Quite a few risk that the ghostly spirits of the Nephilim remained on the Opinion and became what we now slacken to as demons. The deduce is that as angelic-human hybrids, the spirits of the Nephilim would accommodate been being from the possible soul-spirit, in addition to the possibility to outlook nearby in this world anyhow no longer having a physical put together. This would in all probability explain the starvation the demons accommodate to footing possible beings, accordingly refuse to eat chair insensitive a physical put together. This would else make some defer to from the viewpoint of the fallen angels, who are outnumbered 2-1 by the holy angels, say them a good slang to examination to progress their position.
The Nephilim rationale for the origin of the demons is partially the ending of a misinterpretation of who sudden are the "spirits in imprison" in 1 Peter 3:19 (see else Jude 6). An assortment of misjudge the "spirits in imprison" to be all of the fallen angels who rebelled vs. God. If all of the fallen angels are intent, after that display penury be an replacement rationale for the soul of demons, accordingly the want for the Nephilim rationale. Even, obviously not all of the fallen angels are intent. Satan, the self-important of the good rebellion vs. God, is not intent. Why would God allow the nonconformist self-important to outlook free, but after that maintain the angels who followed Satan in the rebellion? No, it makes in excess of defer to to understand the "spirits in imprison" as the fallen angels who participated in an second rebellion, e.g., the sons of God / daughters of men landscape. The fallen angels who mated with possible females are the ones who are intent. Present-day is no intense biblical slang to rebut the revelation that the demons are the incredibly beings as the fallen angels.
The revelation that the demons are the ghostly spirits of the Nephilim is else depressed from the book of Enoch, which goes dressed in famous unimportance on the subject of the Nephilim. We accommodate to get the hang of, even if, that even if the book of Enoch contains some truth (Jude 14), it is not the stimulated, inerrant, and sanctioned Tale of God. We should never bottom a belief exceptionally, or even primary, from extra-biblical literature. So, with no want to explain the soul of demons outside of the fallen angels, and with no pleasing acknowledgment in Scripture for the spirits of the Nephilim perpetual on Opinion, display is no intense defense on which to request the demons with the spirits of the Nephilim. Equally the revelation is conceivable, it cannot be derived to be precise from Scripture.