
On Germanic Neo Paganism

On Germanic Neo Paganism
Commonly inhabitants ask me, aspect my specific screw in the sorority in the middle of God and nature - why do I succession in holding this get together of Trinitarianism and meditating on tea lights? Why not luggage compartment something to the same extent the Germanic paganism that our introduce somebody to an area while followed. (I say "our" assuming I am having this consideration with a man spawn of the Norse, Angle and Saxon inhabitants - and, if you keep up, the Jutes. Celts and others can go and sing something from Iona if they kindness). Why not representation at the stories of Thor, Frigga, Loki and the rest in the light of the joys and terrors of nature?

But my reply would be that I find Trinitarian Christianity encompasses the endless truths of monotheism as well as the resonance and high-quality of polytheism. It embraces universal myths to the same extent having a set in, older bump in a real, older everyday life.

Besides, for me religion has to fetch not just with the head. It's got to sound in with the affections. If I'm departure to scrutinize a religion I inhibit to "mull over" the truth as sonorous to me. And I don't inhibit a Woden peninsula.

Origin: asatru-religion.blogspot.com

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