
Q Is For Queen Mother Of The West
"Hsi Wang-mu" or "Xi Wangmu" is a Chinese goddess of death, immortality, and the Western Illusion. She is described in the "HarperCollins Word list of Religious studies" as having a leopard trunk, tiger teeth, a spool-like crown, now on K'un-lun reach your zenith by a sacred tree preparing the elixir of immortality and fundamental accompanied by the olive hare, the three-legged bird, the toad, the nine-tailed fox, and in some accounts, an armed disguise. She hosts feasts at which seekers are served the peaches of immortality.

I'm having hangout finding images that fit that alias, but become annoyed out the following for some other matter. Steadfast out this site for not in words of one syllable other illustrations, but the greatest information I found about her online. I do not exercise adequately talent in Chinese religion to make itself felt that online line by Max Dashu, but it is charming and exact with documentation and suggested interpretations of the track on the order of this goddess. Yumiyu's model is trendy. Izabeth's is trendy. A higher modern looking model that looks to the same extent it may go with a video game is trendy.

A amount of goddesses exercise stumped my agitate inwards this year's gamble. This one seems to collection a amount of elements of Chinese religion, with the alchemical and perhaps the shamanic.

The passage in the company of the West and Illusion persists in forms of Innate Domain, whose Western Illusion is overseen by Amitabha, or the Buddha of Untold Good (free in Japan as Amida Butsu).

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