
News The Buddha Made A Christian Saint

Chariness Quarterly

The Bodhisat (Josaphat) is a saint in whichever the Catholic and Greek Honest House of worship.

The Buddha is a saint in the Catholic as well as Honest House of worship. This may beefy to the same extent a joke or swear word, but such is the force of above all Catholicism. It aggregates to itself adherents and outstanding exactness by canonizing in vogue figures.

For prefigure, in the manner of the pope requests to delay a state-owned to proselytize, he habitually announces a ball of unite canonizations. This gives employees in that piece of land House of worship figures to label with. It is no genius it long ago pulled in the world-famous spiritual assistant professor, the Bodhisat (the Pali word for Bodhisattva).

It does this foster than ever now one time disabling the Sphere of the Devil's Champion, a real department in the Vatican which recycled to strongly experiment claims of sainthood and make it willful to beatify someone who was not densely vetted.

The Buddha refers to himself in go on lives -- above all, as mordant out by Rhys Davids, in the "Jataka Tales" or Buddhist Restoration Stories -- as the "Bodhisat." These precursors to Aesops Fables increase far and immense and became a long way away dear myths in numerous countries and languages. They were so in vogue that their bringer was not kept scamper of as happens with, for prefigure, limericks.

Different charmed "bodhisattva" is the imminent "buddha", Maitreya (whose name comes from the Sanskrit "mitra", "friend"), which it seems may well view perfect heighten to Mithraism, as suggested in the groundbreaking work of Dr. Ranajit Pal. Chariness Quarterly reach terminated that "Maitreya" (the-liberator-to-come) was the origin of the without a roof over your head Bedouin "Hebrew/Jewish" manual point and word "Messiah."

This point is not so far fetched in the manner of we understand that Hebrews/Jews were Bedouin-style travelers living in India and prohibited. They were engaged in rummage sale all the way to the to begin with "promised land," which was the Israelites' Kashmir, according to Holger Kersten in "Jesus Lived in India: His Unnamed Conception Next to and Some time ago the Crucifixion" (Penguin Books, 2001, pp. 57-59) and Basem L. Ra'ad's Invisible HISTORIES (Pluto Energy, 2010).

It is no genius Jews (to the same extent Jesus), in addition to as now, are wrapped up with Buddhism, Ladakh, Tibet, and Old Testament history, which saturates this land and is kept in the figures in relation to as a long way away as the modern "Israel," whose to begin with status is well explained by Ra'ad.

* St. Buddha of India

On the problem of Christians masquerading as Buddhists, I strife I poverty suggestion that Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BCE), the founder of Buddhism, is as well a canonized saint of the Catholic church! * QUORA: WHY JEWS Seizure TO BUDDHISM

The other Bodhisat is the imminent Buddha Maitreya, the "Messiah" (Chariness Quarterly).


January 15, 2011 (economicexpert.com) Saint Josaphat is whispered to view lived and died in the 3rd century or 4th century in India. His story appears to be in numerous respects a Christianized sign up of [the Buddha] Siddhartha Gautama's story.

According to gossip, a Sovereign Abenner or Avenier in India hurt the Christian church in his realm, founded by the Apostle Thomas. In the role of astrologers predicted that his own son would someday become a Christian, Abenner had the before time Prince Josaphat faint from float up tackle.

Apart from the curb, Josaphat met the ascetic Saint Baarlam and won over to Christianity. Josaphat kept his expect even in the headland of his father's anger and persuasion. In due course, Abenner himself won over, turned disdainful his throne to Josaphat, and retired to the entrust to become a ascetic.

Josaphat himself highly developed abdicated [the throne] and went during [s]eclusion with his old assistant professor Baarlam.

The story of Josaphat and Baarlam was in vogue in the Focal point Ages, appearing in such works as the "Blond Falsehood".

Although JOSAPHAT AND BAARLAM were canonized in the Greek Honest House of worship and the Roman Catholic House of worship, offer is no information that either ever existed.

Wilfred Cantwell Smith traced the story from a particularly to fourth-century Sanskrit Mahayana Buddhist dictation, to a Manichee sign up, to an Arabic Muslim sign up, to an eleventh century Christian Georgian sign up, to a Christian Greek sign up, and from offer during Western European languages.

He traced Josaphat's name from the Sanskrit illustration Bodhisattva Maitreya, 2nd century, Gandhara. In Buddhist strife, a "bodhisattva" is a for one person that, as not yet fine up to date, is persistently striving near that statement.

Predictably, the illustration is handy to aimed beings with a high shift of lighting and via the Focal point Persian "bodasif".

Maker Holger Kersten proposes an exchange explanation: "Josaphat" is less important from the Arabic "Judasaf" or "Budasaf," as in print in an Urdu sign up of the tale. He ties this name to Yuz Asaf, a Muslim holy evaluate proven with Jesus Christ. This point, which proposes Jesus escaped crucifixion and died in [Kashmir] India, was unique introduced to the west by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. [A variety of may well say Nicolas Notovitch actually introduced it to the West.]



* Pope John Paul II to be completed a saint

Archbishop Timothy Dolan lauded Pope Benedict's shrewdness Friday [Jan. 14, 2011] to beatify his in vogue ancestor -- a move that pushes the Annotation pontiff a rostrum earlier to [Catholic] sainthood. "Pope John Paul visited New York three time -- two times as Pope, and taking into account in the manner of he was the Cardinal-Archbishop of Krakow," Dolan wrote. "In numerous ways we sentry him to view been an owing native of what he magnificently referred to as 'The Capital of the Ball.'" Beatification is the Catholic church's indication that a dead creature has gone to heaven. John Paul inner self now serious the christen "blessed."

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