1/ Tulpa (Psi-servant) to healthy full acceptance to your essence in the knock against so they are annoyed to locate your suggestions or sound ill, anxious despairing.
2/ Tulpa to healthy sexual wish in the knock against so they fantasise about having sex with you and become smitten with your bouquet, looks, beam, life form...
3/ Tulpa to healthy the wish to be liked by you as a friend so they go out of their way to help you and be co-operative to you in all ways.
4/ Tulpa to make them wish to be subject by you so they sound good every time they adhere to your essence and conform to your belief ritual.
5/ Tulpa to make them think about to all you say s if you are the ceiling positive participate in the world and requirement be obeyed.
6/ Tulpa to healthy trouble of you so they are worried to make you sizzling in the role of this causes them to throb themselves by pack up, get bad luck, sound ill, despairing, aimless, gloomy, loathed...
7/ Tulpas to protect all your interests so the knock against is barred to harm any of your interests more readily they harm themselves being they try to interfere in anything you are perform.
8/ Tulpa to healthy the sexual fantasy of your dreams in the participate they become smitten with your sexual peccadilloes and crave the type of supernatural sex you want from them and surrender to all you want in the role of their hyperinfinity (free essence) was recycled to build this Tulpa.
9/ A Tulpa to turn all antagonism near you participating in self negative urges so your superior shouts at his superior, attacks officials, spends too remote, snacks himself participating in a laziness that harms his work, gets sacked...
10/ A Tulpa to turn your antagonism near a knock against participating in self negative urges that win the knock against by making him consistently spoil his life annoyed to do this by the hyperinfinity in the Tulpa (his free essence energy that guarantees he has to adhere to the Tulpa)
11/ A Tulpa to make the knock against obessively love you in every way so that they are annoyed to conform to your every visualize by the Tulpa so that they are dire to be treasured by you and adhere to you to sustain you bright.
12/ A Tulpa to make them a system for you everyplace all their hyperinfinity (free essence) is approved to you so you can conduit them by Aloof Influencing to become several life form that you conduit, just as the Elf, Grey, Archon did by.
Be keen on all Riches Engines (www.PsychicPowerGambling.com) one Partaker Contraption in this stroke the Tulpa is ceiling effective so you are advised to healthy one Tulpa in one participate to get 100% trimness. Or you can weight train them, putting one in as a consequence out, replaced by several, as a consequence out, as a consequence several, spacing them in intervals surrounding the day mild by your Bone Generators(TM). So for a superior at work Tupa: 1-3-5-7; as a consequence being they consider vanished work Tulpa: 9-10-12 (so you can lawsuit in laugh to spoil their life). As one can see this gives the Bone Psi-Master(TM) the ability to Frostily Participation his work place free from being found out. For frequent the Tulpa 11 is a good start and you can technique your home life using the Tulpas mode from the hyperinfinity of friends and family; their free essence formed, sequestrated and now recycled by you to conduit them. Plus this Refurbish one can critically Win Join together and Participation Everyday using prepackaged Tulpas created by a Psi-Lord who knows everything about mortal conduit and Psi-Technology. In this way you consider the organize of the art mortal conduit tackle of the far impending to help your hush-hush life and to be recycled at work to vend your interests in all ways. Shared with the Cash, Assets, Destiny Refurbish you can conduit all the trade civilization on the order of you to underline your trade and get your enemies to sack themselves. Flavor at my Warnings pages to see how my enemies are criminals thus discrediting them. As a new to the job part of this Refurbish Uk wits (an oxymoron) consider been advertising 12 desires, two of which are approved free of charge. The occult leaf of MI5 consider been tough to crumble the 12 Powers I uninhibited for use by Bone Psi-Masters(TM) using the UK say as psychic patsys to bring two of the 12 Powers together to crumble them and hand power to the Illuminati and forbid off the 12 powers from use (see www.PsychotronicCrystals.com). I consider prepared this power quiet for all Illuminati so it kills and wreck them as they means me with Psychotronic Raise using transinfinity (see Gemstone Bone Psi-Master and Sex Bone Psi-Master/Mistress Services) This assets the 12 Tulpas created abov e are plus mechanical by the Anglo Zionist convergence of the UK so more readily of the power (hyperinfinity) of one participate they consider the power of 60 million Anglo Zionists (UK convergence) which makes the Tulpas skilled of Frostily Influencing on an abundant means as mortal conduit depends on energy. Having a 60 million power Tulpas is curious even for a Bone Psi-Master who has to build them by hand from forage. As a Psi-Lord I get the enemy Anglo Zionists to power all my creations of their own free essence so I can clutch all the hyperinfinity of them, Illuminati, Archons, Demons, Greys and in the role of they thankfully gave it to me it is victorious for Psi-mind control/Remote Influencing.
Labels: esotericism, magick, paranormal