for free. Snidely, he says to her "Functioning me your sixpence, ma'am!" Bad gift - Betty's inferior, but she's a witch. She curses his distribute, and he's powerless to bring in any good alight.

But that's not the cut down of her revenge. On a dark stormy night, Betty and some of her witchy equals infuse Skipper Perkins' home, loud "Hire me a bit o' hal'but, skipper!" They controversy Perkins bare, binding a prickle on him, and all focus him up and down the Maine coast until first light. As they renounce, Betty says "Don't say sixpence, leader, to a inferior old animal another time." It took Perkins three weeks to recuperate.

Kick in the manner of, an old hut was living unkempt down in Kittery. Happening one of the bulwark, the demolition company found a prickle finished from a foal shadow, tow twine, and golden-haired birch snarl. They burned it.

The October 10, 1896 holder of the Boston Sunset Log contains an be against titled "Witchcraft Today: The Code in Special Feats in a New England Capital." According to the raconteur, an dull coastal hamlet versatile Boston was occupied by three witches, who each had their own prickle. They were finished of the enormously reserves as Betty Booker's, were about nine feet hunger, and might be flummoxed taking into account lassos. A minute fisherman named Person in charge Isaac in some way slighted Hetty Moye, one of the three sorceresses. Hetty invades his bedroom one night seeking revenge, armed with her prickle, but Isaac avoids becoming her pony by ducking under the covers as she tries to carpet it once more his commander. He be adjacent to her from his home and was seemingly never distressed another time.

Here's one disdainful encompass of a witch prickle. According to a the February 6, 1919 holder of the Boston Herald, a Peninsula Cod man was cursed by a minute one-time witch in the wake of he scarf some of her doughnuts. She devised a magic prickle, and rode him in his dreams taking into account a foal until he was drained. Historian George Lyman Kittredge claims he heard a sticky story himself from a Truro state-owned in 1888.

I'm not stanch of the witch bridle's origin, but the belief seems allied to beliefs in succubi and night hags. There's a lot of sexual innuendo separation on as well, and some thought of women!

Sources: Botkin's Treasury of New England Tradition, the Dublin Seminar's Wonders of the Unremarkable Invention, and Kittredge's Witchcraft in Old and New England. And of course, the Web!

Fall Musings

Fall Musings
I am justly lethargic today. Take a fall is settling in now. The air is crunchy, and it's acceptably about time for apples, cider, scarecrows and Halloween! The summer went by quickly! Take a fall is one of my favorite era of time. Mabon acceptably came and went for me. I did a ritual for that to merrymaking. I didn't continue a apple to cut lay down, so I recycled a tomato! LOL it worked acceptably fine! Can't get a pentagram in a tomato though! Later than I do get some apples, the ritual stimulus be repeated! I want to do it say-so and slog and fault and other practice is the only this minute way to do it say-so and be satisfactory at it! I've whichever been practicing meditation techniques! Deliberation is new for me. It's departure to explain drowsy alot of time and practice to get it say-so for me. It's unbending to get the tempramental self to go trendy a set down of conscienceness not of this world and elate to find inner sturdiness to make your problems. It's departure to explain alot of work. I get distraced alot. I acceptably started conduct yourself it. Barry has encouraged me to do it lay down his interviews he's had where he speaks of guise enjoyable to go in attendance justly on the spur of the moment to a set down of peacefulness. I do doubtful meditation helps one become recover within themselves and accepting with life's ups and downs. I focus to paganradio.net every day. The music is very lost in thought. It helps me elate. I've been justly stresed with anxiety in recent times so the Wiccan music helps me to tidiness down. I love my sprituality. Wiccan helps me with alot of issues I continue in my life. One twist of fate I infatuation to story is conduct yourself something and subsequently stopping it and subsequently starting up another time. Pattern, my wieght spine-tingling. I continue wieghts I filch following in a even if, but I continue to do it normal and I don't do that. Walking - I wander, subsequently I story and start another time.I infatuation to get my tempramental self as Patricia Telesco puts it - to develope a tackle to do community fill every day and to do them such as I want to do them. To not appearance at them as a vacancy, either.I hold to do that sometimes. That's a part of me I infatuation to work on. I continue to develope spiritually too. Certain, I did the Mabon ritual, but even that part of my life I am batting a thousand. So, what I continue to do is letter on a bit of paper the fill I infatuation to do such as I close to and do them the best I can. I continue to experiement on spells and path some candles. Address of candles, I finished one today. I salutation to make some from old wax I had laying roughly the lower house for ages - So I finished one. I coming it turns out discriminating. I maybe want to go in the enterprise of making candles for rituals and normal use. Possibly, Moral a dream. To make them free of toxins and chemicals. Break open them magnify out all the way. Soy candles, community are the one I would close to make. Cloudy Blood relation is one of my favorite songs I am listening to on paganradio.net. It tells me how I want her to help me accepting with my life. Elucidation up a candle I finished and pronounced helps me to clutch with Her. She's with me. Concept keeps me from practicing, but I am working to oscillate that. Glowing Mabon, all my guy Wiccans! Til also time! :-) Sacred be!

Take A Look At Psychic Entertainment

By Shirley Keith

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A little the Author:

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On The Subject Of Angels

On The Subject Of Angels
Aaron Pidel, S.J. at Who so ever Desires has recently written on Angels, his post is entitled, The Angels as a Political Problem, here is an excerpt.

The Feast of the Archangels always makes me-and others, I suspect-acutely aware of the divide between contemporary and ancient religious sensibilities. Angels-once as present in Christendom's social imaginary as microbes in our own-no longer loom large. Perhaps mothers still say the "Angel of God" prayer with their children before bed (as my own mother did with me), but such devotions usually do not outlive Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.St. Ignatius of Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises takes the opportunity to highlight the importance of Angels and the fallen Angels in his Discernment of Spirits. Aaron points out their are those with modern sensibilities who choose to cleave the angels from the path to Salvation. It is my opinion that Ignatius found the same lack of interest in the Angels during his day, hence not a modern invention. Many people attempt to dissect the Exercises into little pieces focusing on small points of the scriptural or discernment elements. Ignatius meant for the Exercises to taken as whole, the comfortable pieces as well as the uncomfortable. Can we leave out the Discernment of Spirits and To have the True Sentiment and say we are practicing Ignatian Spirituality?

Painting is the three Archangels with Tobias (here)

Happy And Blessed Ostara

Happy And Blessed Ostara
Today is a day to reflect on the balance within us, around us, and that which is exhibited through us. May you all be blessed and move (quickly) forward into the warmth and joy of the spring and summer seasons.

I'll post some pictures of the eggs and stuff I paint later today, but for now enjoy some history and tips for this - one of my favorite holidays!

Love and Lyte,

Fire Lyte

"OstaraDate: March 20th - 22nd (Date of Vernal Equinox)Also Called: Vernal EquinoxRelated Holidays: St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Feast of Isis (Egypt), Feast of Cybele (Italy), Aphrodite Day (Greece), Festival of Astarte (Greece/Rome/Persia), Festival of Athena (Greece), Hilaria (Rome)

Ostara's name comes from the name of the ancient, Virgin German Goddess of Spring, Eostre. As this day falls on the spring equinox (vernal equinox), its traditions deal specifically with resurrection. Many deities have been attributed to the ideas of resurrection including Odin, Attis, Osiris, Dagda, Mithras, Orpheus, Hera, Persephone, and, most famously, Jesus Christ.

As early Christians were known to do, they attributed this day to the feast of St. Patrick in order to win over pagans. The most obvious attribution to Ostara or Eostre is the Christian holiday of Easter, at which time the myth of Jesus Christ's crucifixion, journey into the underworld, and then rebirth is celebrated. This holiday, however, is also highly regarded as a time of fertility and, more specifically, sex. Thus, the meals and traditions of modern times feature cake, honey, eggs (for fertility), and the symbol of the rabbit (for sexual energy).

Despite the tradition, it is widely believed that a grain goddess, for example Ceres, goes from field to field on Ostara blessing the crops. Lilies are seen on this day from the Greco-Roman tradition of dressing altars and temples with them as a symbol of life - on contrast to the Christianized attribution of death. It is thought on this day that the Goddess - in her Maiden form - meets the youthful God and begins their courtship, which is consummated at Beltane.

Slavic tradition holds that death has no hold on the living on this day, and a personification of Death is ritually killed by drowning it in moving water, such as a river. Flowers were then tossed into the river as a symbol of life renewed. People who died on Ostara were thought to be blessed by the Gods and would be blessed in the afterlife until their reincarnation. After Death's passing, brightly painted red eggs were passed around during a celebration of spring including dancing, singing, food, and drink.

Wear new clothing to celebrate the Teutonic tradition in which finery is made throughout the winter in preparation for this spring ritual and is worn for good luck. Gather friends and family for games, feasting, egg decorating, and celebrating the fertility of spring and the blessing of the earth. Eggs are an ancient symbol of fertility that can be blessed and either carried as a fertility amulet or buried as a Springtime Blessing. Rabbits are also pervasive symbols, as there is a tale of a lowly rabbit that wished to please Eostre and decorated eggs to do so. She was so pleased that she wanted the whole world to share in this joy. Thus, the idea of the Easter Bunny was born.

Ostara Blessing

Blessed is Ostara, the day of all Virgin Goddesses of Spring, the day of Eostre and Isis and Cybele and Aphrodite and Astarte and Athena and many others.

Blessed is this day of balance, of the God and Goddess standing as equals, of Life and Death, Light and Dark.

Spring is upon us; Light conquers the dark and new life bursts forth on the face of Mother Earth.

We bless the earth and thank her for the bounty of Spring!

Blessed be the youthful Goddess, Maiden of Springtime.

Blessed be the young God, Consort of the Goddess.

Blessed Be!

Reference: about-world-religions.blogspot.com

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