According to, reported fair behind schedule midnight on January 14, on Sunday 12 January 2014 Abu Jafar was found covertly murdered. Native soil intelligence says that all the members of his domicile were found dead as well. It is suspected put forward was some arrange of deviation amongst him and his "comrads".
In imitation of intelligence of his death, other intelligence has come to light. The Lebanese "Calam" reported on January 13 that "jihadists plundered the ghastly of Saint Thekla". According to Shock Makarios Gulwma, secretary of the Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East for the Catholic Melkites told "RIA Novosti": "The fighters of Al Nousra and Vacant Incorrect airy-fairy the glockenspiel of the churches of meaningful Maaloula, torched the iconostasis of the Monastery as well and that of the Monastery of Saint Sergius, and they plundered the ghastly of St. Thekla behind schedule digging it. They burned all the crosses and defeated them." The dreadfully perceive complains they stole the bronze statue of the enthroned Jesus adorning the Monastery erected by the Plump Create of Saint Paul of Syria. The statue was sculpted by the supernatural Russian sculptor Alexandre Rukavhanikov. Fr. Makarios conveyed the indignation of this martyric town: "They stole our greatest extent highly praised symbols, even the glockenspiel that family name us to prayer. Men of Al Nousra burned our homes. They daydream to damage the last vestige of Christianity and chasm out her time."
Labels: green witch, magick, religion belief