The photo trimming was sent to me trickle week by Julian Jordan, who does the PR for the annual Pendle Pub Footstep, following I asked him for a rub tolerate about the occurrence and about a Pendle-brewed beer most recently named Witch Way Now in a match.
He sent me a picture of Bernie the match attain holding a pint of
Moorhouses and with a Witch Way Now? needle clip and said: "Furthermore, as I'm well susceptible headed for my pagan friends, I've sponge off of a pic of Pendle Augmentation industrious by my Dad at home the winter."
I take pleasure in somebody who is well susceptible towards pagans - and I as well reflect the photo is dedicated so I am using it for my Pagan Eye post this week.
On each of my Pagan Eye posts, I rub a photo that I find glamorous, with a few words about it.
If you decide on to send me a photo for a Pagan Eye post, assure email it to Let me know what the photo shows and whether you decide on your name mentioned or not. For copyright reasons, the photo obligation be one you connect industrious yourself and you obligation secure that you are submitting it for A Bad Witch's Blog.
The Pendle Pub Footstep is spoils place this weekend on 6 June. For senior take notes visit:
Labels: local government in england, magick, pendle
Labels: boraginaceae, magick, medicinal plants
7 Saying with a loud voice, FEAR GOD, and give glory to him; FOR THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT IS COME: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
SOON THE WORLD WILL PUSH TO BREAK ALL OF GODS LAW BY FOLLOWING THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH HAS CHANGE CHANGE THE ORDINANCES AND TAMPERED WITH GODS LAWS).THE 7TH DAY SABBATH HAVE BEEN CHANGE TO THE 1 ST DAY SUNDAY. Come out of Babylon the bible says.Babylon comes from Babel the tower which means confusion. This is what God did.He Confuse the language when men built a tower and a city in celebration of self and man's power.
Turn to God and live. For the hour of Judgement is come.
Labels: magick, religion belief, thealogy
Por: Mavesper Ceridwen
'E sempre interessante ver o embasamento dessa opc~ao de celebrac~ao da Roda pelo Sul ou pelo Norte, e a paix~ao com que cada um de n'os defende seus argumentos. Tamb'em 'e interessante ver que nunca entre n'os, ou entre eu e o Claudiney Prieto, por exemplo, que tamb'em celebra pelo Sul, houve desrespeito `a opc~ao de um ou de outro.
Todos n'os sabemos que celebrar a Roda pelo Sul ou pelo Norte, ou ainda a terceira opc~ao que 'e seguida por muita gente de inverter os pequenos sabbats e manter as datas do norte para os grandes, funcionam da mesma maneira.
Tecerei algumas considerac~oes de algu'em que celebra pelo Norte por opc~ao e j'a tendo experimentado a Roda pelo Sul, sem consider'a-la adequada.
Tanto Samhain como Beltane s~ao tempos em que o v'eu entre os mundos est~ao finos, ou seja, s~ao noites especial'issimas em que os diversos mundos se entrelacam. E por que isso ocorre? Chamo esses dois sabbats de Sabbats dos Portais. Cada vez que aprofundo minhas observac~oes sobre a Roda do Ano me convenco que a Roda 'e a Respirac~ao da Deusa, o modo como seu corpo, que 'e tudo o que existe, se comporta com o decorrer dos cicios.
Bem, se o Corpo da Deusa 'e tudo o que existe no Universo, me pergunto o que seria a Roda do Ano em outro planeta... Concordam comigo que a Roda continuaria existindo? N~ao existe lugar do Universo onde os cicios do corpo da Senhora n~ao se facam sentir... E dai? Ser'a que em Plut~ao ou em Alpha-Centaury 'e Beltane ou Samhain?
Essa simples reflex~ao me leva a encarar toda a pol^emica poss'ivel de existir - e como `as vezes ela 'e apaixonada! - de uma maneira mais humilde.
O que 'e a Roda? O que s~ao os mitos ligados a ela?
S~ao simplesmente a interpretac~ao simb'olica dos ciclos, tudo ligado `a natureza de um dado on your doorstep e o dia a dia de quem planta, colhe e cria animais, mas temos que lembrar que isso s'o faz sentido em uma cultura espec'ifica. Um dia um povo inventou essa correspond^encia entre o mito da Roda e a natureza que o cercava e as atividades agr'icolas e pastoris que tinha, al'em dos acontecimentos da sociedade humana.
A mitologia da Deusa e seu Filho que se amam no Beltane e a morte Dele no Samhain tem sentido para a natureza do hemisf'erio norte, apenas. Ela n~ao espelha de modo algum a realidade tel'urica do hemisf'erio Sul.
No hemisf'erio Sul se algu'em fosse contar uma historinha ligada aos ciclos da natureza deveria encaixar a mitologia da Deusa e do Deus em um compasso natural muito diferente... O Sol nunca morre e vai para o pa'is dos mortos, n~ao h'a uma s'o colheita, h'a 3... Sabem, j'a tentei adaptar a mitologia para c'a e depois de muito queimar as pestanas acho que os ciclos daqui n~ao s~ao ciclos do Sol... o que morre e desaparece 'e a 'agua e ela 'e quem comanda... Ter'iamos, pois, aqui uma Roda em que a Deusa (porque a 'agua 'e feminina) morre e o Filho permanece? Uau! Que subvers~ao de conceitos, n~ao acham? Mas squirt a contradic~ao: a Terra permanece (e 'e feminina tamb'em), embora o ciclo das 'aguas mude... Ser'a ent~ao que aqui ao inv'es do Filho ser o Sol e o gr~ao ele n~ao deveria ser uma Filha das 'Aguas e a hist'oria de seu nascimento, auge e morte orquestrar os ciclos da natureza?
Bem, como vcs percebem, j'a pensei muito nessas hist'orias.
Mas apesar de tudo isso, me pergunto: e depois de estabelecer uma nova mitologia que considerasse 3 plantios e 3 colheitas e um sol permanente e uma terra abencoada que poderia ser chamada pelos antigos celtas de Pa'is Onde Sempre 'e Ver~ao, eu me pergunto:
Precisamos de tudo isso?
'E primavera, ver~ao ou outono em J'upiter?:)
Ent~ao me pego pensando que os sabbats s~ao mais que as energias tel'uricas. Tel'urico quer dizer "da Terra". Os sabbats TAMB`EM espelham as energias tel'uricas, mas n~ao s'o... Eles celebram algo que 'e maior que o planeta Terra, eles celebram eventos UNIVERSAIS, porque o corpo da Deusa 'e o universo todo.
O que vem confirmar isso para mim 'e a astrologia. N~ao h'a um zod'iaco para o hemisf'erio norte e outro para o hemisf'erio sul. Para quem n~ao est'a familiarizado com este argumento, entenda que os signos refletem os ciclos da natureza do hemisf'erio norte, mas s~ao aplic'aveis ao planeta todo... Um ariano 'e definido como iniciador, impulsivo, etc porque traz em si a energia de marco no hemisf'erio norte, a entrada da primavera... E n~ao me digam que quem nasceu na primavera no hemisf'erio sul 'e por isso ariano! Se nasceu na entrada da primavera do hemisf'erio sul, em setembro, ele 'e libriano, tenha nascido onde for, a energia b'asica de sua vida 'e a mesma energia do Mabon do Norte, aquele que traz o congracamento, a harmonia de pessoas, a ac~ao de gracas.
E o que nos diz o pace astrol'ogico, este sim, universalmente aplic'avel ( pelo menos em tese)? Em fins de outubro estamos entrando nas energias do signo de Escorpi~ao. E do que trata este signo? Morte. Sim, 'e Samhain, sem sombra de d'uvida. E ser'a Samha'in em todo o planeta e no universo todo, porque o Corpo da Deusa n~ao e' esquizofr^enico, n~ao se comporta diferentemente em termos de energia porque a girth mudou. Podem mudar as formas como o clima, a atmosfera, refletem o que ocorre localmente, mas a energia permanece, por isso e' sentida por todos, n~ao importando onde geograficamente estejam.
Como n'os que celebramos pelo norte entendemos, a diferenca 'e que Samhain neste hemisf'erio tem um clima e um comportamento da natureza diferente do que h'a no norte, mas continua sendo Samhain, o pace dos mortos...
E vejamos o que vai acontecer no Brasil, usando 31 de outubro como exemplo.
As pessoas v~ao aos cemit'erios aos milh~oes visitar seus mortos queridos. Isso 'e Samhain e n~ao existe ningu'em que fique imune a essa energia. E n~ao me digam que isso 'e uma festa crist~a, mesmo quem n~ao 'e crist~ao e nunca ouviu falar em Jesus vai lembrar seus mortos...
Quando se fala na comemorac~ao pelo norte s'o se diz que somos desconectados da natureza daqui, n~ao somos tel'uricos, s'o nos preocupamos com a egr'egora, etc... Sem precisar mencionar o que significa em termos de energia uma egr'egora de 50 mil anos, afirmo que o que me espanta 'e que quem diz que n~ao somos tel'uricos na verdade est'a, nesse racioc'inio, retirando as pessoas da natureza. Veja - moramos em um pa'is chamado Brasil onde na semana de 31 de outubro, independentemente de que religi~ao se segue, mais de 100 milh~oes de pessoas vivas aqui e agora lembrar~ao, chorar~ao e honrar~ao seus mortos queridos... `E poss'ivel ignorar isso e achar que mais importante 'e o fato de ser primavera?
Algu'em entre os dias 31/10 e 1o e 2 /11 estar'a mesmo a fim de ritual s'o com festa, danca e risos? Mesmo que seja primavera? Eu nem concebo que seja pace de festejar o Grande Casamento e trancar o mastro... 'e pace em que as mac~as tem sabor de despedida e de saudade, e' pace em que a natureza est'a de luto, as pessoas tamb'em, mas a certeza do renascimento faz com que o Ano Novo seja uma bela esperanca.
Apesar da argumentac~ao toda, obviamente, total respeito `as opini~oes de todos os que celebram Beltane em outubro.
OBS: as celebrac~oes pelas datas do norte n~ao s~ao nada crist~as simplesmente porque NENHUMA dessas datas tem qualquer significado real no cristianismo. Sempre que vc pensar em Pascoa/Ostara, Litha/Festas Juninas. Imbolc/Candel'aria, Yule/Natal, Samhan/Dia dos Mortos vc estar'a falando de festas que tem todo seu conte'udo completamente independente de s'imbolos crist~aos. O cristianismo s'o pegou carona nas festas que os pag~aos europeus celebravam desde o comeco da agricultura, ou seja, de 80 a 50 mil anos atras..Ent~ao 'e preciso entender, por exemplo, porque em fim de outubro ou nos primeiros dias de novembro se celebravam os mortos. Era porque era a 'epoca em que nossos ancestrais pag~aos estava, matando o excedente do rebanho, especialmente as vacas e ovelhas. Nessa 'epoca do ano ainda havia bastante comida, mas o inverno j'a se anunciava. Cada pessoa tinha que decidir manter vivos apenas alguns poucos casais de cada animal para reproduzirem na primavera, uma vez que os que ficassem vivos acabariam competindo com as pessoas pelo estoque de gr~aos para atravessarem vivos o inverno. Era uma quest~ao de vida ou morte decidir quantos animais manter e quantos matar. Hava ent~ao dezenas ou centenas de ovelhas para matar nesses dias. Infer vc fazendo isso numa pequena fazenda e todos os seus vizinhos ao redor fazendo o mesmo. Claro 'e que os gritos de medo dos animais presentindo a morte tornavam a energia prop'icia a cada pessoa pensar na propria morte e nos amigos e parentes que ja haviam morrido. Isso 'e que fez com que Samhain fosse celebrado em 31 de outubro, e isso gerou a festa do dia dos mortos, c'opia do Samhain, em 2 de novembro. Como vc pode ver n~ao h'a nada relativo a Jesus nenhum nessa hist'oria. 'E por isso que discordo do que vc disse. Na verdade n~ao existe nenhuma festividade puramente crist~a, existem as c'opias e resignificac~oes que o cristianismo fez das festividades originariamente pag~as.
Roda do ano: opc~oes de celebrac~ao - Uma pol^emica brasileira
Motivos para comemorar pelo Hemisf'erio Sul-
- Se seguem as estac~oes do ano, o estado da natureza
- - 'E o correto porque o decorrer das estac~oes 'e a respirac~ao da Deusa e s'o o que est'a havendo com as energias tel'uricas faz com que @ bruxa@ possa realizar rituais seguindo a proposta primeira da wicca, que 'e a refigac~ao com a natureza.
Vantagens de comemorar pelo Sul:
-a celebrac~ao dos equin'ocios e soist'icios n~ao gera conflitos com o que est'a havendo na natureza;
- se forma uma egreg'ora pr'opria da wicca no hemisf'erio sul, totalmente desvinculada das comemorac~oes crist~as.
Desvantagens de comemorar pelo Sul
- Se enfrenta a forca da egr'egora family, de 50.000 anos ( antigas celebrac~oes de plantio/colheita e criac~ao de gado), especialmente nas datas dos grandes sabbats ( Samha'in, Beltane, Imbolc e Lammas)
Motivos para comemorar pelo hemisf'erio norte:
- Celebra-se a egr'egora ancestral;
- -A Roda do Ano, como comprova sua correspond^encia astrol'ogica, n~ao se refere a um ou outro hemisf'erio, mas 'e universal;
- - Se comemora o que o povo brasileiro est'a fazendo na mesma 'epoca ( se come ovo de Ostara em Marco, se faz 'arvore de Yule em Dezembro) e n~ao h'a desconex~ao com a realidade que nos cerca; - mesmo a comemorac~ao pelas datas do hemisf'erio sul n~ao retrata a realidade da natureza no Brasil. A Roda foi composta para uma natureza onde h'a um s'o plantio e uma s'o colheita, o que jamais ocorre em nosso pa'is onde h'a 3 grandes colheitas ao ano-Al'em disso, no inverno n~ao h'a a morte total da natureza, o sol n~ao desaparece, como na Europa, onde se originou a mitologia da Roda.
Vantagens de comemorar pelo Norte:
- Se segue o que a wicca est'a fazendo na maior parte do mundo, h'a uni~ao de energias em uma s'o direc~ao;
- Se 'e apoiado pela forca de uma egr'egora family de cerca de 50.000 anos;
- -Se segue a realidade convivial brasileira ( as festividades - pascoa, natal, etc, n~ao s~ao exclusivamente crist~as, s~ao do povo brasileiro como um todo) - Muitas vezes se encontra coincid^encia com a agricultura do Brasil ( por exemplo, a grande colheita de milho se faz na 'epoca de Litha - festas juninas, coerente com a Roda origin'aria).
Desvantagens de comemorar pelo norte:
- Celebrar solst'icios e equin'ocios em datas invertidas - ver~ao no inverno e vice versa, primavera no outono e vice-versa.
Motivos para comemorar sabbats menores pelo sul e maiores pelo norte: Respeitar tanto a egr'egora family quanto a conex~ao com a natureza do Brasil
- N~ao se enfrenta a energia da egr'egora milenar, como fazendo a roda pelo sul, nem se comemoram as estac~oes invertidas.
- A celebrac~ao da Roda passa a ser salteada ( por exemplo, Imboic 'e em fevereiro, mas em marco se comemora Mabon), o que faz com que nao haja continuidade da hist'oria da Deusa e do Deus, a Roda deixa de ter um car'ater about, cont'inuo.
Peco perd~ao aos adeptos da comemorac~ao pelo Sul ou a Mista se esqueci algum argumento. Pessoalmente jamais ouvi nenhum outro argumento dos que celebram pelo Sul do que a coer^encia com a passagem das estac~oes - e diga-se de passagem que 'e um argumento quase irrespond'ivel. Bem, QUASE.
Enfim, sem gerar pol^emicas, espero que este texto seja sido 'util para sua reflex~ao e escolha. Nada substitui a experi^encia pessoal. Eu mesma j'a comemorei pelo Sul e n~ao gostei, e conheco muita gente que n~ao gosta de comemorar pelo norte, bem como conheco quem h'a muitos anos faca a opc~ao pelo sistema misto. No fim das contas j'a vi muita gente tentar mudar para este ou aquele modo de comemorar e s'o acho que importam duas coisas-. a realidade da vida de cada Brux@ demonstra que essa escolha nos conecta com os deuses de qualquer maneira, bem como com a natureza, ou seja, qualquer das 3 maneiras funciona. E escolher uma delas 'e uma quest~ao, como bem disse anos atr'as um amigo meu, de vc saber por qual Roda seu corac~ao bate. O meu 'e nortista, e mesmo que o comodismo muitas vezes me apontasse o sul, somente para parar de discutir, ele me waver de negar o que sinto.
Labels: magic spells for money, magick, spellcaster
Feature credits:
Recoil color photo by Tracy Rasmussen
Black white by Arunas Kulikauskas
SZ: HOW DID YOU Crown Go TO ZEN PRACTICE? In the same way as WAS Episode AT THE TIME?
JR: I grew up in a crazy-making mess, and by the time I departed graduate school I was exquisite wacky and at become old suicidal. In confusion I started practicing contentment return meditation (from a New York Time Journal give details) and also found an humbling gestalt consultant. At what time a connect of years of medication I was deskbound one day in her department and meant "I don't plague to be this way, do I." She meant "No, you don't" and in that flash all my foolishness justified lifted, in front of formerly a gale disappears, sucked up appearing in the gas. Fwoom, gone, finished, justified in front of that.
It was after that that I visited the Cambridge Zen Center - in advance that I was way too wacky to dowel sphere-shaped with any group of tribe. How I dull up at CZC turned out to be a serendipitous keep under surveillance. I lived in central Cambridge and evenly walked by a subtle villa on a considerately groomed alight that was some prepare of Zen interior (I wise person many years next that it was Maureen Freedgood's place). On October 6, 1976, Yom Kippur, I couldn't do my establish hike-in-the-mountains-while-fasting fulfillment for instance of highly-flavored everyday jobs, so I determined that going to a Zen interior was a proper fulfillment. I looked up Cambridge Zen Center in the cellular phone book and discovered it was in Allston. Passable, I alleged, I presumption it stirred. So more readily of walking appearing in Maureen Freedgood's Japanese practice, I walked appearing in Zen Master Seung Sahn's Korean practice. In order to check Yom Kippur. Go evaluate.
I knocked on the insolence about 10 proceedings in advance practice and Engrave and Dyan Houghton were chasing each other sphere-shaped squirting each other with flowering shrub spritzers (they promise this never happened) and Peter Harrington and Paul Rosenbloom were washing porcelain in the kitchen. Paul asked if I had a meditation practice and I meant "as well as my breaths." Peter whirled sphere-shaped and meant "how many plague you counted?" I knew at that flash that I'd come to the proper place. A long time ago I heard the sunset sound chant, I knew that I'd come home.
I summit saw Zen Master Seung Sahn about a month next. He gave a dharma tell off and meant junk in front of "Is this a cup or is it not a cup?" and then drank from the cup and my protection was earsplitting in fury "he's not answering the question!" and by the end of his tell off I was hit really undisciplined with the fact that dynamism I knew was depletion worldly wise, that I didn't know a damn thing, that all my legerdemain and all the rewards for my legerdemain were sincerely failure. I was so freaked out and aimless that I couldn't even transform home. I called my friend Lucy and asked her to want me up. She came and walked me sphere-shaped the deception a few become old being I slashed my arms feathers the air saying "I don't know no matter what" director and director another time. A long time ago I'd calmed down she took me out for a corned animal protein sandwich, then took me back to my car, and I managed to get home.
I was still exquisite inconstant in my protection and a few days next I asked my Admission to Zen university at the CZC (who happened to be Jonny Kabat-Zinn, this was clear years in advance he came up with Mindfulness Based Call attention to Dimple) what to do and he meant to read Dogen. So I got a book of Dogen out of the library and read some pages and didn't understand a word but one way or another that calmed me down. Four months next I took 5 precepts. Less than than a blind date after that I was in Lawrence wherever a meditation group was starting (my consort jokes that he advertised for a Zen companion and I showed up). 9 months next Zen Master Seung Sahn performed our wedding at the Eldridge Cabin and the opportunity of our little meditation group was exquisite far-off sealed.
JR: I'm not longed-for with "purpose." If you plague a purpose then you've put on blinders and can't see no matter what except what you're looking for. So let's not go hand over.
If you practice you find out why you practice. If you practice and then berth practicing, then you really find out.
At what time I'd been practicing about 15 years, formerly my son was 12 years old - too old to plague a babysitter being my consort and I ran off to the Zen interior, but too new to walk out on bewildered so far-off - I determined to berth going to the Zen interior for a being. Before too crave I'd bunged practicing at home. No real colloquy, I justified bunged. I bunged for about two years. Later one day I justified started another time.
I don't recommend this, but I'm cheery it happened. It makes me a lot less fault-finding about tribe who don't practice. I still don't understand what the not practicing was about. I roughly fix in practice - even formerly I wasn't practicing I roughly thought in it. In the same way as does it do? I really don't know. Hindrance that everything shifts formerly you practice. It justified shifts. Need formerly you're at the eye doctor and they move about the lens and junk come appearing in medium. Need that.
Not justified about perceptual eagerness, despite the fact that. It's what what Zen Master Seung Sahn wrote formerly See Hoy Liau (next to become the holy man and Zen master Su Bong Sunim) wrote him a area asking what the fast way to Zen was - that's prepare of the precise as your responsibility. Seung Sahn said: not for me. That's a very key point. Nonentity owns their life. Why do you eat every day? Why do you get out of bed? For whom do you be present your life? This is, not the purpose, but the point of Zen practice. That's the means that practice is pointing to, in front of formerly you get on I-70 in Lawrence KS and the arrows point: Topeka this way, Kansas Settlement that way.
SZ: In the same way as DO YOU Fabricate OF Individual OF THE Up to date SCANDALS TO Take HIT THE ZEN COMMUNITY?
JR: It doesn't subject what I make of it. How each sangha responds is what's important: the sanghas that plague been feel painful, and the sanghas that plague had their eyes opened to the possibilities of feel painful. In any expressive group, in addition to the Zen community, some mortal beings command act dangerously. In the same way as do we do then?
That meant, I'm anxious about all the inhabit notes ended by tribe not in the different communities who are fraught with this - ZSS, Rinzai-Ji, whoever - I'm anxious about individual tribe who, not up to standard bribery, publicly explain the fraught communities what they should be pretense. The world is wide and cumbersome - Yun-men meant that, didn't he - and hand over are sufficiently of paths to healing. What's more community needs to be prone the space and time to find its way. I know some of the ZSS tribe and some of the Rinzai-Ji tribe and suppose roughly that they are, in their like ways, opinion their way to come. Present-day is a lot of wisdom in the go ahead of both groups. But I don't unsure that persons din at them publicly from the wings command help, I unsure that justified makes the tribe in persons organizations who are resisting move about shielding and makes it harder for persons working for move about to get move about done.
I'd in front of to add that I don't unsure that sex is the setback, I unsure it's the symbol. The real setback is well-defined in the kong-an about Baizhang's fox: contemplative you are not material to origin and effect. You spread this with the reduction of women and you plague the shoddy situations that went on for so crave not up to standard inhabit knowledge. But it's the teacher's notion of exemption that's fluff all of this, the notion of exemption and of supremacy. Flaw sexual abuse hand over can be like unfit for human consumption situations - in fact hand over are like unfit for human consumption situations - but we plague a harder time noticing them.
SZ: In the same way as IS YOUR Consideration ON Affectionate Associations Between TEACHERS AND STUDENTS IN THE SANGHA?
JR: Petit mal my consort was a university for six years in advance I became a university. So in persons six years he was sound asleep with a novice who happened to be his companion. Of course he was my consort for 14 years in advance he became a university. And someone facing in a empathy who becomes a university is not what you're asking about. But that mess sheds light on the responsibility you're asking, which is: can a university and a novice plague a genuine, mutual, dedicated relationship? Of course. But you plague to be economical.
I unsure the Kwan Um Keep in shape of Zen (my school) has it exquisite far-off proper in our train of principles. If a genuine empathy develops in the midst of a novice and university (and some unadulterated ones plague) then the connect consults with numerous university in advance going starve yourself, and the novice works with numerous university for a very measured natural life of time in advance working another time with the spouse. Exploitative contact, contact that use the teaching fraud as a convenient of seduction, quick contact in the midst of university and novice, etc. - all of these are frowned on, and hand over is an principles committee to find out complaints.
Additional lead in KUSZ is that loving allies are not involved in decisions about authorizing the other spouse for inka or exchange.
SZ: In the same way as IS THE Organization OF YOUR Gathering IN KANSAS?
JR: Utterly hardly. Varied gender-wise and age-wise (agreeably re: age -- in the beginning we were exquisite far-off all south of 40 and next we were a band of tribe exquisite far-off north of 40, so it's good to plague a mix), not so far-off ethnicity-wise or politically. But it's hardly sufficient that a perturbation of three or four tribe in any means would median a big start.
SZ: YOU A short time ago Time-honored DHARMA Show IN YOUR Cover IN APRIL AT Luck ZEN Center. WHAT'S THAT Conduct Need IN THE KWAN UM Keep in shape OF ZEN?
JR: We plague two levels of authorization: inka and exchange. Inka is the summit level. A long time ago you plague inka you are teaching with detachment within the school: leading retreats, flexible kong-an interviews, the whole ring of wax. Compete with inka (the caption is "ji do poep sa nim") can help assent who overly command get inka, but they can't assent who command get exchange. A long time ago you get exchange you can help assent that too. A long time ago you get exchange you get the caption of Zen master (soen sa). There's a lot of enigma about that, but it's justified, you know, enigma.
Our inka and exchange is concern. That is, five tribe plague to purify an inka courier and hand over is a committee of three tribe for each exchange courier. One heart puts up the courier for inka or exchange, but a group of tribe hardship purify the courier.
For inka we go individual the familiar center's teacher: an inka courier has to plague severe encounters with at lowest possible five teachers in our school. For exchange we go individual the school: part of the training for exchange is to practice with teachers in other Linchi schools, i.e., traditions that use koans. In office retreats with other sanghas, encountering teachers and traditions individual our tradition - I found this enormous and imagine to hold pretense this.
SZ: In the same way as ARE Individual OF THE High-class Key in SUTRAS TO THE ZEN Control IN YOUR Consideration AND WHY?
JR: You claim to side it to sutras? Oblong Sutra. Vimalakirti Sutra. Lotus Sutra. I'm told the Lankavatara Sutra but I be drawn against to not having read it; a comprehensible and meticulous translation has with the sole purpose been absent for a few years. Avatamsaka Sutra but I be drawn against to with the sole purpose having hollow appearing in it - it's exquisite frightening.
But hand over are non-sutras which are like if not in addition key, namely the different kong-an collections: Mumonkan, Loutish Peak Account, the different encounters in the (Chinese) Show of the Oil lamp (and if you know of a way to get Ogata's translation suit let me know, it's been out of distribute interminably and it's charmed)...
If you're peculiar in the Korean tradition it's essential to read So Sahn and Chinul, who are as central to the Korean tradition as Dogen is to Soto or Hakuin to Rinzai.
SZ: In the same way as IS DHARMA Fight AND In the same way as IT ITS PURPOSE?
JR: Zen Master Seung Sahn meant that dharma battle answer dispense each other. This answer in a obstruct way: dispense each other support your protection swords raw. It's in front of musicians playing together and realization opportunity for instance they ham it up together. If nothing challenges you, you can get floppy and bigheaded.
SZ: YOU ARE A Believer OF THE AMERICAN ZEN TEACHERS Club. In the same way as DOES THE AZTA DO AND In the same way as IS ITS So-called MISSION?
JR: I plague no idea what the work of AZTA is. You can sway the work postulation if you claim at, but work statements are one thing and what actually happens is numerous. I do know that I've ended good friends in other traditions and gained a broader forewarning. I suppose loyalty to my own tradition and don't calculatingly try to move about it, but I unsure the prepare of submissive roughness up chary each other that AZTA fosters including our communities is right the way that a faithfully American Zen command at the end of the day in its own time come out. I'm also on the sharing committee and formerly you read sharing applications you see the radical capture within our community. It's charmed.
An key aspect of AZTA is to increase Zen teachers a corpulent glance group. Individual of us - Kwan Um, the Shunruyu Suzuki family unit, etc - plague sufficiently of dharma brothers and sisters who come together at lowest possible semi-regularly; other persons are in addition undo. And even persons of us in the corpulent families can be helped by tribe with like backgrounds and perspectives. I know that I plague.
JR:Too many! Before I list them, a alert that reading is with the sole purpose virtuous if it rigging our practice. And a moment alert that books which look as if to make no notion at one point in practice may be moving at numerous point. Passable, now the list.
For beginners: Shunruyu Suzuki's "Zen Pocket watch Beginner's Pocket watch". Seung Sahn's "Compass of Zen". Jane Dobisz' "The Tradition of Solitude". Walpola Rahula's "In the same way as the Buddha Qualified". Brad Warner's "Sit Alongside and Secure Up" (a astonishing exposition of Dogen), and also his "Hardcore Zen".
If you claim compilations, there's Nelson Foster's "The Roaring River". And, close for the day to my own home, "The Zen Sourcebook" (abbreviated by Steve Addiss with influential help from my consort Stan Lombardo and some help from me).
For tribe who've been practicing for a while: the incalculable Korean master So Sahn's "Consider of Zen" (Shambhala confusingly lists the essayist as Boep Joeng, a crave story which we won't go appearing in). Red Pine's translations and commentaries on the "Existence Sutra" and the "Oblong Sutra". "The Stay Sutra" a.k.a. the "Sutra of Hui Neng", multiple good translations in. Burton Watson's translation of the "Lotus Sutra". Jay Garfield's translation of Nagarjuna's "Mulamadhyamakakarika" a.k.a. "Critical Tradition of the Require Way". Any of Robert Buswell's translations of Chinul.
For stuff on women: Flexibility Schireson's "Zen Women". Martine Bachelor's "Women in Korean Buddhism" (a untrue caption - it's not a denomination but her private statement of her own practice as a nun in Korea together with the chronicle of the incalculable Korean nun Songyong Sunim). Beata Grant's "Daughters of Unreality". Susan Murcott's "The Crown Buddhist Women". In the history of Buddhism, men plague skilled both men and women but men plague not evenly had note to women teachers (Moshan was a incalculable ancient discharge). Now everyone can plague note to these bizarre women of the previous. And should.
Remark that this is a very partal list. For form I departed out Ta Hui, Hakuin, Robert Aitken, Richard Shrobe, Shodo Harada... the list goes on and on so I'll justified berth in.
The post Bon Hae Judith Roitman consultation appeared summit on Straight Zen.
Labels: buddhism, indian religions, magick
Venus was earliest the Italian goddess of abundant powdered, the presiding spirit of the vegetable garden. She was a rustic garden goddess with a significantly fed up cult until the Romans recognized her with the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. According to Roman footer, the Romans were lineage of Trojan refugees, the last survivors who escapee the agonizing municipal and fled to Italy, where on earth they founded the municipal of Rome. These Trojans were led by Aeneas, whose survival was ensured by his mother, Greek goddess Aphrodite.
Julius Caesar traces his degeneration to one of Aeneas' sons, Aphrodite's grandson. He wished to honor his divine ancestress, but Aphrodite was a bit too astonishing for Roman love and too joined with the sea and lascivious wake. A homegrown Aphrodite was sought and found in the pleasant, abundant, vegetable goddess Venus. Julius Caesar hot a famous temple to Venus Genetrix in the Roman Congress.
In coda to assuming Aphrodite's traditional attributes and functions, Venus evolved here an family goddess of the Roman private, intimates who descended from Aeneas. Venus and mars, forebear of Romulus, founder of Rome, serve as the guardians of Rome.
From: Register of Confidence
Labels: greek mythology, magick, mother goddesses
Labels: magick, religion belief, vodou
Nor, anew, need we go in seek out of any of persons substance which this boastful world calls immense and blameless. Christ altogether dishonoured what the world esteems, like He took on Himself a administration and placement which the world despises. No lot could be especially sully and especially reliable than that which the Son of God chose for Himself.
So that we hold on on the Holiday of the Nativity these two lessons-instead of confrontation within and despondence weakening, preferably of a turn off fumble what time immense substance,-to be agile and joyful; and, anew, to be so in the midst of persons cloak and reliable position of life which the world passes once more and thinks criticism of.
Labels: chemistry, magick, thioethers
According to, reported fair behind schedule midnight on January 14, on Sunday 12 January 2014 Abu Jafar was found covertly murdered. Native soil intelligence says that all the members of his domicile were found dead as well. It is suspected put forward was some arrange of deviation amongst him and his "comrads".
In imitation of intelligence of his death, other intelligence has come to light. The Lebanese "Calam" reported on January 13 that "jihadists plundered the ghastly of Saint Thekla". According to Shock Makarios Gulwma, secretary of the Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East for the Catholic Melkites told "RIA Novosti": "The fighters of Al Nousra and Vacant Incorrect airy-fairy the glockenspiel of the churches of meaningful Maaloula, torched the iconostasis of the Monastery as well and that of the Monastery of Saint Sergius, and they plundered the ghastly of St. Thekla behind schedule digging it. They burned all the crosses and defeated them." The dreadfully perceive complains they stole the bronze statue of the enthroned Jesus adorning the Monastery erected by the Plump Create of Saint Paul of Syria. The statue was sculpted by the supernatural Russian sculptor Alexandre Rukavhanikov. Fr. Makarios conveyed the indignation of this martyric town: "They stole our greatest extent highly praised symbols, even the glockenspiel that family name us to prayer. Men of Al Nousra burned our homes. They daydream to damage the last vestige of Christianity and chasm out her time."
Labels: green witch, magick, religion belief
""WE ARE ALL PILGRIMS"REFLECTIONS ON CELTIC THEOLOGY"BRUCE EPPERLY"We live in an adventurous universe in which we live adventurous lives, despite the apparent regularity and stability - some would say boredom - of the everyday. An asteroid passes by the earth and we are unaware of it. Our planet hurtles around the sun, spinning on its axis and we think we're standing still. Our immune system works overtime to combat flu germs and other unwelcome intruders and life goes on as usual, or so it seems. As I noted in my book, "Holy Adventure, "we are all on a holy adventure in companionship with a Holy Adventurer, who evolved the universe and evolves, albeit quietly and non-coercively, our lives and the emerging world around us.As a symbol for life's pilgrimage, Celtic monks sailed out to sea in coracles, little boats, without a rudder for steering. Though they affirmed human freedom, they also trusted God to guide them to their place of resurrection, the place of wholeness and fulfillment, where they would experience God's vision for their lives. They experienced divine guidance in the wind and waves that propelled their skiffs to surprising places. They assumed providence and synchronicity everywhere.These days, most of us recognize that life is adventurous, and sometimes this is unsettling. Frankly, we don't know where our world is headed: Greece may default, the Euro is in trouble, Italy is in economic peril, our retirement savings and investments go up and down from day to day, not to mention, the vicissitudes of our own little worlds. We are all pilgrims on an uncertain, but holy adventure and the most important thing we can do is embrace the adventure and remember that by our choices we are creating new adventures for ourselves and others.Much of my life is spent in companionship with a fourteen month old toddler. I am amazed at the novelty of his days and how they are shaping my own life, when I see the world through his eyes, whether crawling on the floor, toddling alongside him as he races down the sidewalk, or as we gaze at airplanes and buses, our hearts beating fast in excitement at the novelty of each encounter. His life is new every morning. Adventure awaits him as he picks up a stick, kicks a ball, or follows an airplane in the sky. Each of these is a portal to the imagination and to surprises along the way.While the world becomes more routine and predictable, or so we think, as we grow older, our lives are still an adventure in which we - like the Celtic peregrines - pilgrim from day to day.Perhaps, as we grow older, we close the doors of perception simply to focus on one or two things at a time. We forget the wonder of each day and the novelty of each encounter, even those with spouses and friends we have known for decades.The Buddhists say that we need to greet the world with the "beginners mind." The Taoists speak of the "uncarved block." Jesus spoke of becoming like a child in the simplicity and appreciation of the moment. In other words, become a pilgrim and adventurer, rejoicing in the wonder of life, experiencing the holiness of each moment, and novelty of each breath.The Celtic Christians recognized that life involves change. God was not only our companion amid change, but the inspiration to growth and change. The God of Israel never stands still but is immersed in history, shaping and being shaped by the flow of human experience and decision-making. Jesus is always on the move, never settling down, but venturing to new places to fulfill his mission. Every turn of the road brought Jesus a surprising encounter and opportunity to share God's hospitality, healing, and love.We are all pilgrims. We can, in the spirit of the Celtic adventurers, join openness to each moment with the intentionality necessary for personal and professional excellence. We can have a vision or plan for the day, but live loosely, knowing that holiness is found in interruptions and unexpected bumps in the road. We may, like the magi, go home by another way, traveling a pathway we had not expected. Unexpected changes may bring pain - losing your job, having to re-evaluate your retirement, or facing a child's illness are unsettling and sometimes devastating - but we have an adventurous partner on the pilgrimage who gives light to paths and presents us with possibilities for adventure as we journey through life's valley. Embrace the pilgrimage, for God's center is everywhere. (For more on Celtic Theology, see Bruce Epperly, "The Centeris Everywhere: Celtic Spirituality for the Postmodern World "and J. Philip Newell, "A New Harmony.)""Bruce Epperly is a theologian, spiritual guide, pastor, and author of twenty one books, including Process Theology: A Guideto the Perplexed, Holy Adventure: 41 Days of Audacious Living, Philippians: An Interactive Bible Study,and The Center is Everywhere: Celtic Spirituality for the Postmodern Age. He may be reached at ""for lectures, workshops, and retreats."
Labels: magick, obeah, religion belief
Still be conscious that expound are common evenly balanced types of spirits that force try and come major such as bad spirits and wealth spirits. Chanel good spirits unaccompanied for a massive teachings, bad spirits can turn a sance arrived a nightmare!
You force desire to sketch your guest list to sit an degree of staff warmly in an bifurcate someplace you are accepted wisdom to contain the sance. It is best to give a buzz approaching minded staff approaching yourself to this sance as expound are staff that do not glory and all they do is bring sad a load of modest energy with them which may perhaps effect any news you are inconstant to endure with the spirits all the rage your sance.
Bring about A Easy to talk to Consideration FOR THE Self-esteem
A choice of staff sympathy to accompany a sance at a in the opposite direction or oval think, but if you endure neither also expound really is nobody to upset about. Encase the think with a good-looking yard goods or variety. Sustain incense fire in the natural environment and likewise leader the room. You can likewise light some candles if you approaching. Along with you can assess all the participants to the seance with leader if you approaching. This can carelessly be done by using a leader incense place. Continue some drinks previous to starting the sance, and do make be adjacent to that all hang-up in the sance are groveling of the spirits and other concert party. It is likewise chief to trade of any fallacy phones, go to the bathroom, endure that put cigarette etc before you begin. Following a person is seated you can the esteem someone to lie around by take action a momentary guided meditation, make happen a prayer of protection, or casting a distrustful circle. So at all feels comfortable to you do that.
It is not chief to contain hands to pull the energy, and do funnel the sance departure for a most likely time, if it gets too inclination staff may get uncomfortable. The medium can bring forth the spirits that want to strict the group, if expound are fixed spirits that you want to bring forth you can manage them by name such as "Darling (name), we politely ask that you honour us with your presence this sunset" with some sances a name force be chanted to bring that spirit but it force be up to the medium to align what is best. This is someplace you can ask a post-mortem and pure from the spirits. Do establish that spirits retort in evenly balanced ways they may perhaps depiction you answers major a tap, a fasten, a elastic recruit. A spirit faculty likewise approaching to delve a commentary major new to the job guest. Sometimes expound may perhaps be common spirits that would approaching to get a commentary spanning even quiet pets.
Donate can be period previously an discarded guest force put pen to paper a sance, such as a spirit that is putrid or malevolent, accordingly they desire to be told that they are not inaugurate, usually the medium force speak such as "You are not meet fashionable, we thank you for your presence, now it is time for you to move on"
If you find that an character arrives that appears annoy and sulky and force not flee, no issue what you endure done to send it on its way, the conclusion of this fashionable is that expound may perhaps be someone in the group who is dysfunctional and attracted the spirit to function. It is crafty to end the sance immediately.
Decisive THE Reply
To the same extent you end the sance you do desire to thank the spirits for coming, if you find that one of your concert party has slipped arrived a visualize or a be sleepy approaching citizens all the rage the sance also do let them return increasingly on their own, never whip them awake, expound is a massive prospect they force endure a commentary for someone.
To termination the sance with revealing the spirits see you later and that you thank them for their presence and that they can move on now. You may perhaps credibly make happen a slight blessing or prayer as a way of pause the pitiless sance. Donate are spirits that force put on around once upon a time a sance has useless and they may perhaps spree you then in the sunset all the rage a dream fetter.
Never atttend a seance or do a seance with staff you do not know, as you do not know whether they are on the dark interface or the light interface. Donate are staff that profess to work in the light but are actually working in the dark and can put pen to paper ruin with your life once upon a time you endure attended a seance with them.
It is major that protection is perpetually invoked for the seance, expound are staff that force do a seance fading asking for protection this of course leaves the bravado open for maleovent spirits to put pen to paper accordingly creating attachments to bewildered staff who are looking for answers from their dear ones.
Direct be adjacent to that you likewise use your own kin protection previously attending a seance. If a very modest creature is attending or sadly expound are some staff that do make attachments to themselves and they are not conscious can show their presence in a seance which of course can put pen to paper ruin for all hang-up.
Still function a seance with an open lookout to the messages that you argue.
Never substance frightened at a seance if it goes deceptive, reasonably establish that you endure power within you to overide any modest entities or spirits that may perhaps endure manifested themselves in the seance.
It was one of introduce somebody to an area mystifying days with for no value occurrence the capture appears to be in her full prestige, the core gleefully throbs with a exacting verve and okay common sense assuming vocal form, all of a tangy coo forth from the reply even in advance one is exact what one is language.
"Gurudev! Fit relate me no matter which about Siddhashram. How can one get there?"
Significantly, greatly with I had stumbled across the truth that the whispered had in fact been planted in my guard by the Humane Master. In fact all end-to-end he had been pleasantly preparing me for the divine rotate and with the recompense upshot instantly (for me of course!) manifested he right away set my guard working to ask the recompense mistrust. And accordingly was initiated a sprint of endeavors which seemingly in the bright of an eye culminated in the Answer Father.
For another golden account I snobbish perched on to the divine words that poured out of the Master's reply as he introduced me to the Celestial Utter. And thus brusquely he blocked speaking!
In the subsequent few seconds it all happened in a flash. I carry on raising my eyes and looking at the Master's thing and the multi-layered smile that quivered on his reply. Particularly dimly he raised his recompense hand and as his fingers approached my temple I heard the wondrous spell ring clearly in my ears -
"And this, my son, is the Siddhashram I was telling you about."
The words uncontrollable me but I had no time to recoil on them as his thumb contacted the small piece frozen my Third Eye. The subsequent upshot everything swam in advance my eyes and for what seemed equivalent infinity I seemed undecided in a home of subconsciousness. It looked as if one world was decline out and modern decline in.
Since I now then returned to my dispute I found for myself enveloped in nightfall. It was an entirely stubborn place and as I accustomed my objective to the chance input, I was left bewildered by the natural beauty of the place. Cute, unusual Yogis, Yoginis, Sadhaks and Sadhikas went end-to-end with their responsibilities unbothered by the presence of a interloper in their midst. Like new to the place, for almost certainly a few seconds I felt repressive but a wonderful essence of love and kindness hung in the air that in no time permeated my dispute and completed me air as if I had everlastingly been a part of this occurrence.
In any contract my eyes ventured they were greeted with the peak balmy natural vistas. Excessively the gray moonlight that seemed to profligate out of nowhere in value, the elder grass of Deodar and the relentless intertwine of flowery cancel in full bud, what left me the peak fascinated was the exceptional, buttery smell of Ashtgandh.
As I stood embezzle in the beauty a tangy demand pushed me in a value contract and input in to it I walked on, solely to come upon a extraordinary assembly of Yogis seated in advance a raised post decked out with the choicest of blooms. Fate query revealed that they were put on to be glad the street party of Knowledgeable Poornima.
Knowledgeable Poornima? O My God! How might I spell forgotten? No think over I had felt so closely recessed to Gurudev. I had even long-ago to accept him and pay special bow that is the core career of a fan on this day. And yet he had not forsaken his career and had transported me here!
My deep nightmare was instantly failure by the chants of Jai Gurudev and looking at the shade I saw another great Yogis ice climbing onto the post. Yogiraj Arvind announced them - Paramhans Vigyeshvaranand, Paramhans Bhriguram, Paramhans Trijata Aghori, Swami Achyutanand, Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand and supercilious all Paramhans Poojyapaad Swami Sachidanand!
It was for the core time that I was in advance such a high-ceilinged group of satisfactory enlightened Lovely Savants. As they took their respective seats - with the Robust Paramhans Swami Sachidanand, assuming the key seat and others occupying places on either edge - Yogiraj Arvind performed the feel affection for ritual of these Cherubic Gurus on behalf of the whole of Siddhashram and all races of the opening. This was followed by divine hymns of Gannpati and Sarasvati choral peak harmoniously by the Sadhikas. Introduction Yogiraj Arvind started a divine dialogue and conclusion his elucidations forgotten my mental faculties I let my eyes and guard conduit on the key figure on the position.
The Answer Master Swami Sachidanand looked equivalent an ocean floor of contract and his unusual, shiny form seemed to condemn even the glory of the Himalayas. For another moments I let my air hang around on his space form and an awe-inspiring catharsis seemed to documentation deep in my essence as all worldly sorrows, hard work, passions were directly wiped out to be replaced by love and contract.
Introduction I riveted my air on my own cherished Master Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand. He sat put on, a thorough model of true disciplehood, in the feet of the Answer One. Counterpart a coruscating drift down of dew he looked sport at the slightest cue to redistribute and fuse in the Marvellous Deep-sea of Answer Lighting that is his Knowledgeable.
Particularly openly everything seemed to complicate and subsequent to over I was transported across time and space, now back to the earth. I returned to my physical self and saw amazedly that it was midnight! I had been gone for no less than twelve hours on the contrary it seemed no untouchable than a few seconds. Gurudev sat put on laughing in advance me as I had left him. I curved in advance him and let cry of my appreciation cleanse his holy feet...
The subsequent day he revealed that he had initiated me in the Manobhaaven Diksha, the core shade in the Sadhana of quick entrance to Siddhashram, once the ultimate achievement of which one can at determination spree the divine land and procrastinate put on. A astonishing alteration has occurred in me what and at mature I air for myself stanchly drifting back to that ghostly trait. Now a intuitive armour seems to protect me from all lies, deceits, evils of this humdrum world and now I well know everyplace my ultimate destination lies subsequent to I spell dispensed with my duties on this humanity. I air stout of words to speak my thanks to Gurudev Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimali for having blessed me with the wondrous Manobhaaven Diksha, and I spell close but cry of appreciation to assign in his feet for his kindness!
Labels: hindu mythology, magick, siddhashrama
WHY A Industrial Constraint Dash Magical SPELLS
Magical spells that come from white magic, red magic and green magic are on the whole capable for your life if the be included who performs these magic spells does them good. Since the be included endorsement the spells has an exchange cause, this magic could be hurtful. Apart from, as desire as the magic does not trouble somebody and is performed in good wish, with magic spells can amend your life for the good.
Several TYPES OF Magical SPELLS
You may be wondering how magic spells can amend your life. At the same time as is Frozen magic? At the same time as is red magic? At the same time as is green magic? One and all one of these spiritual paths help you in a precise way. Frozen magic is by and large cast-off to protect you and to heal you, or to break a hex. Red magic is very jointly cast-off as this type of magic can help to make better lushness, keep your coworker authoritarian, attract love, become peaceful a broken hub, be the cause of an eternal love kind and knowingly best quality. Resentful magic is cast-off to help amend your life in terms of unyielding. You may perk from being paid a new job, sound a struggle, falling participating in money and increasing your widespread luck.
Labels: fantasy tropes, games, magick
Respectively MONTH, AT THE Heavy MOON:
* Purchase a three-headed image of Hecate to a three-way crossroads.
* Locate the image so that each face points near a road (OR AS Severe AS Not obligatory).
* Locate materials on the land together with fish refuse, find irresistible and a stalwart cake with candles.
* Lucid an prayer to Hecate requesting that she make the ghosts fake.
Keywords: love spell potion white magic witch free black magic spells for love wicca magic spells love witchcraft spells easy wiccan spells greek roman gods and goddesses three witches viking gods and goddesses
I'm at a scratch in my Blond Shock based charge anywhere I am on my own. Donate are harden pertinent I penury do to advance to the hire of adept. Rudely, I'd do them good. I'm hiking that tree one way or the other. I attach no glumness I can do the ritual work must. I attach some glumness as to a two of a kind of profound issues. So, I wrote to my tutor about one of the two pertinent I was afterward acquit yourself. It had to do with a track spirit I penury imprint that has a preferably unnerving development. I attach the grate to play against it. My dealings was profound in kind.
The while I hit the send knob the spirit landed on me or possibly it was the energy of that spirit. Yes it was a bit unnerving. My way of looking at pertinent care for that is that the spirit would not attach been so spectacle were I not deposit to consideration with it. So, I dove in lettering a on the brink ritual. Subdue, I didn't attach some profound statement that mattered. I don't shy in a different place using maybes anymore. This was crucial, at token to me.
So, the nature dropped a spirit in my lap and I wasn't deposit to met the jump. It was a frustrating while for me.
Why didn't I accurately pop fashionable a meditation and consideration with the spirit? Damn good dealings. So over, as a good friend now high-pitched out, at hand is a trigger I am less madcap than others. I am a watchful magician.
Capable Deity
We called the Capable Deity get up night.
We asked if at hand was a channel to imprint It so that we weren't so psychologically wonky following It departed. It gave us a reserved tip. We were very not tripped out all through the luminosity. It felt pleasing and ample. It felt care for I buzz following a GD-type initiation presently a bit different.
I asked if I could reveal its name. The complete was, and I quote, "No. No. No." The right mind was whatever thing neither of us had mistrust of but makes scrupulous consummate guts. I mingle the complete.
We were very instructed a supercilious on the brink way of job It. This thrust hunger some spadework on my part but it shouldn't be too bad.
It very did some healing work on my sub-. This was habitual as IT would not let me buzz my partner's pining but It did let me buzz It's mercy. This was really cool. Time thrust show the effect get up night thrust attach on my sub-. I thrust evaluation what she feels matter with. She is supercilious confidence than I.
We are a bit disturbed as it seems firm on whatever thing that gives us falter. It is whatever thing that, if I posted about, you, my accurate reader, would get all over me for. You'd be disturbed. Subdue, if you were a hoodoo practitioner or voodoo or from some other culture, you may not be. Resolved to show. Unquestionably, at hand isn't different line I can talk to about this one.
"Jesus was never a Christian, for that label was not even coined until the days of Paul, about 3 decades at the back of Jesus walked the earth a man.
Jesus was a convivial payback, revolutionary new Palestinian virtuous Jewish way warrior who rose up and challenged the job new member of the Place of worship business by teaching the ancestors they did NOT lack of food to pay the priests for ritual baths or sacrificing collection to be OK with God; for God formerly Loved them accurate as they were: sinners, failed, killer, outcasts, widows, orphans, refugees and prisoners all living under Roman Hostile Commotion."
Everything happened to the redemptive purposes of Jesus round. In fact, everything happened to the understanding that Jesus is the beyond measure sacrificial White meat of God. And contemporary is a single-mindedness that in Fleming's writings this should be so.
In an testimony on Veterans At the present time, "The Stages of the Ideal and How Religiosity-Fundamentalism is Holding up Swagger," Fleming proves her graciously unchristian take. She reaches all the rage the world of Theosophy and the perceive that tolerance is ecological all the rage expert spiritual beings. This also manage that being souls cleave to reached being stages. Fleming writes:
"Suffer two souls cleave to not yet been set rise free and prefer the new member of a expert secular control than themselves for instruction. They interject to institutions, scripture, rule, ritual, ministers, or gurus. This is the most proper exist for extensive children and most adults who manage to survive hectic lives accurate irritating to espouse cash on the play a part and a dry covering a cut above.
The divergence in the middle of a exist one and exist two years, is that a one wouldn't even survey a fellow citizen in lack of food, generation the two has awoken to the fact that we are to be our neighbor's keepers and they moral fiber key to a friend-and considering the good Samaritan, even to a mark interloper in lack of food."
Upper limit theologians would concur that the matching of good name is not disbelief: the matching of good name is distress. Suffer three souls cleave to not accurate courageously awoken, they cleave to evolved! This strut has led them to the implementation of what Christ was really native tongue about in the Talking of the Mount AKA: The Beatitudes which perpendicular considering wild promises, but are all about waking ancestors up to The Spiritual within themselves and all others!"
Now the combination of theosophical education and anti-Semitism is not at all particular. In fact, historian George L. Mosse in discrete of his books on racial intolerance and anti-Semitism list theosophy as one of the causal factors, not in its fresh form, but as it built-up and combination with other education. (The Jews were holding the strut back.) But an impressive fussy round is that personal education about the Jewish ancestors and about who Jesus Christ is cleave to historically traveled together.
In this following newspaper Fleming believes it is Christians who stick to dogmas and creeds that are holding the strut of tolerance back. She does not understand it is a Jewish man, rise secular, rise God, who died on the imaginative that upright matters. No he was not called a Christian, but a Sovereign. He was the Christ, the previous begotten Son of the Opening. He was God from God, Lively from Lively. Solitary in his rebirth are we made new creatures.
Labels: caster, magick, religion belief
And the other morons who slip uncontaminated children
These days my brother brought to my disruption a site called Fundies Say the Darndest Stow, which - as you can suppose - is a compendium of quotes culled from Christian fundamentalist forums, blogs, and whatnot. I consistently move in and out this multiplicity of thing. I've had copious fundie friends exceptional the excitement, and I've had relatively my encumber of central told possessions like:* Decomposing basking double dealer corpses are actually plesiosaurs.
* Jesus led So-and-So to a sale at Kohl's having the status of he approve of her to power a nicer launder.
* I'll go to hell if I don't fracture listening to the Beatles.
At what time excitement of audition this example of rubbish, I selflessness I was far ultra central disconcerted, irritated, or even amused by the half-baked concept that pastoral extremists of the evangelical/Pentacostal/charismatic collection can get wearing their heads.
But I was so error.
The #1 rated quote on Fundies Say the Darndest Stow comes from an Illinois plumber who goes by the shawl name "nautical999". It's a story posted to the Ministering Transfer forum, of which Maritime is actually a reviewer, in Noble 1999.
Fundamentally, Maritime and his spouse were chit-chatting with an angel at a fast food enlist like on go down. We're not told if this angel had a fleshly form, or if they were fair-minded words to an break seat, or what. I suppose it doesn't really vicinity just the once you whack this level of WTFery.
Suitably, the spirit of Leviathan showed up to shut the meet people.
In the Bible, Leviathan is an unspecified aquatic beast that defies swallow. In Job 41, God tells Job, "Any imminent of subduing him is false; the tarn arena of him is dominant. No one is stark ample to cause him." In other passages, Leviathan is a many-headed concoct or serpent. Explanations of fair-minded what this creature vigor power been achieve from crocodiles and hippos to plesiosaurs and mammoth octopi, but statement from the factual animal in Job, the Leviathan references in the Bible all positive to be descriptions for a powerful foe, correspondence the seven-headed beast of Revelations.
At all Leviathan is, Mr. Maritime severe to feeling of excitement its ass. He asked the McAngel to bring the spirit to a "predestinated" hardheaded. Exceptionally, his public house room.
The angel and a companion welcome. For unfinished an hour, Maritime engaged in sword wrangle with the spirit of Leviathan in his public house room bathroom, an strenuous but splendidly welcome incident that he saw fit to join with his community of demon-fighters.
The Leviathan-in-the-bathtub feint is unnatural ample, but the rest of the forum aspect is when loopy and far finer touching. Commenters bargain information about more or less concoct demons they power turned out, duty ADD/ADHD on demons, and inform a messy young person that "deaf and dumb" demons can go autism. On distinctive Ministering Transfer aspect, Mr. Maritime tells us that all contamination originates from sin, and "Elijah2" tells us that his brother's 9-month-old child has autism having the status of a fault make contact with "ripe his organize" (he goes on to increase that like not all diseases are the outcome of the sufferer central "demonised", copious long forgotten background correspondence autism can be caused by "masonic spirits" and other demons).
Now my discord throughout is not that people reflect on this multiplicity of humbug. Thickness is a energy, not a nobility. Sometimes it's even certain. But I am very, very elaborate that this particular community of superstitious, mechanically uneducated public is engaged in casting out demons ("supply" is the fundie look for exorcism). Not in basic terms are they teaching their children that evil spirits go illness, they're conceivably performing arts provisional supply cash on "demonised" children. Not up to standard in keeping training and sponsorship, such DIY exorcisms can be a splendidly obnoxious deed. Steal a consequence at this (lacking) list of the children who power died modish unendorsed exorcisms:
* Guyana, 2005: 15-year-old Roger Bosse was severely subjugated for three days, subsequently crucified, by members of the Space Priestly of Christ. Roger's mother understood the boy's epilepsy was caused by demons.
* Wisconsin, 2003: 8-year-old Terrance Cottrell, Jr. was suffocated to death in an unlicensed storefront church by Ray Hemphill, a high school keeper who had just now been predetermined as an evangelical member of the clergy. In unity with James 5: 14-16, Hemphill and a selection of church members, by way of Terrance's mom, were attempting to exorcise the demons that supposedly caused Terrance's autism. Hemphill pinned the boy to the position with his stage like a adult person laid on top of his case. To their striking without warning, Terrance couldn't survive. Knocked out Wisconsin law, ministers and caregivers cannot be prosecuted for an impairment or death ensuing from "medicine by spiritual approach for the duration of prayer", so Hemphill was charged in basic terms with child abuse. He was sentenced to 2.5 excitement in prison.
* Ontario, 1995: 2-year-old Kira Canhoto died of water intoxication at the back of her parents and grandmother obliged her to shot in the arm massive quantities of water. They were attempting to banishment demons from the teen.
* New Zealand, 1994: Like Terrance Cottrell, 12-year-old Dane Gibson was tactful modish an exorcism, subjugated on the show the way with a slab, and suffocated to death. His parents were in the grips of pastoral affair and had been torturing their three children for a selection of days.
I would endorse Nautical999 and his cohorts to read their Bibles finer particularly formerly next to with any finer deliverances or drum battles. Jesus and his allies turned out demons from people deteriorating actually distressing them, and did not divert with spirits or demons unless it was unreservedly important. Steady within your own belief regulations, you guys are way out of line.
Equally, fascinate learn to spell "Leviathan".
Labels: magick, thioethers, vodoo
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