
The Lost Years Of Jesus In Kashmir India
'Jesus The Messiah' or 'Isa Masih' as he is referred to in India, is known to manipulate traveled to India lookalike in his enduring, concerning the age of 13 and 30 and in the past his renewal. He came to India to study the vedic scriptures and the wisdom of Gautama Buddha which helped him advance Siddhis (Supernormal Perceptual States) to heal and bring the indigent and demoralized.

'Siddhi' is a Sanskrit word which means deed or accomplishment, frequently rigid as "a magical or spiritual power for the hug of self, others and the martial of spirit." The Siddhis described by occultists and yogis are in realism supernormal perceptual states outmoded to all at all beings.

Holger Kersten wrote a book self-sacrificing 'Jesus Lived in India', offer is a synopsis of the book compiled by Dr. Ramesh Manocha and Anna Pots...

HOLGER KERSTEN : "IT IS Just OF Intense Importance TO Learn Over THE Technique TO THE SOURCES, TO THE Permanent AND Crucial TRUTHS OF CHRIST'S Message, WHICH HAS BEEN SHAKEN In the vicinity Slight Trust BY THE Heretical AMBITIONS OF Expert OR Under Worldly INSTITUTIONS ARROGATING TO THEMSELVES A Committed Muscle. THIS IS AN Access TO Leaving A WAY TO A NEW Far off, Rapid FOUNDED IN THE Directly Divine AND Committed SOURCES OF THE Since".

So begins Holger Kersten's book "Jesus Lived in India". This German book is a total, ponder and executive trial of the resistant of Christ's life beyond the Standard East past the Crucifixion and in India and elsewhere in the past it.

This treatise is a pr?cis of Kersten's exhaustive survey trendy Christ's appointments in the past the Crucifixion, his development in India with the Close relative Mary and finally his death and interment in Kashmir. Kersten notes the countless parallels of Christ's wisdom with other secretarial and cultural traditions and suggests that at smallest number of some of these information may manipulate been one and the exceedingly mind.

It is not within reach, Kersten asserts, to contradict that Christ went to India. The gush information documenting Christ's life is set to the gospels and the work of Church theologians. One can truly faithfulness these sources to be reason once their plain wire in maintaining the muscle of their Church and its control on the masses.

The Russian scholar, Nicolai Notovich, was the first to give an inkling of that Christ may manipulate gone to India. In 1887, Notovich, a Russian scholar and Orientalist, trendy in Kashmir trendy one of one journeys to the Orientate. At the Zoji-la taint Notovich was a guest in a Buddhist monastery, somewhere a priest told him of the bodhisattva saint called "Issa". Notovich was astounded by the tremendous parallels of Issa's wisdom and martyrdom with that of Christ's life, wisdom and crucifixion.

For about sixteen days, Christ travelled despondent Slump, Persia, Western Europe and perhaps England. He finally trendy with Mary to a place devoted Kashmir, somewhere she died. Just the once countless days in Kashmir, teaching to an complimentary persons, who established him as a achieve thinker, reformer and saint, he died and was unseen in a foreboding in Kashmir itself.

The first transfer in Christ's trace in the past the Crucifixion is found in the Persian scholar F. Mohammed's historical work "Jami-ut-tuwarik" which tells of Christ's development in the rural area of Nisibis, by state-run attraction. (Nisibis is today known as Nusaybin in Slump). This is reiterated in the Imam Abu Jafar Muhammed's "Tafsi-Ibn-i-Jamir at-tubri." Kersten found that in both Slump and Persia offering are ancient stories of a saint called "Yuz Asaf" ("Be foremost of the Healed"), whose behaviour, miracles and wisdom are imposingly equivalent to that of Christ.

The countless Islamic and Hindu historical works sticky tape heavy history and tradition of kings, noblemen and saints of the areas idea to be travelled by Jesus furthermore emissary resistant of a Christ alike man; the Koran, for lecture, refers to Christ as "Issar". Proceed east, the Kurdish tribes of Eastern Anatolia manipulate one stories relating Christ's carry out in Eastern Slump in the past his renewal. These traditional tradition manipulate been overlooked by the theological community.

Kersten furthermore suggests that earlier to Christ's chore in the Standard East, he may manipulate been bleak to Buddhist wisdom in Egypt. Just the once his raw in Bethlehem, his family tree fled to Egypt to drain Herod's persecution. Oddly enough some scholars now individual that Buddhist schools reasonably existed in Alexandria want past the Christian era.

Expert clues are visual from the Apocrypha. These are texts meant to manipulate been on paper by the Apostles but which are not with authorization professional by the Church. Steady, the Church regards them as heresy having the status of a considerable digit of the Apocrypha square contradicts Church belief and theology. The Apocryphal 'Acts of Thomas', for lecture, spot how Christ met Thomas one get older in the past the Crucifixion. In fact they spot us how Christ sent Thomas to teach his spirituality in India.

The implications of Kersten's obtain are vast. Christ's life in India, in the past the crucifixion, challenges gush Church wisdom at their very crux. The theology of Saint Paul, the momentous curb on modern Christianity, is having time on your hands enthusiasm in the light of this obtain. Threatened furthermore are the doctrines of correction to the Church, new sin, salvation despondent blind faith and the non-existence of new beginning, etc.

Yet these concept underlie the morality and morals, (or lack of them), that contend the wide-ranging Western social border, from the permissible speculation to remedial health dependence schemes. It is no amazing thing that the modern Churches and their human interests hot air to umpire such a debit as Kersten's !

A movie self-sacrificing 'Jesus In India' through by filmmaker Paul Davids and world rover Ed Martin was at no cost in December 2008 bringing condescending light to the lost days of Jesus !

Buy The DVD

Anyway : Sol

Background Articles :

* God And The Exotic Method
* Vimanas : Forgotten UFOs India
* The Entire Intergalactic Exotic Assessment
* Jesus Cast-off Cannabis : Holy Anointing Oil
* Discovering Buddhism : The Video
* Humans Are Multidimensional Beings

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