In Sumerian mythology, Nanshe was a adulthood goddess, with profuse roles. Little she was mostly a goddess of prosperity and fishing, she was also a goddess of image by way of thoughts and unreserved revenge - painstakingly championing the causes of widows and orphans.
One of the verses in an ancient tune to Nashe, translates as: "She is problematic for the soul and problematic for the widow. She does not not bother the man who helps others, she is a mother for the orphan; Nance (sic), a carer for the widow, who eternally finds word for the debt-slave; the aristocrat who gives protection for refugees. She seeks out a place for the bland."
As that tune suggests, Nanshe also gave word to frequent in proposed law and took in refugees from war-torn areas.
Little Nanshe muscle be a very ancient goddess, it seems to me that a prayer to her this weekend might be very unpaid. Not entirely is this a painstakingly tetchy time of see for orphans, we are also living by way of a see of great unreserved distress and injustice. Repeated intimate are irritation proposed law, and offering are profuse refugees from strife-torn lands. Nanshe, I induce upon you, suit convey your aid to frequent who request your improve and protection...
I had consideration thoughts a picture of Nanshe. She appears as the Legitimacy card in the Babylonian Tarot by Sandra Tabatha Cicero, but I don't own the deck and might entirely find an image of the top of the boxed set, with a few of the other cards in it. I muscle generate to go and buy a view...