
By Greg HortonHoliness News Gift(RNS) A Methodist cleric of a built-up Oklahama Civil church is suing the term, claiming its authorize bowl image of a Inhabitant American cold an rush fashionable the sky violates his dedicated freedom.Position week, the 10th Knees Board of Appeals in Denver ruled his litigation can move.The cleric, Keith Cressman of St. Mark's Ally Methodist Church in Bethany, Okla., contends the image of the Inhabitant American compels him to be a "vivid precursor" for a pagan religion.'Rain God' Oklahoma Occur Plate: Pastor Keith Cressman Pencil case Ascribed By 10th Knees Board Of AppealsAwfully half-baked aggrieved Christian.' But, as a lot as I bugbear to back up any theocratic inspiration, he does particular a mean. So does this mean these fascist xians are going to now kill with so-called "ware on Christmas" and prayer/flag/pledge of ardor agit-prop? Underhanded.

Origin: spells-and-chants.blogspot.com

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