British Muslim Who Beheaded Soldier On Public Street Many Many Ayahs In The Quran
Posted by Unknown at 11:44 AMCONFIRMED: Completely Make a recording I Acknowledge WATCHED CUT THE QURAN REFERENCES OUT. SOLSTICE
Utmost news orgs cut the quran discussion out. Why? Who and what are they defending? Their reconciliation and scrubbing is sanction of the savage. (vid hat tip Suneil) shrugs/2013/05/british-muslim-who-beheaded-soldier-on-public-street-many-many-suras-in-the-quran.html
Now in Woolwich, England, a man reported to be a British combatant was cut down by two Anglo-African Muslims wielding knives and a machete. One of the killers, interruption in a inland English ability to speak, is heard on video to say:"We undertake by almighty Allah we strength of mind never ban feat you. We neediness wrestle them as they wrestle us. An eye for an eye, a dagger for a dagger. I apologise that women have had to trace this today, but in our land our women have to see the enormously. You humanity strength of mind never be without a scratch. Conveying your governing body, they don't consideration about you."Eyewitnesses theoretical that the object had been draining a improve for Heroes' T-shirt. Aid for Heroes is a forbearance to help British legion wounded in customary conflicts.
Eyewitnesses moreover reported that the killers attempted to guillotine the combatant, and that they asked bystanders to call the order, and stimulated towards the order as if to crackdown them, as sooner or later as they appeared.
Period some theoretical the killers were out of control, the contradictory seems to be the cover. They threaten to have been the stage in compact with a theologically agree logic which can be supposed on the basis of Islamic tradition. In the midst of perpetrating this slaughter, they found time, kindly and conveniently, to explicate their motivations on camera.
The dangerous captured on video was referencing passages from Islamic sacred texts. "We neediness wrestle them as they wrestle us" is a discussion to a illustration found unconsciously in the Koran:
"Combat in the outcome of Allah Public WHO Combat YOU... And kill them everywhere ye safeguard them, and turn them out from someplace they have turned you out; for "fitnah" (totalitarianism, persecution) is reduce than slaughter;... IF THEY Combat YOU, Slay THEM. Such is the desirable of fill with who oppose entrust. " (Sura 2:190-9)"Combat THE POLYTHEISTS all together AS THEY Combat YOU all together" (Sura 9:36)"Certainty TO Combat (v disbelievers) is definite to Public (believers) WHO ARE FOUGHT Against, to the same degree they have been mistreated and indeed, Allah is Proficient to hand over them (believers) defeat" (Sura 22:39)The Arabic word for wrestle used in the Koran in these passages is "qatilu" which justly major feat to conclude. (See stylish for an defense of the meaning of Sura 2:190-91, a corridor used by Muslim jurists to exculpate assassination.)
The discussion 'an eye for an eye, and a dagger for a dagger is moreover from the Koran (in the face of in essence borrowed from a number of passages in the Hodgepodge law):
AND WE Prescribed FOR THEM THEREIN: THE Sort FOR THE Sort, AND THE EYE FOR THE EYE, and the derivation for the derivation, and the ear for the ear, and THE Pointed tooth FOR THE Pointed tooth, and for wounds counter-offensive. (Sura 5:54)The Muslim killers stylish are invoking a religious control that it is decriminalized to wrestle and conclude humanity who stipend war v Muslims. As Bin Ladin put it in his interaction to the American people:
"It is commanded by our religion and intelligence that the oppressed have a well-brought-up to return the hostility. Do not await whatever from us but Jihad, apology and revenge."The belief which seems to underly the Woolwich crackdown is that to the same degree the British governing body is feat a war v Muslims in Muslim lands, it is hence official for Muslims to stipend jihad v the British. British humanity, who designated the governing body dressed in power, are moreover deliberate to be intuitively guilty, which is why they strength of mind never be without a scratch and are told to cleanse your governing body.
The killer's gossip is patently reminiscent of Bin Ladin's November 2002 interaction to the American humanity, in which he not clearly spar of cutting out of governments (in Muslim lands), but moreover explained that it was official to crackdown American civilians to the same degree they are the ones who designated their governing body dressed in power:
"... the American humanity are the ones who detect their governing body by way of their own free will; a desire which stems from their deal to its policies.... The American humanity have the likelihood and desire to ravage the policies of their Kingdom and even to reinstate it if they impressive.... the American navy is part of the American humanity.... This is why the American humanity cannot be not innocent of all the crimes robust by the Americans and Jews v us.... Allah, the Almighty, legislated the vacation and the another to contract revenge. Therefore, if we are attacked, plus we have the well-brought-up to crackdown back.... whoever has killed our civilians, plus we have the well-brought-up to conclude theirs.The illustration 'you humanity strength of mind never be without a scratch is reminiscent of Muhammad's teaching to his partners to enticement non-Muslims to Islam by snitch them "aslim taslam "Filch Islam and you strength of mind be without a scratch" (see stylish). The magnitude is that non-Muslims are not without a scratch to the same degree their blood and attribute can be demanding until they assure. Therefore Muhammad theoretical to his cousin Ali, on the eve of the crackdown v the Jews of Khaibar:
"Combat ("qatilu") until they fend for top score to the fact that existing is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Disciple [i.e. until they assure to Islam] and next they do that, plus their blood and their wealth are anathema [without a scratch] from your hands." ("S"ahih Muslim. Grasp of the Intrinsic worth of the Companions of the Fantastic Judge "4:29:5917).It seems the killers considered necessary martyrdom in compact with their beliefs, to the same degree they asked bystanders to call the order and straight off stimulated to crackdown the order next they appearing in on the sight.
This slaughter on the streets of Woolwich has all the hallmarks of a theologically forced crackdown, and keys to understand it can be found in the Qur'an and the tradition of Muhammad.
Labels: magick, religion belief, vodou