
My First Blog Post Introducing Myself And Mara Lionza Religion
My real thing post on The Pagan Withhold donate be a churlish introduction on in my opinion and my religion. My name is Carolina Gonzalez, I subsist in Tenerife (Canary Islands, northwest coast of Africa) and I am a professional Wish Administer, and a missionary of Mar'ia Lionza's religion. In the picture addition, you can see my own statue of the Tres Potencias, the note and upper limit unfortunate Confidence of the religion. I repainted this statue for my own altar.

This religion, which is an eclectic mixture of animism, folk magic and Spiritism, has its start in Venezuela, a catch that I am attached to by the genuine love, and by household ties, as near are concerning five centuries of flight and migration surrounded by Venezuela (and all the Caribbean countries) and the Canary Islands.

This religion is inherent straight the melting of three answer elements:

- Venezuela's regional animism: the knowledge of the Indians of the constituency about the use of fauna and plants for curing and magical uses, and the Shamanic practises are dull in the same way as recycled and conserved today.

- The cultural heritage of African slaves; don't bewilder this with the cart of Santer'ia and other Afro-Latin traditions, something that has happened mostly in the current 50-70 being. The slaves taken to Venezuela were not of Yoruba origin perfectly, but of assorted countries and depressed diverse centuries.

- Victorian Catholic Spiritism, all in all represented in the morality of Allan Kardec and other writers of the time. Mediumship, one of Kardec's stuck-up interests, is a practise that requisite be recognized sharply to understand Mar'ia Lionza's cult.

As the cult has shy maturing in the afar century, the cart of Santeria, Umbanda, Kimbanda, Candombl'e, Palo Mayombe, the Santa Muerte cult, and other Afro-Latin traditions, as well as the cart of Occultism and New Age exercises sustain been incorporated to assorted aspects of the religion.

Mar'ia Lionza associates group in communities called Portals, as we desire our sacred sitting room are portals surrounded by our world and the world of Confidence. Gulp down with my other half Fernando Abisaab, I founded the Camino De Yara Deck, an offline + online terrace that offers Ethereal Army, handmade supplies for the practise of Afro-Latin Air of secrecy, and of course free information about Mar'ia Lionza's religion and about our wildharvested North African herbs. Similarly, our Guanche heritage (the Guanches are the aboriginal relatives of Tenerife) and the Canarian tradition of Santiguado, a Curanderismo tradition, are too desperately unfortunate for us.

If you command to know higher about us and our work, we cozy up to all The Pagan Veil's members to haunt our website, and of course I donate be very arrange to significant any questions you may have!

Camino De Yara

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