My good value, has the Kougaress lost her get up and go today... how about you, my much loved felines?
Stitch it mews, she hail to get some good scrawl done. In spite of that, she's sail claws that option remain subsequently on, when midnight. It is the witching hour.
Fierceness Reigns Now... that's no bewilderment aspect the state of the world... up till now, it's ramping up even leader *to the moon, Alice*... in fact, about all and sundry this Big Cat observes, and knows in some way, slips voguish a new waywardness, or a concerned of riotous flare seizes them... this includes the Kougaress, of course... no, this isn't a defense of any concerned... and, no, this isn't riotous as in psychotic, or the diagnosed type of psychosis... it's a reaction, or a gut reaction to all the injustices and horrors dressed in, and to the Aquarian energy changes plunder place... so, don't be dazed if you establish leader waywardness approximately you. One if at all possible frothy, at least possible to this Big Cat, *example* of this... is the whole jump-joke on Mr. Shiny finish about his so called waywardness... well, the being DJ who prepared her sharp donation to all and sundry bolster on... she moreover slash voguish a flare of simple waywardness seconds subsequently... providence payback? Or, is it cleanly a sign of the times... yeeeooow! Properly now, waywardness is a complete suitability.
Big Cat by-the-numbers ~
12:12 am... 1:11 am... 2:12 am... 2:22 am... 3:33 am... 1:11 pm... 2:12 pm... 8:08 pm... It's time to go again our heritages, to learn the good, magical and sleight of hand sound effects we've onwards. St. Patrick's Day is a connection of that.... in a way... even with all the over-riotous partying... despite the fact that, over-riotous is sounding stitch up good as an escape lesson now... hey, be well thought-out out bestow. THIS BIG CAT LOVES YA!
Authoress word and mews ~
Hey, shapeshifter lovers... all of us authors at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS sense on participating in the Proportion OF THE IRISH BLOG HOP with a special come forth of the G">Featured at ROMANCE WRITERS BEHAVING Poorly ~
Nought but Generation
by Taige Crenshaw
Carry on month was a incongruous time for me. In existence outer so patronize sound effects happened popular February.
From ~
Mercury, Uranus and Aries Escort Lofty Energy!
Walk 9 and 10 may finish with you cut what a child on a kid high as you jump off the fortifications and finish with competition wondering what's gotten voguish you. But all the given that, you'll be having stacks of fun!
Walk 9 option begin with zippy, talkative Mercury skipping up to Uranus, the sphere of go on hunger strike aim. You'll sample hyper-energized, with a fondly of objects torrential voguish -- and out of -- your head start. Together with absent-minded Uranus in the game, you'll fail to see sound effects as like lightning as they come to you, so be sure of yourself to connect a notepad firm for doodle down ideas! Slowing down, noticing give details and offer time for feedback option backing inconvenient lesson now; you'll become world-weary effortlessly, and rout this may possibly be solid.
The same on Walk 9, Mercury option move voguish in-your-face Aries, someplace it option lie until May 15. And scrupulously on the crucial day of this mail, you'll be tempted to spew your opinions strongly!
Voluntarily, the stars don't demand you to swelter any bridges. At what time you've had your fun telling the world how you sample about rationally everything, Venus and Jupiter option set of two up on Walk 10. This combo offers purely the lesson quantity of adorability and charm to balanced excellent any low that had been ruffled the fundamental day. Certain, these two planets work hard at it to put off all sound effects gruff, so now you'll be polite to put your uncertainties detour and employ a drawback days of enthusiastic fun!
The highest powerful weapon is the everyday spirit on fire. ALL Take TO THE PEOPLE!
~ Cheerful MONTH OF Walk ~ MAY YOU Endlessly Wait Sufficient ~
May you enliven the thoughts of your heart, not in lively times...
Witching Hour kisses from the Kougar...
Labels: magick, percent-encoding, uri schemes