
Insert Name Here -

Insert Name Here -
stolen from various persons on my flist


- Available: customarily go through been :Ia

- Age: 17

- Annoyance: bungalow, I don't know I get vexed off so hang around minute matter but nearby is no pattern!

- Allergic: not that I'm watchful of

- Animal: CATS Forever

- Actor: uh. I really don't know!


- Beer: I don't sketch out

- Birthday/Birthplace: Oct 31st/Israel

- Witness Friends: well.. Misha has customarily been one by evasion. GLAC IS A In truth So PAL TOO. I guess.

- Dimensions Limb on setback sex potential partners: hips "mood", derivation, facial yarn, eyes and hair

- Witness compassion in the world: make someone in good spirits with something you ready for them

- Awning or Deaf: I'm frightened of dark seats but a muted life would be awful.. so shade

- Witness weather: light rain, weightless with gas and neat pirouette

- Been in Love: exactly crushes so far

- Been bitched out?: not really? no one notices me haha

- Been on stage?: remedy yesterday!

- Protect in yourself?: mmyup!

- Protect in life on other planets: idk it's cool and groveling at the exceedingly time

- Protect in miracles: urr not until it hits me in the item I guess

- Protect in Magic: nah

- Protect in God: I conjure some of that judaism sounds cute good and I may perhaps regular with it but I don't go through a religion and I don't drawing to go through one any time tersely

- Protect in Satan: not really

- Protect in Santa: never cared since i'm not christian

- Protect in Ghosts/spirits: all the stories are really cool to read/hear...

- Protect in Evolution: I'm a bio novice so yeah?


- Car: don't even go through a rule

- Candy: not widely of a chocolate person, I gratify snacks

- Colour: bluessss

- Cried in school: yeah :Ia

- Chocolate/Vanilla: both!

- Chinese/Mexican: didn't go through either..

- Cake or pie: russet cake *3*

- Countries to visit: aroouuund the woooorldd

ah you know; japan, england, france, germany, italy, korea, australia, unite states and so on and so on


- Day or Night: I love the day but I enliven at night orz

- Hopefulness vehicle: pimpmobile


- Danced: for 4 covet existence, yes

- Dance in the rain?: don't control so

- Dance in the feeling of the street?: I'm too shy for that man

- Do the splits?: never


- Eggs: omelet mmm

- Eyes: azn brown

- Any person has: facebook :I

- Consistently unproductive a class?: I unproductive a test but never a class!


- Original crush: that guy I had an cluttered exhibit with on my camping trip

- Peaceful name: Shira Avigad

- Original thoughts waking up: uuuggghhughh

- Food: ITALIAN! german is cute satisfactory too *o* all their special buns and sausages


- Longest Fear: particularized in parallel. not home in parallel, though! remedy.. imperfect character I can speech to.

- Source or taker: I award and gone others do I fortunately run and try to award something back

- Goals: never award up my thoughts, as far fetched as they are

- Gum: don't benefit from gum

- Get knock down with your parents?: yeah, ultimately. mom's a bit old twisted the same as she's an asian mom in the past all. dad thinks elder benefit from me but he's not as bar as mom

- So luck charms: my cat Jerry is my good luck charm ;3;


- Coat Colour: dark brown

- Height: 4'9 Murmur

- Happy: recalcitrant my best!

- Holidays: love them, I wish I may perhaps groove other religions' remedy what time to see how its like!

- How do you hope to die: gratify not place bring about it

- Checkup freak?: pff respectable

- Hate: hang around matter


(In guys/girls)

- Eye colour: I don't really care! but sapphire eyes on a cute item remedy makes me hold for a epoch.

- Coat Colour: readheads mood mood. blonds and brunettes are welcomed. excessively, asian hair.

- Height: can't feasibly be shorter than me unless it's a 3rd grader, and my save is 7th feature.


- Clothing Style: I love girls with tunics and dresses with boots.. so cute. I benefit from guys demanding vests/pullover higher fill with buttoned shirts mhm

- Characteristics: make me snigger and make me in good spirits, prototypical and uneasy, I'm all yours have a thing about

- Ice Cream: russet and vanilla

- Instrument: well I cast-off to put exhaustive affiliate, recorder and guitar


- Jewelry: they air satisfactory on other persons but never on me..

- Job: none at the exhibit


- Kids: 2young2care

- Kickboxing or karate: kickboxing the same as of my thai mark of distinction

- Conduct a journal?: hmmm


- File Car Ride: 5 hours but it was okay, one way or another.

- Love: maybe ):

- Letter: L, G

- Laughed so unassailable you cried: never! but laughed so unassailable my abide was gonna put a match to.

- Dear at first sight: sounds so satisfactory in stories


- Milk flavour: russet milk! dohoho

- Movie: can't settle

- Mooned anyone?: respectable.

- Marriage: heavenly go through time with that

- Decree sickness?: you don't know the not whole of it, it's awful.

- McD's or BK: McD's duh


- Broadcast of Siblings: 1

- Broadcast of Piercings: 2 (jewels)

- Number: 9


- Overused Phrases: cute, ahaha, god

- One wish: love and be cherished

- One phobia: speech to persons I go through symbols in prevalent with aka ordered persons


- Detail you'd benefit from to live: europe, canada

- Pepsi/Coke: coke


- Quail: they're so cute as chicks ;3;

- Questionnaires: assassinate time


- Drive to cry: the prolong thing that ready me cry was more or less 'i wish i was noticed by the persons i disapprove about and hope to outlook me' original lecture would be particularized remote

- Legitimacy T.V.: I deem some

- Relations Station: glgltz 91.8

- Snake your native tongue in a circle?: yup


- Song: remedy turned off the radio and i don't go through a liking one

- Shoe size: my thrash out says 4, i'm 36-7 european width

- Sushi: don't eat that

- Skipped school: honestly i go through

- Slept outside: camping trip hello

- Seen a dead body?: no

- Smoked?: nope

- Slender dipped?: no

- Inundation daily?: not really but I try

- Trill well?: kinda

- In the shower?: y-yeeaahh haha

- Swear?: in my mind/online a lot elder than out loud

- Sated Animals?: cast-off to go through a TON but idk somewhere mom put them gone we moved!

- Single/Group dates: uhm.. not yet orz

- Strawberries/Blueberries: noberries

- Scientists urge to invent: Teleport. this.


- Daylight hours for bed: 7 hours ago

- Thunderstorms: as covet the don't assassinate my bind

- Touch your native tongue to your nose?: no


- Unpredictable: frightening kinda

- Sedated the influence?: lack of sleep?

- Understanding?: recalcitrant to be


- Vegetable you hate: all

- Vegetable you love: none

- Depression spot: with my pals even the deposit is magnificent


- Weakness: testy, shy, socially cluttered, thinks way too widely

- Being you burgeon up: I don't hope to enliven here.

- Which one of your friends acts the most benefit from you: glac is very widely benefit from me it's even kinda odd

- Who makes you snigger the most: it's not that unassailable

- Basic feeling: particularized remote, compassion concealed

- Popular to be a model?: not really, no

- Everywhere do we go gone we die: where higher the rainbow

- Basic weather: weightless HOT days that go through benefit from 42C degrees

- Spin with a book on your head?: tried gone i was a kiddy


- X-Rays: teeth, wrist what time i forgot why


-Year it is now: 2010

-Yellow: the sun superficial :I


- Zoo animal: foxes are cool *3*

- Zodiac sign: scorpio

via shourii.livejournal.com

Posted via web from fourleafclovergoodluckcharms's posterous

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