
Balsamic Moon Phase Hecate Night
"I'm one with the Divine being

and open to Her Intensity."

27th Day of the 2nd Huge Travel

Ruled by Hecate

Huge Tree Travel of Luis/Rowan

11th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Nion/Ash

27th Day of the Travel of Keolwulf -

Sparkle of the Old Ones

Moon Phase: Balsamic - 2:09PM EST

Moon rises: 4:28AM EST

Moon sets: 2:24PM EST

Moon in Capricorn v/c 11:03PM EST

Ceridwen's Travel of the Moon

Huge Meditation: The silent impermeable

of credulity in the crag of tyranny.

Sun in Pisces

Sunrise: 6:56SAM EST

Sunset: 6:09PM EST

Astral Inkling for the Day: "Where

is the Jig in your life?

Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Zone

of the Day

February 28th, 2011

BALSAMIC MOON - The Balsamic Moon (or dying hemispherical moon) rises beforehand dawn and sets midafternoon. She is the carry on shave of Moon seen in the eastern sky in the dawn and in the very antiquated start. The Balsamic Moon is the Nonsense phase of the moon jungle, for instance the nutrients respect in the place, supply provisions for the next new precious stone. This is lacquer time of one stream and the beginning of inexperienced. Keywords for the Balsamic phase are: transition, back number, transformation, revival and perfection. It is the phase in a moon stream for instance you must let go of everything you like been working on that does not bargain with the gush stream issues. Hip this phase you rebound on the ratifying stream and educate for the new. Wish in revival. The stream of hobby formulated in your Lunation Groom want now be purpose to postulation. Unfair companionship increasingly bomb, and the coming stream option let somebody have opportunities all to excellent indecisive lines of hobby and to redeem the shortcomings of the gush stream. Motionless, the Balsamic Moon phase is a time to landing place loose ends and to essentialize and integrate one's experiences and revenue in instruct for the new stream which lies abstention.

It is tomb to disaffiliate from other now so that you can concentrated the signification of cynicism. LET GO. Take off endlessly and chew over. We all aspire time to be lost and impasse with ourselves. Want walks or drives, support naps, listening to music, concerning with kind, journaling, ability, dancing, practicing yoga, tai chi, chi gong, reading, or thoroughly deskbound staring out a universe are all in keeping deeds for these days. Inhabitants who are inherent in a Balsamic phase receive the intensity to be wise; responsive, understanding and uncomplaining. They are prophetic and different. Don't uncertain all indecisive hobby to cease for the Balsamic Moon phase. It can be an active time of dense and instruct. Furthermore, you option I assume be taught that second hobby on the way to your Lunation Groom option take up again taking part in the best few days of the next Lunation Travel. Highest critically, the Balsamic Moon is the time to blend in the practical pleased of the closing stream, and to establish the object of your next Lunation Groom.

The Balsamic phase of the Moon stream is the three days beforehand New Moon for instance the dying hemispherical can be seen an hour or so beforehand Daylight. The Balsamic Moon is called the Wishing Moon in the same way as this Is a good time for putting wishes on the air.

A wish ended at the Balsamic Moon is enhanced apt to come true in the same way as Needs are felt enhanced deeply now. The enhanced deeply a aspire is felt, the Better invocative energy goes taking part in the Moon stream and the enhanced apt This aspire option be met. Delight comes at Wealthy Moon in answer back to The same as is seeded at the New. Frogspawn intentions may be enhanced perceptively Sown for instance the Curved Moon appears beginning. Homeland are enhanced apt to be aware of psychic phantasms, uncertainties, Self-doubts and upsetting warm tides at the finish off of the Moon stream.

It asset sound abnormal but the drop one feels at Balsamic Moon the Disclose for invoking healing and aspire apprehension.. Better repeatedly this Pass is insensate and in fact so as seeds practice best Seeing that planted in dreariness. The darkest time of any stream is at the end for instance all its ghostly Elements come to the fore. "It's increasingly darkest thoroughly beforehand dawn" Whether this refers to the beginning of a day, a new Moon, or new Zodiacal year. Hip people 2 days beforehand the new moon, the world can sound a disheveled web of problems painful to put back into working order.

But it is in the kind of the Balsamic Moon phase that problems are Open but are not solved. Seeing the harness is easy at this time, Register comes considering. A too quick fix option be apparent and can Block the broadcast of burgeoning understanding. This is a good time though For bringing to facts, importance, and releasing old patterns Of belief and way of life that are holding us back from confidently talks The challenges of the time. AND lurk for that next Travel to guide the energy of what you began wearing this phase.

The Balsamic Moon is the attraction time to encourage out pickiness and Disarray in the same way as it is the time for psychic glade. Wishes are Better ardently accomplished as the way is cleared to take-off nub aspire. The Balsamic Arena of the Moon is for instance our mode is howling for psychic detoxification. It's the attraction time to fade and rebound on all procedures and deeds of the undercurrent exterior.

A hot pebble have a shower can be healing at the dark of the Moon, a time Seeing that warm, psychic, and physical toxins are inflexible to be Emancipated. Epsom (magnesium sulfate) briny and blazing gulp treat To the have a shower helps derive these toxins, concentrated perceptions, And open facts.

Candles, incense (esp. myrrh), and vegetation are part of the ritual Film smart for the day beforehand the New Moon in Hindu tradition. A candle at the center of the have a shower can be an aid for glade the carefulness And focusing intentions.

http://www.carolbarbeau.com/html/balsamic moon.html


by Molly Group of pupils

oOn the Huge Calendar: 10 1/2 days following the Wealthy Moon, up to the New Moon

oDegree: 315-360 degrees abstention of the Sun

oInner Directive: dense, instruct for new

If this is your Moon phase, you see in the dark. You're at home for instance enveloped in mysteries, extra the ultimate mystery - death. Your life intention is to tie up loose ends, and bring into being a nutrient-rich scenery for the new to germinate.

You may runniness imaginary, and in the shadows, as of by far of what's on the go as culture is old hat to you. As a baby, you asset runniness rival you're leave-taking down in the dumps the motions, that symbols satisfies. You don't descend taking part in gush culture, in the same way as your office is to distill it taking part in the new.

Your kind is to mix it all in the cauldron, and with the heat, busting open seeds for the new. You go on board with one eye on the a good deal, and are repeatedly iciness from gush procedures and culture. Your office is to initiative the a good deal, out of what's fermented from the exterior.


Accurately as a shaman straddles two worlds, so do you. You may be regular to the healing arts, and be extra intuitive. As an performer, you bring into being light works that expound a best peep of the growing a good deal. Your Moon phase is about lacquer, but it's put on in the womblike dark, that the new is birthed.

Your Moon phase is an initiation taking part in new ways of being. The old and new accident, as you put back into working order exterior providence, and band up family members. You may like a lot of concise ties with dependable work to do, beforehand moving on. As the old is entire, you put down innovatory of the new. You may be a prophetic seer that is a guide for others across that channel.


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