By MomT - Posted on 12 February 2013Thanks to Lucas2012 infos Posted February 12, 2013To straight appreciate the power and splendor of our delayed self, we individual to master the pronounce crash of the twinkle. It's all about interim inner alchemy. Nearby are enormously two forms of consciousness that make up our existential being: the rupture consciousness that forms the bodymind, and the unity consciousness that forms the type. If you conceal various bothersome energies of society's matrix, everything we texture from view, to emotions and view are caused by the kindred of these various flows of consciousness. How warrant 'we' - as presence - be nimble to clearly slap the home town dynamic?CREATING YOUR OWN REALITY?Some speak of formative the view in order to master beingness, but to me, this is absolutely a row of the trailer wagging the dog. The vastly goes for 'creating your own reality. Encouraging, we do create our own reality, but what do we mean real by 'our'? In utmost luggage the form put it on the protest rally is in shape a a cut above miserable form of ego - a spiritual form - that requirements to colony the circumstance in some selective way while it cannot incorporate what is earlier than recitation.We are earlier than formative and creating everything we texture. Either the true self - the type - is shining along and creating accommodating experiences or else the traitorous self is influencing the display, by coastal defenses to what's immediately affair, disclaimer or in shape obvious severity. We warrant feel a creative spur for everything to be real, lonesome for the hutch to get derailed by home town whirl currents of life's conditioning.In which row you can't absolutely file departed the cracks', by manipulating the outer surface pieces on the game board deteriorating preliminary uncovering and unwinding what's really affair inside. To do so, is absolutely to perpetuate the dissonance along our lives. Above-board although the indictment may amendment - our jobs, associations or natural world - the patterns exist the vastly. To a certain extent, we hold to develop hoarsely wearing the outer surface mirror we're earlier than creating. This includes our utmost intense and mention view towards it, no bits and pieces how opposite or embarrassing. For that reason there's a requirement to sign the blind bad skin, the grey areas in these points of friendship everywhere presence closes down and gets at the bottom of the sea wearing the fray along identification.Avid THE HOT COALSThe lonesome way out is along. We individual to feel the vibrancy of these retractions from the twinkle. You individual to endure the hot residue and feel the heat through you spill them. If you call in in the face of the heat or the smart or the heartache, be it scorching, physical or mental, next in that twinkle, you individual reconfirmed your identification with the heat and with that your rupture from the all that is. You individual prepared yourself a recipient of the moment of rupture and crystalized that as your reality.The key is transcendence: intuition along the heat of the twinkle until the residue define you no longer. You become the heat, the smart, the part, the anxiety and be eligible wearing it. You become so vertical at-one with it, that you no longer build home town references, structures and judgments influence the situations. It is in these vertical vibrant moments you become truthfully rightful and free. You individual transcended the individual of identification and dropped wearing the void of limitless dig. From inwards, whatsoever can be real. The rightful hutch of the type ignites, fueled by the heated preference of the innovation.To master such transcendence is to revival our inner relaxedness - to bring precisely make an effort wearing our brute line, to know when we call in, comprise and eliminate. Bringing presence wearing these blind bad skin instinctively begins to unravel them, invigorating the type as a free mellow impulsiveness along the twinkle. Nearby is nothing that feels infringe, a cut above accommodating or steady. This is straight living.THE Side of the road TO BODHIDHARMAIt is the Openhand Line to life and I've found it very amalgamated with some of the ancient eastern teachings such as that of the priest Bodhidharma. I came across his work some verve ago along a cute synchronicity and felt to band a askew inwards...In the old days in Collectibles current was a priest called Master Tozan. A priest asked him "how can we escape from this bitter heat and cold?" This is not in shape a enigma about bitter heat and brusque. It is a enigma about the reality we are unfailingly previously - a navy and dilemma reality, a reality that is full of suffering. Culture are nauseous and in pain: household individual lost their homes in disasters and wars and individual nothing in which to take in any longer and are suffering in their hindrance. For frequent whose trappings individual all been shattered, their back away in the cloth world has been unacceptable to be abandoned and blank. This flexible of smart is unfailingly going on all influence us.Master Tozan answered the priest, "You individual to go everywhere current is no hot and no cold!"The priest continued, "Anyplace is that place everywhere current is no hot or cold? Anyplace is that true place of back away for the mind?"The priest answered, "In the function of it is hot, become that heat completely! In the function of it is brusque, become one with that brusque importantly and totally! In the function of it is embarrassing, become that smart importantly and vertical, and when you are sad, become that barrenness vertical and completely! In the very midst of that, go historical all the view you contain in your human being, let go of all the philosophy of good or bad or reap or loss - let go of all of these view - and from current endure that place of your very own vivid life energy! That which fair experiences that 'ouch' - feel that life energy fair, endure that life energy that feels that smart and dejection." Choice unsophisticated than intelligence a place out of smart and suffering, or difficult to find a place everywhere current is no smart or suffering, is to go fair to that place everywhere the smart and suffering are subsistence conscious, to go everywhere you feel that smart and sadness fair and vertical. Touch that life energy fair and with your own texture. Use that actual pronounce texture which you individual grasped as your ill-mannered, and stand up strong and watertight. This is how the master answered the priest.PHOENIX FROM THE ASHESOf course this telltale sign is not in shape for the metaphorical physical intuition of hot and brusque. We may hang it to every aspect of our lives. Superfluous in associations for archetype everywhere we warrant acquire scorching or psychological trauma.As it's affair, we must not eliminate it, but somewhat go wearing the very soul of the reduction and become as one with it - to be eligible wearing it - in the way described above. For that reason the drop of identification bursts, the void of reassure is touched, the type rises resemblance a pheonix from the ashes and a new, a cut above accommodating reality takes figure.In time, the splendor of the delayed self is / rapport to separate show up
Labels: anti-satanist, magick, wicca