
2012 Doomsday It Not Just Mayan Claim

WND Exclusive

Remarkable CULTURES Envisage END-TIME Contrive THIS Appointment

"by" Joe Kovacs

An paddock investigating ancient prophecies is once again sounding the nonplus about numerous predictions portentous 2012 may perhaps be the beginning of the "end of the age" informal of in the Deified Bible.

Finishing appointment, WND reported on Tom Horn's hard work to let anyone to know calendars besides the ancient Mayan one perceive the disgrace of possible background in 2012, and he claims a demonic contrive bringing about the end consider it may perhaps be setback in plain setting focus the U.S. Capitol.

He's now permanent his piece to mail the relate to with speeches with a leg on each side of the nation, mode auxiliary viable clues appearing in what apocalyptic prophesies of the Bible potency be extreme with the "Transcribe Potential" of Jesus to rule the chaos of God on Get.

In his different book snobbish "Petrus Romanus: The Supreme Pope Is Near," Horn sheds light on ancient non-biblical prophecies from St. Malachy on the way to the Catholic Cathedral, and provides validation the as a consequence pope, the one staff Benedict XVI, is to be the greatest pontiff to the lead the return of Jesus.

"As the footer goes," says Horn, "Malachy knowledgeable what is today intentional a prominent objective prevalently called 'The Portent of the Popes.' The idea is a list of Latin verses predicting each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope Celestine II to the greatest pope, 'Peter the Roman,' whose control would end in the fall apart of Rome."

Still the idea itself does not speak well of the appointment 2012, Horn says the Vatican's Jesuit mathematician and codebreaker Rene Thibaut wrote 61 time ago it would be extreme in 2012, and he adds organize proceedings at the Vatican "undeniably aim to the in a straight line accomplishment of this idea."

To the same extent translated from Latin to English, the greatest role of the idea reads: "In the extreme annoyance of the Deified Roman Cathedral, acquaint with incentive sit Peter the Roman, who incentive give to eat the run of the mill in copious tribulations; what they are finished, the Urban of Seven Hills incentive be wrecked, and the harmful order incentive order his institute."

Horn besides points to 19th century array snobbish "Lectures on the Astound" by Rev. William J. Reid, high priest of Novel Attached Presbyterian Cathedral in Pittsburgh, Pa., which were specialized surplus a interface of time irrevocable in Summary 1876.

An quote from one of the lectures published in 1878 attempts to fathom the pen pusher start of the papal route, combining every one temporal and spiritual might, and states: "If it began in the appointment 752, and if it is to go on for one thousand two hundred and sixty time, for that reason it is to be wrecked in the appointment 2012."

"Stockpile in central point this was published in 1878!" exclaimed Horn. "Seeing that is it about this interface of time we private entered? Seeing that is it about this interface of time inaugurated in 2012 that has trapped the kindheartedness of so copious different traditions?"

The revelations about the greatest pope come in luxury to Horn's systematic hunt appearing in the Mayan and other calendars in his final book "Apollyon Rebellion 2012."

He says he never actually had an specialism in the Mayan calendar, which comes to a recurring end on Dec. 21, 2012. But for that reason he became restive of numerous immaterial calendars and prophecies spanning copious centuries, all predicting the end of the organize possible age at this year's winter solstice.

"I started considered opinion that it wasn't merely the Maya," Horn told WND, noting prognostications from Jewish mystics, as well as the ancient Chinese, Hindus, Cherokee Indians, and even artwork in the midst of prominent American symbols that all aim to the enormously time bracket.

Apart from not having telescopes, the Mayan institute of Main America were in all honesty due observers of celestial aerobics, with the crown of their background up between A.D. 250 and 900.

"Tom Horn's "Petrus Romanus" and "Apollyon Rebellion 2012' are every one on all sides of in WND's Store."

"The Maya aimed this frontier of the equinox, unsophisticatedly not to end, but to drive surplus, to start surplus," in December 2012, Horn explained.

He says their prophets coupled that consider it "with prophecies of weigh down on Get following which a new form of man appears on Get, besides the return of their dragon god, a in the air serpent who has the power of air."

"The Aztec saw the enormously thing, a in the air serpent, Quetzalcoatl," Horn thought, tallying, "their calendar ends in 2012."

He says the Kali Yuga calendar of the Hindus forecasts worldwide changes approximately 2012, and China's "Stick of Changes," besides overfriendly as the "I-Ching," predicts the end for the enormously appointment.

A timeline arrange bent in 1973 based on China's Stick of Changes, or I-Ching, shows the line pitching completely off the arrange satisfactory on Dec. 21, 2012.

Horn says 39 time ago, what scientists Terrence and Dennis McKenna bent a stock-market-like linear arrange based on the "I-Ching," the timeline momentarily plunged off the arrange appearing in time without end on satisfactory Dec. 21, 2012.

"This considered opinion is all the auxiliary surprising specialized that McKenna's hunt was published in 1973 autonomous of any knowledge of the irrevocable consider it in the Mayan calendar," Horn noted.

Meanwhile, the Zohar, a array of books in the mystical Jewish Kabbalah that foundational debuted in Spain in the 13th century, association about the coming of the Messiah at the enormously comprehensive time the other calendars predict the end.

It predicts in slow 2012, "All the kings of the world incentive form in the famous municipal of Rome, and the Deified One incentive cloudburst on them fire and approval and meteoric stones until they are all wrecked, with the resistance of population who incentive not yet private featuring in acquaint with. These incentive set in motion once again to make other wars. From that time the Mashiach (Messiah) incentive begin to undertake himself, and round him acquaint with incentive be gathered copious nations and copious hosts from the furthermost ends of the Get."

Horn says, "Exclusive the abandonment of Jesus by traditional Jews as Messiah, this coming may perhaps mean the coming of Antichrist in 2012."

What's perhaps most attention-grabbing is Horn's meeting of what may perhaps be the mother of all secretiveness theories, dating back to the Bible's Stick of Start, connecting Noah's famous grandson Nimrod, who not exclusively built the prominent Get up of Babel, but is the "roaring accuser" who scholars conjure became worshipped as the sun god, with names such as Osiris in Egypt and Apollo in Greece.

Horn says from deepest antiquity, a contrive connecting pagan sun-worshippers, America's Setting up Fathers, Masons and Freemasons has evidently been in the works, culminating in the end time with the return or renaissance of an evil, dreamlike animation. That strength may actually be pictured as the all-seeing eye on top of the uncapped pyramid on the Great Airless of the Attached States, found on the back of a 1 safeguard.

Does the image on the back of the 1 safeguard private whatsoever to do with the Transcribe Potential of Jesus?

Others private speculated the eye on top of the pyramid may perhaps be a film of Jesus Christ, being the Bible report, "The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone." (Psalm 118:22 New Worldwide Tab).

The consider it at the debauched of the pyramid is 1776, which is not exclusively the appointment the Order of Difference was signed, but besides the beginning of a new Mayan "katun," a time interface of 19.7 time. If each of the 13 levels of the pyramid on the Great Airless represents one of these time periods, the top level would poster the appointment 2012.

The Latin manifestation "Novus ordo seclorum" is part of the American assurance, and translates to "New order of the ages," which some matter is what copious U.S. presidents, including George Herbert Mountaineer Plant, allude to what they use the manifestation, "New Invention Snitch."

Getting on new contacts to the Attached States restrict the Frieze of American Family background, a highlighted observe at the U.S. Capitol.

In the company of the artwork is "Cortez and Montezuma at Mexican Holy place" by Italian recitalist Constantino Brumidi.

Montezuma is not on gesturing to the sacred fire with a serpent wrapped approximately it. According to the Aztec calendar, the fire is predicted to overact out on Dec. 21, 2012.

It depicts Spanish tourist Hernando Cortez, the champ of Mexico, inside the Aztec temple in 1519. He's welcomed by Ruler Montezuma II, who concern Cortez was a god.

"Montezuma's hand is pointing respectable down at the sacred fire, which, in aim of fact, goes out... Dec. 21, 2012, the end of the calendar," Horn noted.

Likewise featured in the mural is the Aztec calendar stone, and the sun god Tonatiuh, to whom pagan priests had 80,000 institute sacrificed in the appointment of 1487 from outside.

"Thrashing in plain setting is the god who insist that possible sacrifice," thought Horn.

He says poles apart fascinating snippet that may grasp end-time clues is the prominent skill in the Rotunda of the Capitol, snobbish "The Apotheosis of George Washington." The word "apotheosis" way to make holy or pinch to divine importance, and Washington is depicted animation resurrected and becoming divine.

The U.S. Capitol Rotunda realize "The Apotheosis of George Washington," with America's foundational travel becoming puffed up as a god, fine hair with numerous pagan gods.

But Horn report in "Apollyon Rebellion 2012':

Citizens who conjure the Attached States was founded on Christianity and journey the Capitol for the foundational time incentive be shocked by the highly seasoned adjust to sight Christian artwork of the ascension of Jesus Christ compared to the "paradise" George Washington rises appearing in from within the energized Capitol Dome/womb of Isis. It is not chubby by angels, but with devils and pagan deities acknowledged to Masonic belief. These restrict Hermes, Neptune, Venus (Isis), Ceres, Minerva, and Vulcan (Satan), of course, the son of Jupiter and Juno to which possible sacrifices are prepared.Horn says the symbolism in the skill unite with the seriously fixed likeness that select humans are certain by dreamlike services, and their earthly kingdoms are formed and guided by these pagan gods.

Washington was himself a Mason, and, according to the book "The Age of Washington" by George W. Nordham, the travel was proper in Masonic attire as he laid the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol on Sept. 18, 1793.

To the same extent it comes to biblical references to the end, a interior part is that Jesus Christ incentive be returning to Get in what is methodically referred to as the "Transcribe Potential" to rule the chaos of God. Still Scripture does not transport a squeeze out consider it for "the day of the Lord" as it's methodically called, it does register anyone be location at all mature, at the same time as His return would come randomly, wish for "a outlaw in the night," and Jesus Himself warned to "be location, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not back." (Matthew 24:44 New Sovereign James Tab)

The 24th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew realize Jesus answering his apostles' questions about signs of His coming and the end of the organize age, and Jesus provides a laundry list of proceedings including wars and rumors of wars, edgy Christs, famines, pestilences, earthquakes and famous trouble, with copious believers animation slain.

Jesus noted, "And this gospel of the chaos shall be preached in all the world for a passerby unto all nations; and for that reason shall the end come." (Matthew 24:14 Sovereign James Tab)

He besides said: "The day is coming what you incentive see what Daniel the soothsayer josh about - the flippant want that causes desecration standing in the Deified Park." (Reader, pay attention!) "Next population in Judea want perish to the hills." (Matthew 24:15-16 New Go Translation)

This mention to the "Deified Park" has copious believing that a new temple of God incentive private to be constructed in Jerusalem to the lead Jesus' return.

Accurate Christians, such as Noel Hornor of the Fresh-faced News Publication, weigh up the 2012 prognostications are the experience of absent worries and craving on pagan systems reasonably than the Bible itself.

Hornor writes: "Yes, Dec. 21, 2012, incentive come and go, Dec. 22 incentive nation, and the Get incentive go on. And so incentive new theories a propos new individual dates for the end of the world. The cry has been shouted by penetrating voices for millennia, and you can be convinced it incentive go on."

As for Tom Horn, he says he never chairs any pagan idea ahead of the Bible, but merely wonders why so copious a range of and immaterial civilizations entry about the end of days in December 2012.

"I would not say that I'm yet clear-cut that 2012 incentive be whatsoever auxiliary than the as a consequence Y2K," he thought, referring to the absent alarm about the world coming to an end what 1999 turned appearing in 2000.

"It's very easy to tolerate extraordinary go by to interpret in Bible idea, and for that reason it doesn't spread. State were masses of reasons to conjure Hitler was the Antichrist. He wasn't. He was "AN" antichrist, but not "THE" Antichrist."

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