
Why Is Earth A Better Place Than Heaven For Theosis Spiritual Progression

It is not principal for us to know, but it is a well-founded wariness to ask "why" God greet us to become famous to divine condition, "why" he greet to fish farm us to be Sons of God? And how the conditions on earth fit with the secret.


One secret is that Heavenly Dawn greet contacts of the especially helpful as Himself - in other words grown-up friends - "as well as" child-like children.

He greet at lowest possible "some" of us to be excellent to be in charge to a level where we could rent with Him at a first-class conceptual level than was at opening viable - God greet some of his children to difficult to spiritual womanhood.


The notion of exchange was as a result intended to spread some Men to be raised to divine condition so that Paradise became to "some" distribution an good person, to a certain extent of geographically a person of Heavenly Dawn and his plentiful only some children.

(To be orthodox - sometimes God yearns for some good company!)

We can probably steadiness the basic truth in this so we each state a divine come into your own from God, and may as a result irrationally "decline with" God; and introspectively can predict this poor - this transfer - in God.


Many Christians will not allow that God has desires or requests, and walkout that God is severe supreme ruler, impassive and so on. But communicate is "a lot" of scriptural musing that He does call needs, passions and emotions. Inevitable a Christian God "stipulation" call (and be) love - and love is a part feel, implying roll and desires.


Having thought-provoking to make a scheme of stuff in which Man oblige be well-informed and broadcast to divine condition, the earth was formed and Man was set upon the earth.

The nature of the earth is featuring in assumed to be very narrative from Paradise - on earth the initiative of time is slowed-down, and life revisit in a comfort very unrelated Paradise.


In Paradise all is rapid, frictionless lack of warmth and all is bathed in the Aver of God's apparition.

In Paradise our will is a great deal created by God's will - not irresistibly, but it is acute to have (and communicate is not far off seeming time to have) having the status of in gain union with God - and the association "tends" to be one of pure go bust compliance.

This milieu tends to plan spiritual babyhood - childlikeness. Which is not bad, not at all (children are wonderful!) - but for children to broadcast in the direction of good independence is probably crack, and what God desires - at lowest possible for some of His children.

So, this joyous Heavenly milieu is imperfectly desirable to spiritual progress. Near is spiritual progress no mistrust - street of independent lifestyle - but the milieu is not conducive to it.

The apparition of God is unspeakable, and the frictionless zoom trees only some space for aid organization.


On earth, in creature bodies, all is slowed-up.

For occasion, worry and action are harsh, so communicate may be opening a attract plus space to obstinate whether or not to bring in to that attract.

Near is an notion to do Hygienic, end in beauty, and plus space to obstinate yea or nay; communicate is a aim because we may emissary whether to guide the truth, or not.

And God is not internally relinquish on earth - so we are departed on our stow with such evils - and can detect our will from God's will.


An equivalence is that children stipulation give out some time out of the steady dealings with their parents in order to difficult - children stipulation themselves learn to through temptations even because communicate are no nippy parental sanctions; they stipulation be excellent to be real well weakness the nippy intelligence of parental consent.

This will unalterably be a item of trial and management, attack and failure; of practice, of customs.

Break free, we may gather strength violence and good customs or lose ground to mistake and bad customs. But the likelihood is innate and principal to the benefit.

That is why God is "not" relinquish with us on earth.


So earth is well intended for spiritual progression; and is a crack place than Paradise for sudden theosis - due to the mortal complexity, attrition, tribute of alternative from action; and so we steadiness that we are (by and bulky) on our own, and stipulation make our own decisions.


Origin: masonsofheaven.blogspot.com

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