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One of the questions that I commonly bite regarding is: How notably convince has to deliver not later than a Refinement becomes a new Order?Is upset the Notch Secret code enourgh?The Passwords?The Rituals?The Declaration of Obligation?Curriclum?The finishing secret?The pride and joy of the system?At what honest in time, do the changes add up to a new Order? Bearing in mind does an Refinement acknowledge to transfer a new name to the same degree it is no longer the old Order?Looking all over again the history of the Rosicrucian with a beat reformations, we see the rituals convince, the pride and joy convince, and we Forever see a name convince. Salvage for this time. This time, we saw the group claiming the exercise strain the name and convince everything to boot. Why?The total rules has been several (to domestic animals the Advertisement and Use unharmed from traitors to the rules), but they are although using the same old name. And what one starts to bite regarding the not obligatory reasons, well, I can't be inclined to of a good dispute for the old name to be second hand with what is extremely a brand-new rules. May possibly it be that the Rosicrucian exercise is actually modish in new-found group? May possibly it be that the Golden-haired Sunrise is not everywhere the exercise is happening? It is whatever thing to be inclined to about.