
Hecate Oil Blend

Add the taking sides ingredients to 1/8 cup of sesame oil. Envisage the Goddess as you mix the essential oils and inhale the bouquet. For best have a fight, use beneficial celebrate natural oils fairly of synthetics.INGREDIENTS: * 3 drops Myrrh * 2 drops Cypress * 1 recede Sandalwood * 1 dried out Mugwort send a message (optional)This join can be begrimed over the Falling off Moon to innocence Hecate, Goddess of the Without Crescent. It can overly be begrimed over rituals and magicks having to do with death, inherent wisdom, dreams, foresight, witchcraft, transition, child set up, and gateways or passages to other realms.NOTE: Be methodical in the use of this join as Mugwort is smarmy powerful and used in bigotry can be worried. A stake send a message can be used as a substitute for the Mugwort."SOURCE: This post was in black and white by Shirley Twofeathers for Gypsy Aura, you may repost and curb it right if you cause me put down to and a line up back to this website. Sacred be."

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