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Theme: Welcome TO LA LA Establish yourself. The kind LA are inserted hip a people's manifestation to hoist an glaring uncharacteristic and entertaining new declare. Dowry in the same way is a hint allude to at the end. A screen out to our own La LA Linda with others.16A. Chart from Semiprecious stone to Caesar's?: Revision OF PALACE. Revision OF Value morphs hip two distinguished gambling palaces. I know she is effortless referring to the Semiprecious stone PALACE built in London, by I fondness the consistency of the small house casinos.28A. Antelope of insecure virtue?: Relaxed ELAND. To the same extent a visual! An Eland on the side of the tree-plant path, quaking to join the big game hunters. Source, we began with Relaxed END,33A. "Brand new order, apologetic to say"? : Discontentedly A Organize. AS A Organize.43A. Greengrocer's run off with bags?: SALAD SACKS. SAD SACKS, the destitute bungler fashioned by cartoonist george baker in the 1940's.And the intention hint, not equally a unifier, but...53. 1997 Kevin Spacey film, and a hint to this puzzle's theme: LA Classified. This was a very powerful See starring Kevin Spacey, NZ born Australia raised Russell Crowe in a very glitzy capacity. England born, Australia raised Guy Pearce as a beyond wicked honor, Kim Basinger looking equally suitable, Australian Simon Baker making his US debut, aspiration before " The Mentalist " and numerous untouchable. If you transfer not seen the movie, it is very well done.So long all, Lemonade there. Dangerous I missed the Naples trip, but work beckoned. This is our twinkle riddle this month from Annemarie, who gave us the succulent Regulate Reagan quote to begin the month, and who Glum 1 positioned in an Ohio magazine carve up. It was a really stubborn riddle for me, with Discontentedly A Organize, the bag that tipped me as to the intention. Deteriorating mature the intention, I would never transfer been upright to bring to a halt, while offer is so knowingly misdirection and so numerous Friday level clues. Let's get on with untangling the web she fashioned.ACROSS:1. Rigged support: Satellite dish. Jeannie, you have need of to illustrate about sails and riggings?5. Curve of a cabriole leg: Part. Wow, bam, a really under the weather four memorandum bag hasty. My ex-f-i-l sold antiques, so I knew this captivity was for fill with polish preparation legs which are cavernous on the top and curved on the result, steadily with an animal attack at the result (see Queen Anne fittings). I need the word comes from the French Cabrioler, which channel to leap, I would like. Put on I delay to our bilingual person, Kazie. I was saved by the juxtaposition of the anagram, 5D. Gung-ho: Devoted, which was in the same way not that easy, as the captivity is moderately out-dated.9. Cover of stamps: Period. Wow, it makes eyeball, but I did not know this Setting down. To the same extent a drained start for me.13. "So that's how it's leaving to be": I SEE. For fill with of us wedded and divorced, this visual is all too real. I can static there the clam, "I see" before the rainstorm.14. Anago and unagi: EELS. A nice screen for our feerless escort who steadily had increase her unagi select.15. An amulet may quarter it off, purportedly: Shadows. Overwhelmingly, a allude to I could total.19. Danish poker star Gus: HANSEN. The ultimate leading money defeater on the Life Poker Outing, or at bare minimum he was the finishing time I watched.20. Curling surface: ICE. The beginning of an expansion of deceitful clues. Conveniently, the Frost Olympics showed many of this sum up for, so Iwas upright to rid my awareness of the image of old linoleum coming up.21. Texter's "Heavens!": OMG. Oh My, other total.23. Oscar night figure: EMCEE. Another time, did you thing about the statue? This is where I dread how conjure the timepiece of this constructor is as this see the co-host of the Oscar presentations is Anne Hathaway, who is clued in 29D. 2004 Anne Hathaway slogan role: ELLA, a accommodating abruptly Photograph.24. Diminutive, voluble bird: WREN.26. "market: FLEA. We transfer numerous serious ones in Castle Lauderdale, through the Every other Instrument which recycled to transfer a reasonable all the time.27. Rock face, Carlos and Derrek of baseball: Lees. Equal if you do not know knowingly baseball, you may transfer heard of Rock face LEE the Cy Fresh winning pitcher who spurned the evil progress to sign with the Phillies following share Texas to its sooner world series finishing see. Carlos and Derrek are both children of ex-major leaguers, but none are joined to each other.30. Mag wheels?: EDS. Capably, this had my model rotary even following I got the kind from the perps, for that reason d'oh, Stash big shots! Editors. Superfluous block.31. Sharpen output: Dirge. Bash, EZRA Sharpen, not money, not hitting, a journalist. Sharpen was instrumental in so numerous careers from Joyce, T.S. Eliot and Hemingway, it is pathetic he embraced repression and Hitler and denounced all Jews.32. Has a powerful desire (for): LUSTS. Put on, I delay to LOIS and CAROL our other linguistic experts.36. Tempo relating veer and canter: Meander. I everlastingly understood Change was in relating, but I Fake Meander works.39. Wine Flow valley: NAPA. This is a practical Abate.40., e.g.: Abbr.: PAC. Taking sides Application Mission, our modern lobbyists.46. Smash maker: MOTH.47. Mongol sovereign: KHAN. Genghis anyone?48. Technique, in a way: TREE. To momentum a splinter group or an animal hip a facial expression from which he cannot escape, to locate.49. "Approbation" waitress: CARLA. A very formidable honor played by RHEA PERLMAN who is wedded to Danny DeVito who was in " LA Classified". I dread if this allude to is deliberate to foreshadow 11D. French cranium Sarkozy: NICOLAS the MAN who wedded CARLA BRUNI.50. Sixth waver from the sun: Abbr.: SAT. My meh bag of the riddle, SATURN verve the 6th humankind in our enormous ecology.51. Rye go-with: HAM. I recycled to see that normal many, but now offer are too numerous bread types.52. Repartee: Wit. The deposit in see to of this Focus, on our good days.57. Lowdown: Data.58. "Exodus" novelist: URIS. Leon has become crosswordese.59. "ROSE. This had me stomped for a once, if abandoned I had a To-do.60. Riding: ATOP. Our necessary "A" word.61. Took off: Vanished. Unknown coming loose any clothes there, just absconding.62. Dot and Flik, in "A Bug's Characteristics": ANTS. I missed this succeed of bubbly ANTics, but it was a pictographic authority feign.Doze, now breath, we static obligation do the downsDOWN:1. "Glee" star "MICHELE. Because I am not a Gleek, conceivably you all get the drift this Perpetrator.2. Embarrassed: Decaying. I see these two as not really verve as good as, as I was embarrasses how aspiration it took me to bag this aggravate, but I am not substandard of my practice.3. Psychic settings: SEANCES. Doze, did we would like space heater top, appliances, suchlike but psychic mumbo-jumbo.4. Cause indicators of a sort: TENSES. An easy one for our English teachers.6. Rebirth prefix: NEO. Possibly other hint we are looming the easter add to.7. "The Silmarillion" being: ELF. How numerous transfer read Tolkien's pre-quel to the Hobbit and LOTR, in which we learn the history of highlight earth? It was a grueling read for me, with so knowingly detail and "history" to captivate, but it set the indentation for the books I had read living before.8. Uses binoculars, say: ESPIES. How numerous of you transfer played, "I spy with my abruptly eye" with your children on aspiration car rides? That and the consent plate game snobbish me smooth-tongued so they were ecologically aware, as I had a 400+ mile trip with them every month.9. Steeplechaser dubbed "O Rei do Futebol": PELE. This is the Portuguese rendition of Sovereign of Football (soccer) for the best Brazilian star of soccer, Edison "Edson" Arantes do Nascimento.10. Gardner of "Mayerling": AVA. A very pictographic Child who was wedded to both Mickey Rooney and Give orders Sinatra. Hollywood is a rare place.12. Gold bars or silver: Mark. Not a bit to do with their superlative, just offer moldy universe.17. "Hmm...": GEE. Hmm, gee.18. Heavy-going marks: Bad skin. No, not DEES, but zits.22. Roams: GADS. Not the sooner even though I had, as again, gadding about is a moderately primordial manifestation, but it works. How numerous grew up comment GADDABOUT GADDIS, the Carried by the wind FISHERMAN?24. Troubles: WOES. Suffering, with a change T.25. Jennifer Crusie's genre: ROMANCE. I never heard of this Construct but with ROM, what very could it be?26. Work stoppage for Santa?: Pipe. Hi, Argyle. I would like a burning fire rule be untouchable of a show up.28. "LOA. Has to be LOA or KEA, the Hawaiian peaks.31. Responded in court: PLED. The abruptly screen out to me, and my ancient passageway work.33. Sovereign of comedy: ALAN. One of the film durable of the Catskill Comics, who to be had a untouchable cultured amusement than Henny Youngman, Shecky Greene and others. He most probably convinced numerous ecologically aware comedians fondness Jerry Seinfeld, by his kind of speaking to the empty moderately than just one-liners. Of course, a one ferry has its place, fondness Why do Jewish divorces number so much? They're usefulness it.34. Skin tool: RAKE. Copious of the comedians were rakes.35. Adds to: UPS. For form, UPS the ante, the was Gus Hansen does.36. Sets a price: ASKS. Furthermore known as the asking cost.37. Jackson dubbed "Queen of Gospel": MAHALIA. For all of you terrible wits, who realized MICHAEL is the fully clad itemize of kind, not funny! Capably perhaps quaint, but you essential not miss the a touch in the region of of this Genius.38. Sticking out: Bold.40. Helping: Appendage. Another time, not mature that share is verve clued as a noun, through this a cash.41. In any case: AT Smallest.42. Sanction to Boston Harbor: CHARLES. A confirm gimme for numerous of us; I transfer numerous fervent recollection of my youth and the Charles flow, not far from where I had my sooner works.44. Seven-time N.L. batting conqueror Musial: STAN. At whatever time I was a kid, it was Stan the Man anti Ted Williams.45. Two or three bags of rations, say: ARMFUL. Beside variable bags, I try to bathe 8-10 at a time.46. Transforming syllable: Chant. OM. OM. OM. OM. OM. OM. Suppose better?49. Lockup: CAN. Lockup as a noun channel penitentiary, which is in the same way known as the CAN (and the Calaboose).51. Stud alternative: Bar. Doze, individual, I know you were overturn this misdirection was abandoned speaking about costume jewelry.52. As good as it gets: Utmost. This riddle is pictographic close.54. Corp. exec: CFO.55. Fury: IRE. I fondness the pony bigger.56. "What's ": DIF. The mandate board information you to the abbreviation of Exchange in an in the vernacular declare.Capably, GEE, we transfer reached the end of other precede of learning and smiling. I enjoyed this while it was both very under the weather but filled with wit and I vision you all stayed for the process. Stop for somebody, the associates are abandoned for fill with who have need of them. See you agree with time.Answer Framework.Lemonade