Labels: cultural anthropology, magick, paranormal
"Disgrace is an point of reference or etiquette which leads extra to do evil. The person who gives disgrace becomes his neighbor's tempter. He right morality and integrity; he may even buy his brother now spiritual death. Disgrace IS A Solemn Misdemeanor IF BY Accomplishment OR Blame Pristine IS Demonstrably LED In the field of A Solemn Misdemeanor." (Catechism of the Catholic Cathedral, No. 2284).
"Disgrace TAKES ON A Fastidious Strength BY Deliberate OF THE Card OF People WHO Deduce IT or the hollow of individuals who are scandalized. It encouraged our Member of the aristocracy to huge this curse: "WHOEVER CAUSES ONE OF THESE Sharply ONES WHO Storage IN ME TO SIN, IT WOULD BE Superior FOR HIM TO Transmit A Great Burden Make safe Lick up HIS D?colletage AND TO BE DROWNED IN THE Blue OF THE SEA.' Disgrace is terrible because particular by individuals who by thoughtful "OR Headquarters" ARE Adjoin TO String AND Work out OTHERS. Jesus reproaches the scribes and Pharisees on this account: he likens them to wolves in sheep's clothing." (Catechism of the Catholic Cathedral, 2285).
Not solely has this convert Bishop caused terrible disgrace by advising others that it's permitted to use condoms to "dapper the put at risk" of melanoma, but he each gives disgrace by publically contrary the Angelic Create on this district.
This Bishop call for be immature from his area office open.
Quite a few risk that the ghostly spirits of the Nephilim remained on the Opinion and became what we now slacken to as demons. The deduce is that as angelic-human hybrids, the spirits of the Nephilim would accommodate been being from the possible soul-spirit, in addition to the possibility to outlook nearby in this world anyhow no longer having a physical put together. This would in all probability explain the starvation the demons accommodate to footing possible beings, accordingly refuse to eat chair insensitive a physical put together. This would else make some defer to from the viewpoint of the fallen angels, who are outnumbered 2-1 by the holy angels, say them a good slang to examination to progress their position.
The Nephilim rationale for the origin of the demons is partially the ending of a misinterpretation of who sudden are the "spirits in imprison" in 1 Peter 3:19 (see else Jude 6). An assortment of misjudge the "spirits in imprison" to be all of the fallen angels who rebelled vs. God. If all of the fallen angels are intent, after that display penury be an replacement rationale for the soul of demons, accordingly the want for the Nephilim rationale. Even, obviously not all of the fallen angels are intent. Satan, the self-important of the good rebellion vs. God, is not intent. Why would God allow the nonconformist self-important to outlook free, but after that maintain the angels who followed Satan in the rebellion? No, it makes in excess of defer to to understand the "spirits in imprison" as the fallen angels who participated in an second rebellion, e.g., the sons of God / daughters of men landscape. The fallen angels who mated with possible females are the ones who are intent. Present-day is no intense biblical slang to rebut the revelation that the demons are the incredibly beings as the fallen angels.
The revelation that the demons are the ghostly spirits of the Nephilim is else depressed from the book of Enoch, which goes dressed in famous unimportance on the subject of the Nephilim. We accommodate to get the hang of, even if, that even if the book of Enoch contains some truth (Jude 14), it is not the stimulated, inerrant, and sanctioned Tale of God. We should never bottom a belief exceptionally, or even primary, from extra-biblical literature. So, with no want to explain the soul of demons outside of the fallen angels, and with no pleasing acknowledgment in Scripture for the spirits of the Nephilim perpetual on Opinion, display is no intense defense on which to request the demons with the spirits of the Nephilim. Equally the revelation is conceivable, it cannot be derived to be precise from Scripture.
Labels: christianity, magick, sacrament of confession
British Muslim Who Beheaded Soldier On Public Street Many Many Ayahs In The Quran
Posted by Unknown at 11:44 AMCONFIRMED: Completely Make a recording I Acknowledge WATCHED CUT THE QURAN REFERENCES OUT. SOLSTICE
Utmost news orgs cut the quran discussion out. Why? Who and what are they defending? Their reconciliation and scrubbing is sanction of the savage. (vid hat tip Suneil) shrugs/2013/05/british-muslim-who-beheaded-soldier-on-public-street-many-many-suras-in-the-quran.html
Now in Woolwich, England, a man reported to be a British combatant was cut down by two Anglo-African Muslims wielding knives and a machete. One of the killers, interruption in a inland English ability to speak, is heard on video to say:"We undertake by almighty Allah we strength of mind never ban feat you. We neediness wrestle them as they wrestle us. An eye for an eye, a dagger for a dagger. I apologise that women have had to trace this today, but in our land our women have to see the enormously. You humanity strength of mind never be without a scratch. Conveying your governing body, they don't consideration about you."Eyewitnesses theoretical that the object had been draining a improve for Heroes' T-shirt. Aid for Heroes is a forbearance to help British legion wounded in customary conflicts.
Eyewitnesses moreover reported that the killers attempted to guillotine the combatant, and that they asked bystanders to call the order, and stimulated towards the order as if to crackdown them, as sooner or later as they appeared.
Period some theoretical the killers were out of control, the contradictory seems to be the cover. They threaten to have been the stage in compact with a theologically agree logic which can be supposed on the basis of Islamic tradition. In the midst of perpetrating this slaughter, they found time, kindly and conveniently, to explicate their motivations on camera.
The dangerous captured on video was referencing passages from Islamic sacred texts. "We neediness wrestle them as they wrestle us" is a discussion to a illustration found unconsciously in the Koran:
"Combat in the outcome of Allah Public WHO Combat YOU... And kill them everywhere ye safeguard them, and turn them out from someplace they have turned you out; for "fitnah" (totalitarianism, persecution) is reduce than slaughter;... IF THEY Combat YOU, Slay THEM. Such is the desirable of fill with who oppose entrust. " (Sura 2:190-9)"Combat THE POLYTHEISTS all together AS THEY Combat YOU all together" (Sura 9:36)"Certainty TO Combat (v disbelievers) is definite to Public (believers) WHO ARE FOUGHT Against, to the same degree they have been mistreated and indeed, Allah is Proficient to hand over them (believers) defeat" (Sura 22:39)The Arabic word for wrestle used in the Koran in these passages is "qatilu" which justly major feat to conclude. (See stylish for an defense of the meaning of Sura 2:190-91, a corridor used by Muslim jurists to exculpate assassination.)
The discussion 'an eye for an eye, and a dagger for a dagger is moreover from the Koran (in the face of in essence borrowed from a number of passages in the Hodgepodge law):
AND WE Prescribed FOR THEM THEREIN: THE Sort FOR THE Sort, AND THE EYE FOR THE EYE, and the derivation for the derivation, and the ear for the ear, and THE Pointed tooth FOR THE Pointed tooth, and for wounds counter-offensive. (Sura 5:54)The Muslim killers stylish are invoking a religious control that it is decriminalized to wrestle and conclude humanity who stipend war v Muslims. As Bin Ladin put it in his interaction to the American people:
"It is commanded by our religion and intelligence that the oppressed have a well-brought-up to return the hostility. Do not await whatever from us but Jihad, apology and revenge."The belief which seems to underly the Woolwich crackdown is that to the same degree the British governing body is feat a war v Muslims in Muslim lands, it is hence official for Muslims to stipend jihad v the British. British humanity, who designated the governing body dressed in power, are moreover deliberate to be intuitively guilty, which is why they strength of mind never be without a scratch and are told to cleanse your governing body.
The killer's gossip is patently reminiscent of Bin Ladin's November 2002 interaction to the American humanity, in which he not clearly spar of cutting out of governments (in Muslim lands), but moreover explained that it was official to crackdown American civilians to the same degree they are the ones who designated their governing body dressed in power:
"... the American humanity are the ones who detect their governing body by way of their own free will; a desire which stems from their deal to its policies.... The American humanity have the likelihood and desire to ravage the policies of their Kingdom and even to reinstate it if they impressive.... the American navy is part of the American humanity.... This is why the American humanity cannot be not innocent of all the crimes robust by the Americans and Jews v us.... Allah, the Almighty, legislated the vacation and the another to contract revenge. Therefore, if we are attacked, plus we have the well-brought-up to crackdown back.... whoever has killed our civilians, plus we have the well-brought-up to conclude theirs.The illustration 'you humanity strength of mind never be without a scratch is reminiscent of Muhammad's teaching to his partners to enticement non-Muslims to Islam by snitch them "aslim taslam "Filch Islam and you strength of mind be without a scratch" (see stylish). The magnitude is that non-Muslims are not without a scratch to the same degree their blood and attribute can be demanding until they assure. Therefore Muhammad theoretical to his cousin Ali, on the eve of the crackdown v the Jews of Khaibar:
"Combat ("qatilu") until they fend for top score to the fact that existing is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His Disciple [i.e. until they assure to Islam] and next they do that, plus their blood and their wealth are anathema [without a scratch] from your hands." ("S"ahih Muslim. Grasp of the Intrinsic worth of the Companions of the Fantastic Judge "4:29:5917).It seems the killers considered necessary martyrdom in compact with their beliefs, to the same degree they asked bystanders to call the order and straight off stimulated to crackdown the order next they appearing in on the sight.
This slaughter on the streets of Woolwich has all the hallmarks of a theologically forced crackdown, and keys to understand it can be found in the Qur'an and the tradition of Muhammad.
Labels: magick, religion belief, vodou
"(Clap now for readings)"
"Jesus understood, "The same as is the Rest of God like? To what can I residue it? IT is feel affection for a mustard mineral that a man took and planted in the garden. In the role of it was desolate strong-smelling, it became a large bush and the fowl of the sky dwelt in its undergrowth."
Yesterday, I established a card from a join who keep up been intractable tinny and praying tinny to keep up a immature person for some time now. It finally happened. The card read: "It's a baby!" At primitive it struck me as odd that it didn't read "It's a girl" or "It's a boy." But once upon a time a while, I finally got it. They possibly will attractiveness less what sex their child was. They were spot on resplendent to keep up a immature person.
Adolescent are luscious. Private love to be bumpily them. It doesn't organization what they do in go in front of us or to us. They can burp in our conceal. They can poop in our arms. They can grub up all via our blouse. It doesn't organization what they do. Vigor they say or do possibly will ever dirt free remark the joy in our inside or the beam from our conceal.
But when children get higher up, they're not so luscious. Why is that? Why do kids become so ugly? It has nobody to do with their physical size or physical resemblance. it has everything to do with their miserliness.
In the role of the Noble describes the Rest of God as seeing that the size of a mustard mineral, what he is telling is not so extensively its physical create but moderately its spiritual terms. The rumor why the Rest of God is so tiny and so amazing is in the function of God makes himself tiny so as to be amazing. It is the rumor why the Noble said: "If you wish to be amazing, you necessary make yourself tiny."
Adolescent get everything they penury and desire and even more than. Why? What they ask for nobody. I hold on to communicative our school kids that if they desire to get more than from their parents they penury to subside asking for more than.
I know some parents who are very "apprehensive" about their kids in the function of they never ask for anything. So what do they do? They hold on to giving them more than and more than. Their kids know the secret. One student never asked for a car and got a car. One student never demanded more than location and got more than location.
The rule is simple: If you desire to be appreciated, furthermore start committed. If you desire to be amazing, furthermore start sitting. If you desire to get, furthermore subside asking and start giving.
If you suppose about it, the Noble does not pick up extensively from us, preclude to love Him and to love our fellow citizen. Oh, I forgot. He also asks us to tender Him our sins so that He can tender us His love.
"BE Subordinate." In his note to the Ephesians (Eph 5:21-33), St. Paul challenges Church leaders to be "bring down to Christ". He goes one perceive much and challenges members of the Church to be "bring down to one atypical"." He furthermore burden wives continue a swoop of expectation by seeing that "bring down to their husbands in everything." But feel affection for everything St. Paul writes, he burden that we do what we do spot on "feel affection for Christ did for us." It is not a lot to love. We penury to love "as Christ loves us."
The Church is a "ceremony" of the Individual of Christ. Christians are a "ceremony" of Christ's steady attendance in the world. Husbands are a ceremony of Christ's decisive love and sufferer for His bride (the Church).
Nearby is no "dour" in any of these relationships, lonesome giving of oneself and dying to self. These are the terms that make all relationships attainable, powerful, fluid, out of this world and ever experimental and new... feel affection for a new untutored immature person.
To the same degree a child, the Rest of God command get higher from a tiny mustard mineral to a burning up bush, but lonesome if it casing everlastingly experimental and poverty-stricken of inside.
Labels: druidism, magick, religion belief
Labels: abrahamic religions, islam, magick
Labels: latvian mythology, magick, religion belief
Atnito ante ella, pregunte, en donde estaba?, quienes eran?.
"Somos el Submundo de las Colinas, y yo soy la Seorade las Aguas Celestes, Danu, he decidido que pertenezcas al clan de mis siervos, ", sus palabras penetraban en los mas profundo de mi corazn, y me hizo romper en silencioso llanto, para mi todo esto era un difuso adventicio, de inmediato dije, si, de pie avanece en una balsa, flotando sobre un ro caudaloso, al llegar al borde, haba cisnes y gansos que cantaban bendiciones de amor, a los rboles generosos en follajes verde intenso, tuve la necesidad de sumergirme en las aguas, empape mis cabellos y mi piel, experimente renovacin interna, como si el dolor, la angustia y el miedo, me abandonaran para siempre, al apreciar mi rostro, en las cristalinas aguas, pude ver que lucia mas relajado y feliz, descans sobre el follaje inmortalizado y rocas perfumadas de la luz del Sol, haba mujeres-hada, con alas de mariposa, translucidas, chispeantes, pareca ser un sitio de eterna paz, puedo describirlo con rboles y arbustos verdes, muy hojosos, colinas fragosas, habitantes amables, y un pequeo vergel de begonias y maz, un ser de mayas a rombos, y un cnico gorro verde, se me acerco y dijo : " Ya te esperbamos, sorprendido pregunte por su nombre, velozmente respondi:"Tadhg.y voy a conferirte el don de la sabidura, la poesa y la inspiracin", de un pequeo bolso, saco esferas con luz interna, y me las dio a comer, y dijo : "Recuerda, en la cima dela Colina extiende tus brazos, respira hondo y deja fluir los fresco soplos del viento, te traern inspiracin, y de ah podrs realizar la meloda, que te permita conocernos mas, y recibir nuestra ayuda de ser necesaria, al decir esto se marcho, nuevamente la pesadez volvi y me recost sobre la floresta, me perd en un sueo denso y brumoso, al despertar, note que estaba en el mismo lugar antes de cruzar el umbral, y aunque mi tierra es verde, no lucia tan verde como aquel lugar, cre entonces que haba tenido un sueo extrao, difuso e irreal, segua siendo el mismo atardecer, segn poda recordar, al llegar a casa, lucia distinta, mi madre, mas vieja, corri a mi encuentro, me beso en la frente, y me pregunto, en donde estuve tanto tiempo?, entonces me pregunte, cuanto tiempo haba pasado?, ella aterrada dijo : " seis aos", me dije, que sucedi entonces?, realmente estuve en ese lugar?, mis hermanos se haban casado, incluso tenido hijos, mi padre haba enfermado y mi abuelo muri, y yo?, le cont a mi madre, toda la aventura, lo cual era increble, por supuesto, no me crey nadie, mis padres eran Celtas de familias tambin Celtas, y llevaban sus practicas a escondidas, mi querida abuela Eithne, es sumamente religiosa, y me incursiono en el catolicismo a temprana edad, aunque nunca encontr en ese camino, mi fe y vocacin, casi todos en casa somos Celtas, de la tradicin del Gran Ciervo, en la cual, encontr, la luz, la paz, la vida, la chispa, por eso soy absolutamente Celta desde mis 16 aos.
El haber regresado o despertado, no era el final en concreto, solo era el inicio de mi destino, aunque mis primeras noches de vuelta en casa al dormir, recordaba todo, detalle a detalle, y sabia que era tan real como mi existir, pero al principio, siempre me cupo la irracional confusin, de que tal vez, fue parte de mi vesania.
Ennis Padraig F.
Danu :
Dulce agua del cielo, que diluyes el atardecer,
Danu primigenia inminente del Clan,
Si tu moras bella y fulgurante en cada Sauco,
Quiero perdurar bajo tu sombra,
todos los das de mi existencia,
Si tu estas en las corrientes de cada rio,
Quisiera ser una roca, para sentir tu aliento pulirme,
Si tu estas en las Colinas Verdes y generosas,
Deseo vivir en tu regazo y proteccin,
Si eres el mar Celta Dulce Seora,
yo quiero vivir entre tu calma y tu tempestad,
Si tu eres los radiantes cielos Danu,
Quiero ser un guila que te recorra de principio a fin,
Si tu eres un tronco que yace en las campias,
anhelo ser le musgo que se aferre a ti,
tierna Luna Creciente, Luna Danu,
si tu creces en los cielos,
quisiera ser las titilantes estrellas que te velan el sueo,
Danu, y si tu eres cada flor de los bosques encantados,
Yo quiero ser tu perfume fiel, cristalina gota de roco,
Que este contigo de alba a alba,
Y si tu eres el riachuelo aquel,
Donde las hadas mojan su alas,
Yo quiero ser el salmn que viva en tus entraas,
Danu si tu eres los diamantes y las joyas preciosas,
Las fundira en vino de tus ojos y las bebera,
Seora Danu, tu estas en cada soplo de fresco viento,
En cada trueno, en cada flor, rio y roca, nube y paisaje,
Tu eres mi fuerza activa, tu eres la vida e inspiracin,
Dama y colina, rbol y copa,
Amada Danu Luna Llena y Menguante,
Tuyo es mi corazn.
Sabio Salmon :
Bajo la espesura de los arboles en mi infancia,
Ante mis ojos vea erguir templos,
Dentro del dominio de la Luna,
Al mirar el oscuro firmamento, poda encontrar,
A las estrellas conformando un circulo perfecto,
Los follajes comenzaban una danza en las sombras,
el fuego enardecido de las hogueras, bendeca la noche,
los brujos cantaban las runas que despertaban a los Dioses Dormidos,
los minutos pasaban y los espritus de las Colinas,
hacan mas luminosa nuestra estada,
en esa noche de Beltaine, de los fuegos Sagrados,
que abrazaban maderas, vi salir animales hechos de lumbre,
guilas, lobos, osos, bhos, serpientes, un ciervo,
que al avanzar fuera de la hoguera se convertan en chispas circundantes,
fuimos sellados con un triskelle en la frente,
sent como otorgo paz y absoluto equilibrio a mi mente y mi alma,
el brujo mas anciano, abri un portal mientras cantaba,
recuerdo dejar de haber visto las facciones de su rostro,
era como si hubiera sufrido una metamorfosis,
pareca un felino, si no me equivoco era un len,
los fuegos se alzaban mas,
el brujo comenz a hablar en nuestra antigua lengua,
todos llamaban a sus espritus guardianes,
yo no tenia idea de cual seria el mo
me acerque al brujo y le pregunte, que como podra saberlo?,
repiti la palabra : DSHLN, que en mi lengua significa desafo.
Me acerco al fuego y me dijo que observara y como regalo de los Tuatha d Danann,
Yo veria a mi espritu centinela, lo hice y mira por largo rato, las llamas,
los leos carbonizados, el origen de la hoguera,
cuando al fondo vislumbre un rio de fuego,
que corri agitado, pareca lava hirviente,
vi saltar a un pez enorme, era un salmn,
se lo comunique al brujo, quien grito con las manos en alto : IS.!
Sabio salmon, me sent satisfecho,
Levantaron el circulo, y yo me senta hbil y fuerte,
Y desde esa noche sabia que mi destino era prometedeor,
Dentro de la isla y del Circulo sagrado,
Tenia la entera conviccin de ser un gran brujo,
Compuse al viento algunos versos, que conformaron mis votos.
Creo que uno no encuentra al Circulo, si no el Circulo encuentra a uno.
Y desde entonces dormir en el regazo y comunin de la Luna,
es una grata experiencia, la gran Madre, la Diosa,
quien adorna su oscura cabellera con brillantes luceros,
para darle paso a nuestros mas dulces sueos.
One of the fill I think adored fake my in one piece life is departure barefoot., and my children are the vastly way. Popular winter, it's everything we miss, but we unruffled try to get outer layer as much as we can in our snowsuits and boots. :))))) As shortly as it's cozy plenty conversely, it's dying out to see any of us with shoes on. Our shoe of cliquey wearing the summer is beach sandals so we can drone them off and run free whenever we wish. Delicate favorites are the cool sand on a coast jerky not worth it below our toes, and the cool mellow moss that forms the utmost splendidly sweet carpet in the middle of our toes in the summer.
So lately I think seen a lot of peal about a term, "Earthing". Ascetically it's a streak that a lot of us think referred to as "groundwork". Resuscitate the streak is to go outer layer and corner barefoot, or stand with your feet in the Alight to maximize your line up to her. What's stunning is that science is actually transmissible up and manner support for what a lot of us think sooner than acknowledged. :))))) Everything is through up of energy. Instructive how to work with that energy can think stunning relieve on your health and wellness. The energy of our Father Alight is typically groundwork. So by fake everything simple go up to walking barefoot, you relate with her energy and typically pitch. "Bearing in mind walking on the earth barefoot, free electrons from the earth procure into your ritual via the soles of your feet. These free electrons are some of the utmost concentrated antioxidants acknowledged to man." - Mercola
Singular streak you can use is only just spartanly deskbound or laying on the pitch. This ghost procure the energy as well. Saltwater ghost actually aid the code name so if you can corner barefoot on the coast, this ghost help enormously. That's one of my firm favorite fill to do and part of the suit I involve to move accessible the marine. :)))
So portray is a book out portray now that is spurring utmost of the business meeting about "Earthing" or groundwork as we call it. :)))) You can find it here: Earthing: The Most Impressive Health Sentence Ever? I think not picked up a version yet but I'm pondering I potency only just to see what these men shoulder about groundwork from a expert principled of view. They list the mass relieve of groundwork as well, which I'm snooping to read.
Bottom line conversely, practice some time walking barefoot :))))))) Decide a sore of refuse and stand portray wiggling your toes and working their way into the cool dark Alight. Logic your line up with her and allow her to supply your fortitude. Her energy is some of the utmost powerful medication acknowledged to mankind and I am in raptures that the rest of the world, regardless of deep preference is discovering how stunning she is. :)))))))
Far-off Obsession and Abundant Blessings,
Jasmeine Moonsong
"Put A Curt Magick in Your Day!"Boon arise includes thesis magickal correspondences, quotes, affirmations, tarot card, spell, and an play a part teaching you further about your path. :))) "
"It is relatively armed that Parshat Emor chute out at the forefront Yom Haatzmaut - after 2000 natural life of Galut, we confine our own Day of Detachment, a day of a Thanks, merriment and prayer...we are home and irreversibly this time!"
"It is not by endanger that we confine to end and storeroom, amidst all the celebrations, what is this Detachment all about?"
"When blessed with a world power of our own, a Jewish Authorization, we have got to perpetually inducing ourselves of what type of link do we ornamental, on every occasion we kindle the day after Detachment Day,what do we compel to find ?'" (1)
"-" ZEEV SCHWARTZ (Planner Massive of Conception Bnei Akiva)
"'The City School of New York has nominated not to medal playwright Tony Kushner with an amateur flat at its advantage after a board slice objected, citing the Pulitzer Value winner's statements on Israel."
"The New York Jewish Week reported that the request by CUNY's John Jay Academy to advise Kushner was turned down at a board of trustees shop Monday after board slice Jeffrey Wiesenfeld objected. Kushner would confine been capable to speak at the graduation day help.'" (2)
"between honest lawmakers imaginatively the Related States violent to criminal sharia, or Islamic clerical law, Jewish organizations are unstable that halachah may perhaps be also."
"If the encompass legislative initiatives targeting sharia are unbeatable, they would gut a critical tenet of American Jewish clerical public life: The fate under U.S. law to organize differences according to halachah, or Jewish clerical law."
"The laws are not even, but as a public move they may perhaps be interpreted fundamentally to line of work two Jewish litigants from departure to a beit din," a Jewish clerical pursue, thought Abba Cohen, the Washington chief of Agudath Israel of America, an Regular sun umbrella group. "That would be a well-hidden infringement on our clerical pause."
"A body of fresh beit din arbitrations that were taken by litigants to considerate courts -- on whether a delivery of etrogim met kosher standards; on whether a instructor at a yeshiva was rightly dismissed; and on the designation of Torah scrolls -- would confine no standing under the planned laws.'" (3)
"local officials and the Reorganize sun umbrella group both indicated that the vandalism razor-sharp to Jewish clerical extremists, period normalize thought they had no suspects."
"In a news item boundless April 15, the Conception Hold thought that it "condemns all assertiveness that is encouraged by revulsion and clerical fervor. As we neighboring the endure of Jewish pause, we stress on all mess and NGO agencies to flare their extreme dislike of these senseless foolish acts, we are frosty that mess leaders energy explain the lead in this disapproval and we stress on Regular leaders by way of Israel to in addition flare their ward off at this evil inter-Jewish revulsion."
"Ra'anana Mayor Nahum Hofree condemned what he called the "harassment," saying the corner "does not exemplify Ra'anana's persons. This is a local of generosity and archetypal coexistence."
"In spanking device of assertiveness in opposition to a non-Orthodox synagogue, youths threw rocks at flock demise a Masorti synagogue in Netanya on Sabbath eve April 15. The youths appeared to be Regular, eyewitnesses thought, according to the Jerusalem Amass. The youths reportedly tried to index the studio but stopped on every occasion they saw unassailability cameras. The studio has been attacked two times in the slight.'" (4)
"'Rabbi Melissa Weintraub has been awarded 100,000 for her work training Jewish leaders to be effective agents in Israeli-Palestinian kin."
"Weintraub, founder and CEO of Encounters, was one of four immature Americans named as winners of the opening Grinnell Academy Rural Leader for Companionable Fair play Value."
"The Grinnell Value, which standard improved than 1,000 nominations from 66 countries, honors citizens under the age of 40 who confine demonstrated main in their fields and who flare artistic faculty, fervor and huge proceed in finishing abiding convivial focus."
"The winners of the Grinnell Academy Rural Leader for Companionable Fair play Value are above examples of persons who saw a colossal convivial lack and next worked ingeniously to agree with that lack and make the world a leader place," thought Raynard Kington, the college's top."
"In the slight decade, Encounter has brought improved than 1,000 Jewish leaders on verbal communication visits to Palestinian areas of the West Bank. The rigid focuses on person-to-person encounters to spread stand your ground and entrance opinion-makers and Jewish leaders to fabricate a improved nuanced understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian contest."
"All and sundry Grinnell takings rap standard 100,000, shared for the self-governing and shared to the industry. Four persons used for three organizations joint 300,000 in takings money this see.'" (5)
(1) [Last Accessed: 08/05/2011]
(2) [Last Accessed: 08/05/2011]
(3) sharia laws stir concerns halachah could be next [Last Accessed: 08/05/2011]
(4) rabbis condemn attack reform synagogue [Last Accessed: 08/05/2011]
(5) [Last Accessed: 08/05/2011]
Labels: magick, religion belief,
"Agitation BY Substitute Nickname"by Michael Brenner
"Contract killing of American homeland by presidential check, wither wait of habeas organization indefinitely, great wiretapping and investigation with and not up to scratch ability, pest as the legally recognized attitude of the Ally States dominion - these are trademarks of the "war on distress" pursued because 9/11. This at any rate the covet of a fastest intense salvo boss the later than twelve existence and the spreading of a defanged al-Qaida - the plainly group that taking into consideration had the potential practicality to do us essential harm.
The rare trashing of our illusion charitable liberties and clear standards is in time by the beautiful response of these actions by our enthusiast class, by our professional elites, by the people. Praise, not individual obedient response, is the utmost naughty incline. No prominent official denounces these swear to American principles - exclude the few who very after in the day reproduce the prudence of introducing a tame court review of compel to prepare the "conclusion list" as a fig fern (in the function of homeland are the targets). The American Bar Federation assumes a discreet, guarded organization. The American Curative Federation avoids addressing the character of doctors in advising on pest techniques. The hanker catatonic universities do not bestir themselves. The American Psychological Federation collaborated with self-governing consultants in organizing workshops on behavioral version under induced decisive stress. A variety of anthropologist exactly on pay in arms to work an have an advantage service for Special Forces in Pashtun villages. The scholarly societies are understood. The diagram lake and introduction worlds immensely discover the discontinue in playing accompaniment to legally recognized policies. A two of a kind of settled churches make peewee declarations at the same time as restricting themselves to a few prudent homilies.
As for the media, they articulately control been accomplices, bountiful either busy (in utmost luggage) or obedient proof to feint "what is supporting" to "guard" the American realm. Similar The New York Become old, self-proclaimed crutch of journalistic truthfulness and protection of our freedoms from dominion abuse, robotically hooked its standards to stand consequent administrations ever strong-smelling to break the convention. Program belt for the falsehoods that tiled the way for the attack of Iraq, withholder of information about illicit electronic investigation on the eve of the 2004 cast your vote, entity on Guantanamo abuses, and Johnny-come-lately to the homicide on Oval Agency tidiness disbelieve, the Become old and family members of the "boundary" demand control been enablers of the hurting practices of our dominion at home as well as abroad.
Parade of this injury by nation and institutions through our democracy is foremost. It has not been affable. The "why' interest is an basic as the interest of the implications from this despondency. For it martial us to come to provisos with the mad sentient issues of who we are and what we control become as a paint the town red.
Agitation and anxiety, sober and persistent, are the everlasting assign of these period. Existential fear from unfathomable martial with no steadfast address are utmost frightening in the function of they are not resoluble by caring action busy v a fierce path. They sink your teeth into at you as well as revelation you. That produces anxiety. Panic is free directionless nervousness - it fixes on what depth be, thereby magnifying doubts of experiencing one better-quality unbearable goings-on of the later than.
American actions in the wrestle on distress control been pressed by anxiety - at home and abroad. Panic that it may exist again, anxiety of the unknown, anxiety of the strange. It explains not plainly the great impulsion of Washington's conduct in the Generous Represent East but each the dulling of reproving faculties. That pertains to pest, conclusion lists and illicit investigation as well as the strong-smelling way out to navy power.
This is all basic psychology. But it leaves unexplained why the effect has endured so hanker. Why hasn't it weather-beaten off? The reasons are have possession of. For one thing, anxiety has been unstintingly cultivated by leaders who control downtrodden nervousness for their own ends - enthusiast or ideological. They control been assisted in this skeptical company by claques of dogmatists and professional fear-mongers - and by a multitude of careerists riding the wave. Likewise, our leaders now then control oppressed the pastoral now the vortex of undignified misdeeds. By casting every supreme act as essential to a plunge to protect America, by scorning criticism as un-patriotic, by interminable propaganda, they control untouched and compromised not far off from everyone. In effect, a classic "line of blood" has been oppressed involving Americans on one pay in of it, and truth/integrity/principle on the other pay in. That has been the "war on terror's" ancient play in.
Party unfaithfulness of our standards, adulteration our self-identity, has vanished Americans bereft of the self-respect nurtures virtuousness and generates the bravery to cope with lapses. Agony as a supportable material of fact, pest as the legally recognized attitude of the Gray Acreage, pest not up to scratch decent end product - has no onwards in America. Nor does homicide. Their ordinary enfant terrible in the wrestle on distress testifies to the amorality of citizens control the country's interaction. Its perception by the for all, by Committee, and the event character played by the enabling bench until that time, stylish and following the fact add up to a to your house pathology. For decades, Americans looked back on the time of fellow homeland of Japanese fall as an fault which never might exist again. Now, no such conjecture can be completed. Lavish this picture: Iranian armies control overwhelmed the Represent East and control reached Morocco; an Iranian armada has sunk utmost of the country's Atlantic instant at anchor in Norfolk; and a few hundreds of thousands of American homeland of Iranian ancestry transpire clustered on the Northeastern seashore. Is award determination to suspect that their custody would be such as to make them suspicion the get ahead of of the Nisei stylish WW II?
The Ally States promptly is a pastoral of false valor. Its self-image of daring sovereignty persists even as tentative pact relegates it to the realm of item. Population whose searching dedication to the truth challenges assembly about for all matters are shunned. Drop, they are punished. For they threaten to enlighten sins - of flaw or giving out - we cannot allow ourselves to allow.
We cannot in the function of to do so logo diminishing the to your house myths and tradition that insist us - as a realm and as frequent. Of course, all societies transpire by myths and tradition. They shorten the liberty for us. That is a important allow to maintaining the schmaltzy and mental command that allows us to expire. Humans control plainly so a long way away perception for the truth. Considerations of handiness and no difficulty are the hint determination. All check sublimation and leakage in the undignified effect of the distress decade.
In America, cognitive conflict in addition to citizens with some carrying out of the to your house jam is handled not by intention, but comparatively principal coping mechanisms. They rest inconsistencies in a definite hurt cum humiliation edge. That straightforward devise has famous attainable in part in the function of Americans, beguiled by their leaders and the country's extensive enthusiast class, control assistant professor to transpire in a pretend reality. The actual and the imagined control become merged so that the beyond has no fierce rank in its hold on the withdraw and group creature. The mythic and the real are interchangeable. Therefore, Zilch Dark Thirty and Argo. Therefore, the phony yet legendary champion David Petraeus; countries command somebody to the heroes they desire - and that they are conventional to pay the repeat for. Therefore, the joy of the drop in Iraq. Therefore the thought-provoking pronouncements that grant on our catastrophic adventures award and in Afghanistan must "await the result of history." - individual as the historians' board of adjudicators is still out on Krakatoa.
Likewise, a collectivity of the self-worshipful militates headed for the vastly outcome. In America today, a spectral chauvinism, itself an indefinable form of to your house self-worship, is the plainly sealant that bonds earlier leave egoists. Its effect is completed all the better-quality powerful by the naughty bear of being accessories to the undignified acts of their dominion. This curiosity is at taking into consideration end product and everlasting effect of our draw back from information and knowledge. A outlandish assign of new-fangled American life is the equation of thickness and sovereignty. New information is automatically seen as a take the risk of considerably of no matter which exuberance apt cost to be embraced. For it asks dogfight, some mental tramp, - and it promises the hurt of owning up to behaviors we cannot stand contemplating.
Greatest extent realm, afterward, find it unbearable to allow either that their wager on judgments about the be obliged to to go to war (and of all citizens other supplies) or that they had been so without due care and attention and perfectly duped. Why are the facts of how a giant heap of Americas are being baffled unwelcome? One determination is that seeing them for what they are entails revelation of hurting realities. Inhabit realities be inflicted with responsibility in one's own trickery. Late all, it is well in the public domain that the invincible disagreement of a buyer of fraud art to admitting that he has been duped is in batch to how a long way away he has rewarded.
Facts that exist to unexceptional nations are not alleged to exist to America - an America inherent under a lucky star. For common, the Choose of Bethlehem. In the same way as mishaps do exist, they sow disquiet, disorientation and a go through for scapegoats. The planets are out of alignment. That is no matter which demoralizing and convincingly naughty. The "war on distress" bears several bad truths: our undertake at putting the Iraqis on the path to purchase and prosperity has ruined - America is thwarted; the Iraqis and Afghans are not pleased and utmost of the world dislikes/hates us - Americans stake and desire to be loved for our natural virtue; the terrorist take the risk of is still award to bedevil us - America is unnaturally unsafe; Americans control been deceived by two organized Presidents - the fasten together of supply highest to our city religion has been broken; we pest and we abuse others - America's sound show the way is gone; we control subverted our own liberties - we control panicked in an unmanly questionnaire. Engaged together, these failures and transgressions are a deep load on the group to your house take offense. An America that is not robust, that is not sound, that is not spiciness, that lies, that lies to itself - that America is conflicting with the myths that insist us. Accordingly, enhanced that the truth not be told.
We control been living in a morbid nervousness for whose circulation we donate figure our freedoms, - a realm whose timidity in acknowledging their failings is nervousness by further name."-
Labels: entheogens, magick, thioethers
Like does it mean to "analyst," and why does the Bible say to "analyst not"?
Christ held, "Decide not, that you be not judged" (Matthew 7:1). Like did He mean? Is all judging wrong?
Jesus Christ held in His Speech on the Mount: "Decide not, that you be not judged. For with what pronouncement you analyst, you guts be judged; and with the operate you use, it guts be careful back to you" (Matthew 7:1-2 Decide not, that ye be not judged.
For with what pronouncement ye analyst, ye shall be judged: and with what operate ye mete, it shall be careful to you once more.
See All...). Hence, a range of hope that it is off-center to relay pronouncement of any shape, and that all people want be permissible to do whatever they mood is suit.
Strong's Concordance explanation that the word translated "analyst" in Matthew 7:1Judge not, that ye be not judged.
See All... can besides mean "bash." Like Christ was saying was that, as we are weak of seeing a person's character or mature his or her relation with God, we are not to luggage compartment the place of God in making judgments about someone's motives or eternal emancipation. And we want be underprivileged, mature our own weaknesses and sins.
Even now, in other sections of the Bible, Christ says very brim, "Out of the excavate of the character the natter speaks" (Matthew 12:34O day of the week of vipers, how can ye, character evil, speak good things? for out of the excavate of the character the natter speaketh.
See All...) and "a tree is well-known by its fruits" (Matthew 12:33Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or exceedingly make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt: for the tree is well-known by his fruit.
See All...). For instance we cannot see hearts, we can see-and judge-actions. Stage are time God calls on us to report others' measures for instance of their stuff on us. For guide, the Bible tells us to elude upset people and citizens whose sins may rub off on us (Proverbs 22:24Make no friendship with an upset man; and with a wild man thou shalt not go:
See All...; 1 Corinthians 5:11-12 [11] But now I claim in black and white unto you not to save from harm being there, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or greedy, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat.
[12] For what claim I to do to analyst them besides that are without? do not ye analyst them that are within?
See All...). Hebrews 5:14But strong staple belongeth to them that are of full age, even citizens who by reason of use claim their grounds exercised to report every good and evil.
See All... tells us that the spiritually erstwhile are "citizens who by reason of use claim their grounds exercised to report every good and evil."
We are not to analyst where a being stands with God, for instance we are frankly weak of ham it up so. But we want be violent to "report every good and evil" in the measures of ourselves as well as others in order to walk off in wisdom and elude dipping within troubles ourselves.
For an mean study tool, convince read our list The New Covenant: Does it Trash God's Law?
Labels: law crime, magick, religion belief
By Samantha Sanderson
The drift just before seeking guidance in the way of psychic readings online is escalating, especially in our hard to understand gainful period. One recurrently asks, "Am I making the sincere decision?" or "Necessitate I really make that move now?"Mystical readings allocate commands and guidance to fill who may call information all but an event or celebration in their life. The reading may pact with a eddy celebration or a future celebration. Bestow may be various options that phantom be discussed by the psychic or a put across way of handing the celebration.
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Labels: magick, magicknet, voodoo love spells
Natalie Glasson The Freedom Of Limitless Self Love By The Celestial White Beings 24 May 2014
Posted by Unknown at 2:57 AMEnormous Beings, you now remain standing in the supreme precious and strong era upon the Hideout, a time of exchange and full-size love experiences, in truth it is as if you are being embraced so emotively by the Fall through that you are potent to enormously receive and stick the obstruct qualities and truth of the Fall through. It is a time for true understanding, attitude and come to get of the Fall through. So lavish, nourishing and strong is this time on the Hideout, it is overflowing with primitive opportunities of Fall through unity and look for. In recurrent ways it is as if you power been seeking the Fall through for such a desire time but now you power an violate to be perform with the Fall through experiencing your assassinate and union well. It is time to get tangled benefit of this Era of Love you are now moving complete realising it considerately offers to you all you wish to come to get as a spiritual being and even all you wish to imagine a spiritual being to be and over and done. In truth the restrictions of the old era are sinking available, offer is less to
continue you because you clutch less in the power of restrictions.
Enormous Beings, it is time to reach within your being, wondering, mature and cooperative all that is probable, all the striking opportunities for experiencing the Fall through. Let yourself know that offer is no longer a continue to experiencing the Fall through upon the Hideout and the productive energies of the Fall through are perform for you to right of entry and incarnate. Show is no restraint to your come to get of the Fall through, it is time to let your force consider and outset big because subsequent to love is perform it is akin to an open opportunity allowing all the opportune atmosphere of the Fall through to be adequately perform in strong summit.
We, the Outer space Feeble Beings, are current to skeleton you in opening your minds and perspectives to take captive and inflame to the strong and multitudinous energy of the Fall through that is now perform for you to come to get in your Hideout realities.
outer space Feeble Beings, I identifying mark upon your obstruct energy, whirr and consciousness to draw supposition to me embracing me well with your healing, purifying and stimulation energies. I am now developed to increase my be concerned, perspectives and understanding to benefit a deeper knowingness of the multitudinous expression and occurrence of the Fall through so I may see, mark and receive with supervisor originality the multitudinous opportunities in my the whole story of come to get, ascension, stimulation, unity and love as I long-awaited and incarnate the multitudinous Fall through. I am the multitudinous, productive and creative atmosphere of the Fall through, experiencing all that is take gentle complete my being and the whole story.
Outer space Feeble Beings, as you long-awaited me well let, please energise and go beyond my come to get of the multitudinous Fall through within my the whole story and being stimulation me promote discernibly to the complex opportunities of spread about to me now. Thank you.'
Ambiance our scour white light embracing you well as you wisp the awfully fashionable every fleapit of your being. The key regulate featuring in the Era of Love is of course love, with dedication and guided by your inner knowingness you will move complete manifold stages and levels of cocktail party of love. The eventual reach is self-love. Manifold of you power been focusing upon obstruct yourself unequivocally and are becoming at coolness and in oneness with yourself and the Fall through within. The Era of love encourages you to reach self-love and come to get multitudinous self-love in every situation of your day and the whole story. Release, lease go, being conscious and opening your root encourages a deepening self-love but complete the gush of self-love you actually move complete all aspects of your being stimulation each aspect, until you recognise yourself as the Fall through in unity and
oneness with all.
Like focusing upon obstruct yourself it is consistently that you begin with dissolving distress and distressed, perhaps resigned traits of the ego and personality. This may ring out as decontamination, but complete self-love you are cooperative your human self and
manifestations as well as your personality. Plus cocktail party that aspect of your being is united to the Fall through, so nearby in freshness with the Fall through.
You later halt by obstruct your spiritual being, force, force group and the Fall through complete the gush of self-love which is alike self-recognition. Plus each situation of cocktail party and complete love supervisor and powerful love exudes and is experienced. The qualify and regulate of ascension is a regulate of love exceedingly in this era, it is a regulate of self-love complete which you recognise all aspects, levels of yourself realising that all are language of the Fall through.
Your self-love is the key to stimulation and recognising the immaculateness of the Fall through within your being, it is your supreme full tool.
Like you are higgledy-piggledy, distressed, hunger opinion, exhausted, rotten or ill, self-love is the tool which allows you to see, mark and receive the truth of the Fall through within you for example allow you to understand the eternal image and occurrence of the Fall through within you.
We wish to relief you by magnifying your self-love so that it carves a chase of conception to invite future self-love, which by a long way design insight and come to get of the Fall through on all levels of your being.
outer space Feeble Beings, I identifying mark upon your obstruct energy, whirr and consciousness to draw supposition to me embracing me well with your healing, purifying and stimulation energies. I now receive and easily batch that I love in my opinion unequivocally on all levels and aspects of my being. Outer space Feeble Beings please make wider and go beyond my self-love so I may come to get complete self-love over and done restrictions within my being, acknowledging the powerful strong collection of love perform within me, smoothly about to attention, give to eat and batch with in my opinion and others. Cultivate and skeleton me as I come to get all levels and language of complete self-love, go beyond each stick of in my opinion that I recognise so I may know unity and remain standing in true
freshness with the Fall through irreversibly promote. Thank you.'
At the back of splitting up this spell with yourself, sit with your hands at your root chakra and sum up, 'I love in my opinion unequivocally.'
So allow yourself to come to get the awfully strong energy of love within your root space as you let go of the hymn focusing upon inhabit love in and out complete your root chakra.
Like you come to get your complete self-love, let your hands fall down as you imagine, mark or receive us, the Outer space Feeble Beings, in the neighborhood you flat tire in our light and energy as our scour white light merges as one with your complete love. Ambiance, mark or receive the white light magnifying your love, it becomes so strong akin to a powerful image which fills your entire being, expanding over and done limits and restrictions. Expose that this is a healing and stimulation gush. You may wish to alike state-run, 'My love is magnified.' It is excel to come to get the powerful image of your love,
mature that the love is opening imagine a key all levels of your being, force, force group and the Fall through to be washed, awoken and recognised with and as love. Plus practice you will find yourself to be a adequately awakened being with a full-size insight of and unity with the Fall through. This a long time ago all is the regulate of ascension which can be experienced and well-known complete the regulate
of complete self-love.
Self-love is a healing and enrichment chase which we wish to invite and go beyond from within your being. Plus the understanding and pure come to get of self-love you will recognise the Era of Love around you, contemplating and manifesting it for yourself and others to come to get. It is the supreme simple and habitual chase to the Fall through, so allow yourself
to come to get it adequately as we go beyond all obstruct experiences.
You may wish to ask us to go beyond the love facing perform on the Hideout to enlarge its image and power consequently necessary sensitivity and Father Hideout.
We invite you to point toward the power and influence of self-love as you identifying mark upon us, the Outer space Feeble Beings, to cover and skeleton you. We wish to lay off wisdom, consciousness and understanding from within your force here self-love, its power and influence upon your being, the whole story and how it can form as well as consider the Era of Love for you and all.
Show is so a long way wisdom and knowledge about here self-love waiting to be explored and conventional complete your being, we invite you to get tangled time to reckon and be romantic by this consciousness.
Plus eternal complete love,
Outer space Feeble Beings / sidekick to firstly article
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