This is in greeting to the defamatory video on Paramahamsa Nithyananda aired by Sun TV and numerous other rumor media being the night of Chain 2, 2010.
At this diminutive, we hold that a mix of stealth, graphics and gossip are at proceed in these spanking endeavors that have the benefit of open. We are working on a true course of action and attitude come up with updates in due course
In these brutal times, we wish to make certain the lakhs of devotees and well-wishers whose sentiments have the benefit of been greatly incident by this stealth. We thank all the devotees and disciples for standing with us appearing in these times
In the similar to 7 time of his joint life, Paramahamsa Nithyananda has been a transformational exhort in the lives of choice 2 million human race obliquely quite a few countries around the world. The powerful truths he lives and shares and his classified authenticity have the benefit of made his experience relatable obliquely religions, cultures and class
For persons who have the benefit of hardened the blessings and stylishness of Swamiji, no fresh clarification is could do with. Yet we attention you to identification the life solutions from Swamiji that set to offer a powerful spiritual announcer for millions in these mad times. We wish to repeat that Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam is a general make progress which is lessen to bringing about a true awakening for all, irrespective of career, culture or placement. Enlivening the timeless Vedic wisdom in the light of modern living, the Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam creates opportunities for the powerful transformation of the character and the community
Labels: magick, parapsicologia, veda