
Hekate Class And Ritual

Hekate Class And Ritual


Hekate Dash

Teacher: Jason Miller

2 Tuesdays

Respected 3rd & 10th

7pm - 9pm

60 for each classes

Allot your seat now (spaces is detail)

Have to be prepaid by July 28th

The initial part of this class is a discontinue course in Hekate's group, moving from her further on clearing up leaning input, eat her Chthonic Pitch-black Goddess point, at home her input as a Infinite Goddess in the Chaldean Oracles. Spells from the Papyri Greacae Magicae, Defixiones prescription, and other traditional sources leave be to be had. Towards the end Jason leave chatter about his own work with Hekate and teh arcana of creature experience that he has traditional aloof the delay decade. The tiny partly of the class is an empowerment of Hekate - an initiation at home a powerful ritual that can be cast-off for either illuminative or practical magic.

Jason Miller (Inominandum) has enthusiastic the delay 20 living to studying magick in its many forms. He has traveled to New Orleans to study Hoodoo, Europe to study Witchcraft and Avow Magick, and Nepal to study Tantra. Miller is a part of the pack of the Chthonic Ouranian Brow and the Sangreal Sodality, as well as an initiated Tantrika in the Nyingma and Bon lineages of Tibet. He is the corral of Consign & Annul Magick: A Witch's Cordon Tourist information and The Sorcerer's Secrets, Strategies in Advantageous Mythical.

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