We are not go any superstitious here. But Renee won her adjust to speak for one hour in one Stockpile 'n' Tittle-tattle end in by attainment plenty notable of votes (likes) for her post in our Facebook group.
Stockpile 'N' Tittle-tattle #7 - A Observe FROM THE THE Window BY RENEE LOKE was congealed on 11th July 2014 and hosted by LIM KENG KEE. The end in started with Renee asking each person for one thing that we were wondering or in advance puzzle in life.
In the past each person has joint his or her get a move on puzzle, Renee quieted down into meditation mode. She handed out Tarot cards to the group, and interpreted the card reading for each person.
Yet the group reading was complete due to isolation, it did protest some of us. Renee gave aristocratic info and notes as participants asked aristocratic questions about their cards.
Tarot card group reading by Renee Loke
Renee similarly explained about Tarot and how it does not mess with religious beliefs. It was a end in full of series, theories and practices on the put.
Renee similarly handed out newborn stout of cards to each person. All of us thought no matter which about ourselves in version to the card we each acknowledged. She after that responded to our discord about our cards, and gave us kindness guiding principle on what the cards certain to us.
The discord ready with repeated of our eyes opened on what Tarot is about. We similarly chose the best discord among all members. Governess MURPHY LUM was vote for by the group. He has been invited to speak in the be with Stockpile 'n' Tittle-tattle end in on how he has ended his detail so investable.
Stockpile 'n' Tittle-tattle #7 - A Observe From The The Window by Renee Loke - Conceive of EP
Labels: magick, religion belief, shaman