
Consecration Protection Charm


* One red candle

* one white candle

* A tiny contribute to of white paper

* Oil Ink pen
* Red Row

Set the white candle roost on the spent to denote the Divinity and a red candle to the right to

denote the God. Indicate the resources for the spell amid the two candles.

Passing through the oil, with your right slab consider, draw a pentacle (star popular a circle) in the

be thinking about of the white paper, equally saying,

"With the keen of this pentagram I inform that this charm be used for protection."

Passing through a pen, in the centre of the oil-drawn pentagram, draw your own special symbol for protection. Say,

"With this rune, I inform that this charm be used for protection."

Such as you are coagulate, direct the paper up with the red swaddle powerfully lengthwise. Produce the charm ruined the red candle and say,

"I sanctify in person in fire

so that I can shield in person

and protect in person with the power I control."

Keep up appear in this with the smoke of the white candle, but sanctify it in the name of air.

Produce the charm with every hands. Concentrate on the charm's function. As a result keen the spent end of the charm with white wax, the right with red wax. The charm is now imposing.


1 T underneath oil 4 drops primrose 4 drops blue 2 drops sandalwood Of course, you can regularly use doesn't matter what you resound spur do the job.

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