
About Selene

About Selene
Near here IS A Scholarly Statement With respect to THE Divine being SELENE:

Above and beyond called Mene, or Latin Luna, Selene was the goddess of the moon, or the moon in the flesh hip a divine nucleus. She is called a lass of Hyperion and Theia, and as a result a sister of Helios and Eos; but others speak of her as a lass of Hyperion by Euryphaessa, or of Pallas, or of Zeus and Latona, or decisively of Helios. She is to boot called Phoebe, as the sister of Phoebus, the god of the sun.

By Endymion, whom she prized, and whom she sent to siesta in order to kiss him, she became the mother of fifty daughters; by Zeus she became the mother of Pandeia, Ersa, and Nemea. Pan to boot is theoretical to brandish had contour with her in the questionnaire of a white ram.

Selene is described as a very alluring goddess, with ache wings and a golden circlet, and Aeschylus calls her the eye of night. She rode, fancy her brother Helios, straddling the declare in a chariot drawn by two white run of the mill, cows, or mules. She was represented on the bottom of the throne of Zeus at Olympia, riding on a hurdler or a mule; and at Elis represent was a statue of her with two horns.

In later time Selene was well-known with Artemis, and the adore of the two became united. In works of art, until now, the two divinities are usually distinguished; the face of Selene nucleus choice full and condemnation, her aura less great, and continually polite in a ache robe; her shawl forms an arch haughty her lead, and haughty it represent is the semi-circular. At Rome Luna had a temple on the Aventine.

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