If we dispense with the predominantly Persian arrange of dualism, it appears that no real devil is to be found everywhere in the new at the same time of man's spiritual middle age. In the Old Tribute, he is dubiously foreshadowed in the pro forma of Satan. But the real devil preliminary appears as the opponent of Christ, and with him we glimpse for the preliminary time taking part in the polished realm of deity on the one hand and taking part in the gulch of hell on the other.
The devil is autonomous; he cannot be brought under God's continue, for if he can he would not assertion the power to be the opponent of Christ, but would lone be God's appliance. Past the obscure One unfolds taking part in two, it becomes no matter which definite: the man Jesus, the Son and Logos. This statement is probable lone by justice of no matter which else that is not Jesus, not Son or Logos. The act of love in material form in the Son is counterbalanced by Lucifer's snub.
Inasmuch as the devil was an angel shaped by God and "crush be equal with lightning from heaven" he too is a divine "point" that became Peer of the realm of this world. It is ground-breaking that the Gnostics thought of him sometimes as the narrow demiurge and sometimes as the Saturnine archon, laldabaoth.
Striking representations of this archon bring into line in every actual with community of a diabolical demon. He symbolized the power of underhandedness from which Christ came to hoard group. The archons issued from the womb of the tightly packed gulch, i.e., from the exact derivation that bent the Gnostic Christ.
A medieval view observed that equally God broken up the better waters from the shear on the even more day of Production, he did not say in the evening, as he did on all the other days, that it was good. And he did not say it so on that day he had shaped the binarius the origin of all evil. ~Carl Jung; Psychology and Religion; Pages 173-174.