Venus was earliest the Italian goddess of abundant powdered, the presiding spirit of the vegetable garden. She was a rustic garden goddess with a significantly fed up cult until the Romans recognized her with the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to Roman footer, the Romans were lineage of Trojan refugees, the last survivors who escapee the agonizing municipal and fled to Italy, where on earth they founded the municipal of Rome. These Trojans were led by Aeneas, whose survival was ensured by his mother, Greek goddess Aphrodite.
Julius Caesar traces his degeneration to one of Aeneas' sons, Aphrodite's grandson. He wished to honor his divine ancestress, but Aphrodite was a bit too astonishing for Roman love and too joined with the sea and lascivious wake. A homegrown Aphrodite was sought and found in the pleasant, abundant, vegetable goddess Venus. Julius Caesar hot a famous temple to Venus Genetrix in the Roman Congress.
In coda to assuming Aphrodite's traditional attributes and functions, Venus evolved here an family goddess of the Roman private, intimates who descended from Aeneas. Venus and mars, forebear of Romulus, founder of Rome, serve as the guardians of Rome.
From: Register of Confidence
Labels: greek mythology, magick, mother goddesses