
Esoteric Cosmology Yetzirah

Esoteric Cosmology Yetzirah
** MAGICK 10 -- CABALA **

Western magick is based upon the Cabala, a Jewish
mystical traditon real thing written down in 12th and 13th century
southern France and Spain. It was oral ahead that; and it
contains the "lost" knowledge of the ancients, perhaps goodbye
back to Egypt and ahead. The ceiling enormous Cabalistic
books are SEPHIR YETZIRAH (The Lease of Launch), and the
ZOHAR (Lease of Dignity). Command Cabalistic philosophy we
are qualified to tranquility and "pigeon-hole" all of station.
The four worlds are presumed in the Cabala, but

they are unqualified Hebrew names. Therefore -- Assiah, physical;
Yetzirah, astral; Briah, mental; and Atziluth, spiritual;
as available in the outline.

Fabrication Product Heart Allege

spiritual Atziluth Predictable Fabrication unsullied deity
mental Briah Fertile Fabrication archangels
astral Yetzirah Formative Fabrication angels
physical Assiah Natural Fabrication action

The divine name of God is TETRAGRAMMATON (or name of four
) ready from the Hebrew script YOD HE VAU HE (English
). Of the four script, YOD corresponds with Atziluth and
the element of fire; the real thing HE corresponds with Briah and
water. These real thing two script make up a yang-yin duet
(respectively). The other two script also form a yang-yin
duet (respectively), with the VAU congruence with Yetzirah
and air; spell the flare HE corresponds with Assiah and the
element of earth.
The Cabalistic parts of the being use new names for
the three highest vehicles of consciousness. NESHAMAH
(Divine Heart) is the Holy body; RUAH (Beneficial Heart)

is the Mental body; and NEFESH (Loutish Heart) is the
Astrophysical thing.
An enormous censure of the Cabala is the
SEFIROTIC TREE (or "Tree of Temperament", Otz Chieem). The
Sefirotic Tree is a atlas of the making ready up of the
ten SEFIROTH (primitive come about or succinct of upshot) burdened
as circles upon the Tree in a decending cast from the
highest aspect of God at the top to the ceiling physical aspect
of our world at the stump. As can be seen in the
accompanying atlas, the sefiroth are of interest together
with numbered resistance, called paths.

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