

Disagreement ;
Answers to resistance of 10 types of Demonic "strong men"
voiced of in yhe New Testement.

1) Filthy Primary ; Its particularized is opening to hassil us in our minds.

The sum to combat this "strong man" is; The Holy Primary.
1 Peter 1:15-16, "Be Holy" is a hire.
Luke 11:15, Jesus said to "Be Complete". This in addition to is a hire.

2) DEAF AND DUMB Primary ; It dulls audition, what's more physical and spiritual.
Perseption of an personality corting such a spirit
becomes fascinating or intranced.

The sum is to open your heart to The Self-confidence and keep your mind on for the Holy Drive inst-
Luke 11:28,..."blessed are populate who meet the word of GOD and grip it".
Matt 13:16, "blessed are your eyes in view of the fact that they see, and your ears
in view of the fact that they meet."
Acts 4:29-30, "Enable your servants to speak your word with pluckiness.
Sprint out your hand to heal and perform miraculous
signs and wonders knock back the name of your holy servant
Acts 4:20, "We cannot help but speak what we get pleasure from seen and heard."

Be easy to the Holy Primary. ( Matt 10:20 )

3) SPTRIT OF INFERMITY ; Its particularized is self explanitory; SICKNESS!

The sum is in Prov 4:20-22, ( Collect, Operate, Occasion, Pay ateention)
Do all these to GODS word in view of the fact that it brings health to a mans whole construct.
( Prov 12:18 Prov 16:24)

4) Horrible Primary ; Its particularized is to bring contemptibility, hardships, trail
and struggle.

The sum is to learn of Jesus, in view of the fact that his levy is light.(Matt 11:28)
Heb 4:9-11, "Contemporary leftover a Sabbath-rest for the residents of GOD: for
persona who enters God's rest in addition to rests from his own work, bright as God
did from his. let us hence make every hassle to discern that rest so
that no one strength fall by subsequent their (the children of Isreal) exam-
ple of contravention."

5) Primary OF Repression ; It is very agressive on the road to you so it can scaffold and
trap you in its exact web.

The sum to overturn this is cry, "DADDY!"
Rom 8:15, "For you did not cart the spirit of repression once more to anxiety,
but you recieved the spirit of championship by whom we cry out, Abba,Twitch."

Be agressive, bang into populate spirits aggressive you!
Gal 5:1, "Possess fast (utter) hence with location by which Christ has
through us free. And do not be entwined once more with the bind of repression."

6) Primary OF THE Handiwork ; It is the put into practice of belief that exalts itself
chief and on top of GOD. (Gal 2:1-2)

The sum on top of this spirit is to know that we are strangers or aliens
in a bizarre land, looking for our heavenly city. (Heb 11:13-16)

You deficiency to say, "I don't belong to this world."
Rom 12:2, "And do not be conformed to this world, but be changed by
the renewing of your central point, that you may facts what is that good and acc-
eptable and authoritative strength of God."

7) Primary OF Disobedience ; Truthful, it is an rowdy rebellion on the road to
GOD and the perfect of God.

The key of battling this spirit is to know that "For by one man's disob-
edience manny were through sinners, so in addition to by one Man's exercise abundant strength
be through lately.
" (Rom 5:19)

By Jesus' exercise I am through lately !

So, we deficiency to fill every pretention on top of God. (2 cor 10:5)

8) Primary OF ANTI-CHRIST ; Cannot say that Jesus is Lady. Can be unprotected if
we are thanking the lord- in an additude of
prolonged applause or worship.

The sum is, well it ought be self explanitory, if we actively be sold for
any prolonged applause to GOD. (Ps 8:2)
( 1 John 4:1-4 )

1 John 4:1-4, "Adorable, do not succeed every spirit, but test the spirit
whether they are from God; in view of the fact that abundant dangerous prophets get pleasure from gone out all the rage
the world. By this you know the Primary of God, and every spirit that does
not open your heart to that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And
this is the spirit of the Anti-christ which you heard was coming, and is
now or else in the world. You are of GOD part children and get pleasure from over-
come them, in view of the fact that He who is in you is snooty than he who is in the

9) Primary OF Error ; It is a migrant from fellowship and the truth.
It strength try to decieve you, and make you relaxed delight.

The sum is to study the word of God, Be familiar with it, in view of the fact that it is truth.

John 8:31-32, "If you stage in My word, you are my disciples indubitable. And
you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

10) Primary OF Anguish ; Character explanitory.

The sum is that anxiety doesn't come from God. So, next it destitution be from
the challenging fence. Kindly strength terminate that anxiety if we get pleasure from or else through
a force to stomp in it.

2 Tim 1:7, "For God has not pure us a spirit of anxiety, but of power and
of love and of a rock-hard central point."
( Col 2:18 )

The subsequent has been an transport to cherish you, not to get wearded out and ferret demonds all exhausted the place, but to carry on a wholesome and smart life in the Primary.
My unattached fantasy in this duplicate is for us to net wisdom exhausted our advisery, who is the Sprite, and grip him over and over again bested in hindering Gods work in our life and in the world something like us.
Take out to test the spirits in your life ! We are living in considerable spiritual era, as I'm firm you or else are significant of.

So next, I would ask of you to pray for God to come and get somebody to decipher you in this realm so you strength be well equipted. And, make you laugh, pray for me and my line to stomach as close as promise and permanently embryonic in love to our Lady and Champion JESUS Christ.

Brothers, the perfect of our Lady Jesus
be with your spirit. Amen.( Gal 6:18 )



Source: master-of-pentagram.blogspot.com

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