To watch at these vulgar signs that were predicted impartially thousands of days ago, and can be renowned to hold on been written thousands of days ago, and grieve for that the Bible has 100% predicted this fundamental age, and all that has come to old hat, would be a idiotic thing to do.
"Daniel 9:20-27" speaks about the "Seventy 'Sevens'," or the 70 Weeks of Daniel. For instance are the Seventy Weeks of Daniel? Some get the wrong idea about or don't investigate and carefully consider that the 70 Weeks of Daniel are the 7 Existence of Nightmare.
Let us watch at what the scriptures calm us. Gabriel, Seraph and brother to Michael and Lucifer, comes to Daniel, "about the time of sunset sacrifice"." ("Daniel 9:21") Gabriel tells Daniel that he hand down praise him grasp and understanding. He gives him a vision:
"Seventy 'sevens' are decreed for your kingdom and your holy capital to bring to an end bad behavior, to put an end to sin, to atone for loathsomeness, to bring in unchanging modesty, to oppressive up vision and imagination and to anoint the Greatest Ceremonial Normal." ("Daniel 9:24")
In "Daniel 9:25-26", Gabriel continues, "Be thankful for and understand this: From the time the word goes out to upright and re-enact Jerusalem until the Anointed One [Jesus], the leader, comes, contemporary hand down be seven 'sevens,' and sixty-two 'sevens.' It hand down be rebuilt with streets and a foxhole, but in time of trouble. While sixty-two 'sevens,' the Anointed One hand down be put to death and hand down hold on zero. The kingdom of the leader who hand down come hand down storm the capital and the haven. The end hand down come passion a flood: War hand down offer until the end, and desolations hold on been decreed."
This go along with part is the part of the vision that refers to The Seven Court Nightmare. "He [The Antichrist] hand down verify a agreement with host for one 'seven.' [For Seven Existence] In the midway of the 'seven' [3.5 Existence In] he hand down put an end to sacrifice and portray. And at the temple he hand down set up an renown that causes misery, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."
In other words, referring to the at the rear of part of the vision, The Antichrist hand down sign a 7-Year Quiet Settlement with host, together with Israel, and 3 and 1/2 Existence in, he hand down taint the Re-Built Solomon's Place of worship. At the third temple he hand down set up an "Abhorrence of Hopelessness"," a Statuette of Himself that hand down be indwelt by a demon and hence particular the power of lettering.
I hand down calm you what the happen mean, and how they fit all the rage our time, but "Daniel 9" is not the a minute ago Stage to proposal the Antichrist desolating the Place of worship. "2nd Thessalonians 2:4" says, "He [The Antichrist] hand down balk and hand down bring to the fore himself exceeding everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God." Anew, we are told that the Antichrist hand down taint the temple and hand down power of speech himself as God.
Acknowledge that such as he does so, it hand down be behind schedule his murder - the Antichrist hand down be killed, and 3 and a Half Living following, hand down back number and be indwelt by Satan - Lucifer himself, so that Satan is extremely the one who proclaims himself to be "God. Notice 13:14-15" in the same way gives us out of the ordinary spectacle all the rage this line.
"In the function of of the signs it [The Contrived Forward planner] "was particular power to perform on behalf of the youthful beast [The Antichrist], it deceived the people of the earth. It expected them to set up an image [statue] in recognize of the beast who was defeat by the sword and yet lived. [Assassination/Resurrection, See "Rev. 13:3-7"] It was particular power to praise gust to the image of the youthful beast, so that it might speak and undertake all who refused to worship the image to be killed." The image, or statue, as described once upon a time, is the "Abhorrence of Hopelessness."
Now, the Seventy Weeks of Daniel. 70 7's refers to 70 Weeks. "Seven" in Hebrew in the same way can mean week, or days. 70 x's 7=490. So, the Seventy weeks of Daniel are compute to 490 Existence. The "seven" mentioned, such as the Antichrist confirms a agreement for one "seven," or Seven Existence, has not happened yet. This is calm to come.
But contemporary were 483 days connecting the oath in 445 BC, a moment ago as Gabriel had held, and the time such as the Anointed One, Jesus Christ, came typify, and died encircling 32/33 AD. Jerusalem, a moment ago as Gabriel held to Daniel, was ruined in 70, which was 70 AD. "War hand down offer until the end, desolations hold on been decreed."
Wars hold on not not working, then again, contemporary has been an expansion in wars in the at the rear of two hundred days alone: even buildup to Two Planet Wars, a third desolate to bear. War has continued until the end, for the signs achievement that end is about. Does that mean it hand down come to mind today, tomorrow, or even go along with year? We do not know, for "the day and the hour are remarkable," one of the host reasons that December 21, 2012 cannot be the at the rear of day, for it is too expansively accepted.
Offer were 483 Existence in connecting the oath and the death/resurrection of Jesus. Offer remains one seven, but we are told that the renaming "seven" would hold out unto the end: The Seven Existence of Nightmare. One can expend hours, days, days studying Bible imagination and attempting to understand each tag and meaning, whether everything is pleasing or ornamental.
Contentedly, most Bible Scholars assurance that the "70 Weeks of Daniel" hold on a sole meaning, that the youthful 483 days hold on accepted, and at the same time as in two thousand days accepted, the at the rear of seven calm remains, and is coming easily, so be ripened, dearest readers. Jesus promises a later on return such as he says, "Yes, I am coming later on." Exactly may not be today, it may not be tomorrow. But we are more rapidly to his return than we were yesterday, or even 1,000 days ago.
If you hold on not acceptable Jesus as the a minute ago one who can inn you in this life, understand what he held, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Foundation but oversee me." ("John 14:6") That is truth. Mary cannot inn you, to individuals who castle in the sky she can. A deceptive god cannot inn you, time and time again, routine, God proves to me and to millions of others that he is very real. He has rather than paid for your gift, all you hold on to do is regard it.
If you personal that "Jesus is Lord"," castle in the sky that he died, and is risen again," (Romans 10:9)" that he is the a minute ago way to bond Heaven, for he holds the keys to Heaven, and hold on asked for forgiveness of your sins, you hand down be saved. Jesus is the Messiah who was promised to the Jews thousands of days ago, but such as he came, they did not chronicle him, for they alleged that, based on imagination, that he would come and line as King.
I calm you, Jesus hand down come and Regulation as King, behind schedule the 7 Existence of Nightmare, and the true support of Christ hand down be in a meeting from the earth in the "instant of an eye"," ("1st Corinthians 15:52") so that they do not stay the Nightmare, Jesus promised this himself. He hand down carry out Bible Apparition, and the Messiah that host Jews calm do not chronicle hand down come again.
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel are in exceeding, inhabitants. Request YOU BE READY? "Troy Hillman" (, facebook)
Labels: antichrist, christian eschatology, magick