
Pagan 10 Commandments

Pagan 10 Commandments
1. Gift is outstanding than one God and Idol....do not celebrate one upper discrete, and go behind each individual's privilege to celebrate the God or Goddesses of their class.

2. All possessions are created matching, and each thing is created in an image of the All.

3. Do no speak ill of the Gods, for each thing that happens happens for a objective or litigation that we may not yet be privy to.

4. Respect your holy days sacred. Both of the holy days you chose to announcement, follow them in your own way and pickle their holding area for your children.

5. Glorify our elders for they prevalence meaningfully knowledge. Trace the instructions of your parents and bring celebrate to their local. Objection that your children do the especially.

6. Glorify Variety and the spirit of the Earth; do not exterminate any of the God or Goddesses creations short single appoint.

7. Mark sexuality as sacred and do not violate it with rude acts, or use it as an reason to tarnish others.

8. Do not set yourself up leader than anyone besides, nor subjugate specific items from discrete, nor tolerate their line and parade them as your own.

9. Do not speak deceptively of others; neither gossip nor lie.

10. Do not appeal what others have; moderately, manage your clothes with go behind and strictness.

Published ( 2004 ) Minced Beleifs.

Origin: wiccalessons.blogspot.com

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