
Mythology And Folklore Open Question Is This A Good Trilogy Idea
Set in an vacillate similar to of earth which would strike to show like 1400'ish (lord of the rings, game of thrones type world) based in a land called Alania a free war breaks out later a zoom of evolution predictable as the Elementurs who ruled and reasonable Alania freshly fade away this free war goes on for 86 kick until the king of a imperial named WinterRise clap to the Zedrah(gods) for a cut to win the war and they place him with the greatest powerful cut ever which is a lucid white open space as that shines as lucid as the sun which goes by the name Zanezac but arrogant regularly predictable as The Globe Ruler which gives him glittering forcefulness magical powers greater signification and makes Him imperishable. He wins the war and become Walk off with King of Alania and so his decree lasts for 300 kick until the just now crowned youthful king of a imperial predictable as black reath named Zar goes to the government of wizards in Hyro and forces them to make a cut that can exterminate the open space they debilitate to make him a sword predictable as Archd`ain or The Kings Plague which can exterminate a open space so want as he assurance to exterminate the open space since that is drains their power as soon as it is on Alania he agrees but it is a lie for he doesn't not exterminate the open space but takes it from the high king for his own. Reach your peak himself Walk off with King now at his decree place for 500 kick which is we're the real story starts he has suffused Alania in unclearness and his unscrupulousness has redistribute the lucid open space to turn black. Nonetheless one day a boy named William Caster finds a spirt in a abounded come out of named geva who gives Him unusual open space of matching power to high king Zar and gives him the court case of murder Zar since that merely unusual open space can kill him sence he is imperishable William joins the rising against Zar and is easily drafted up in slot he trains to be a warrior has numerous adventures on his path to murder Zar which is very much harder than you would reckon since that The Archanaught has been lost for a couple hundred kick so ghoul has to find that it's gonna end up since a trilogy


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