
Leatherworking Guide 1 525

Leatherworking Guide 1 525

Slant Possessions Wanted FOR 1-525:

- 57 Ruined Withhold Scraps

- 130 Shocking Stock

- 10 Psychic Camouflage

- 75 Salt

- 260 Trade fair Withhold

- 130 Psychic Withhold

- 190 Slender Stock

- 30 Grim Dye

- 20 Intense Camouflage

- 180 Intense Withhold

- 410 In chunks Withhold

- 145 Silky-smooth Stock

- 410 Committed Withhold

- 35 Black Dye

- 92 Rune Stock

- 100 Knothide Withhold Scraps

- 307 Knothide Withhold

- 28 Fel Scales

- 950 Borean Withhold

- 100 Crystallized Pipe

- 5 Everlasting Pipe

- 50 Savage Withhold Scraps

- 375 Savage Withhold

- 152 Intense Savage Withhold (760 Savage Withhold)

- 56 Hereditary Fireside

- 6 Hereditary Air

- 36 Hereditary Pipe

- 30 Hereditary Realm

- You order implore a bit leader stores becasue the 507-510 part is not included in this list.


If at all possible, hang around any trainer in the leading cities of old Azeroth - impartial ask a minder, and learn Leatherworking Lower. If you wan to nurture the leathers quite of selling them, make assured to mass out my Withhold nurturing guide

* 1-20

19 x [Trade fair Withhold] - 57 Ruined Withhold Scraps

* 20-30 OR 1-30

10 x [Trade fair Armour Kit] - 10 Trade fair Withhold You can make these from 1-30 too, if you don't take Ruined Withhold Scraps.

* 30-50

20 x [Handstitched Withhold Cloak] - 40 Trade fair Withhold, 20 Shocking Stock

* 50-55

5 x [Handstitched Withhold Attain] - 30 Trade fair Withhold, 5 Shocking Stock

55 - 135

Learn Leatherworking Journeyman.

* 55-85

30 x [Embossed Withhold Handbag] - 90 Trade fair Withhold, 60 Shocking Stock

* 85-100

15 x [Slender Withhold Attain] - 90 Trade fair Withhold, 30 Shocking Stock Take care of these, you order implore them.

* 100-115

Take care of the Psychic Hides, you order implore them. 15 x [Cured Psychic Camouflage] - 15 Psychic Camouflage, 15 Salt

Copy [Psychic Bomb Kit] if you can't find Psychic Hides at the AH.

* 115-130

15 x [Morose Withhold Boots] - 60 Psychic Withhold, 30 Slender Stock, 15 Grim Dye

135 - 200

Learn Leatherworking Best quality.

* 130-145

15 x [Morose Withhold Attain] - 15 Slender Withhold Attain, 15 Cured Psychic Camouflage, 30 Slender Stock, 15 Grim DieMake [Morose Withhold Cloak] if you torpid don't take [Cured Psychic Camouflage].

* 145-150

5 x [Hillman's Withhold Handbag] - 70 Psychic Withhold, 20 Slender Stock

* 150-155

5 x [Intense Withhold Bubble] - 10 Intense Withhold, 5 Slender Stock The plan is sold by these NPCs.

* 155-165

You order implore the Cured Intense Hides final. 20 x [Cured Intense Camouflage] - 20 Intense Camouflage, 60 Salt

Copy 15 x [Intense Bomb Kit] if you can't find any Intense Camouflage in the AH, in this bag you order implore [Raptor Hides] quite of Intense Hides and you order take to buy one of the taking sides recipes:

* [Pattern: Raptor Camouflage Attain] - Buzz - Sold by Androd Fadran
* [Pattern: Raptor Camouflage Go in] - Crowd - Sold by Tunkk

Now you neediness make [Intense Armour Kit] up to 180, and behind schedule that make one of the recipes better up to 195. When you are out of Raptor Hides, make [Upholder Jeans] or [Barbaric Leggings] up to 195 quite, which is really significant to make so you neediness slow up until you can get a few Intense Hides.

The [Barbaric Leggings] recipe is sold by these NPCs.

* 170-180

10 x [Intense Bomb Kit] - 50 Intense Withhold, 10 Slender Stock

* 180-190

10 x [Barbaric Shoulders] - 80 Intense Withhold, 10 Cured Intense Camouflage, 20 Slender Stock

* 190-200

10 x [Upholder Handbag] - 40 Intense Withhold, 10 Cured Intense Camouflage, 10 Silky-smooth Stock

* 200-205

5 x [In chunks Bomb Kit] - 25 In chunks Withhold, 5 Silky-smooth Stock

205 - 265

Learn Leatherworking Artisan.

* 205-235

35 x [Nightscape Headdress] - 175 In chunks Withhold, 70 Silky-smooth Stock

* 235-250

15 x [Nightscape Jeans] - 210 In chunks Withhold, 60 Silky-smooth Stock

* 250-265

18 x [Committed Bomb Kit] - 90 Committed Withhold

* 265-290

25 x [Noxious Withhold Bracers] - 200 Committed Withhold, 25 Black Dye, 25 Rune Stock If near are some Intense Scorpid Extent in the Deal Mutual society and it's cheaper than the Committed Withhold, you can craft the taking sides item:

[Intense Scorpid Bracers] - Source traditional

Or make [Frostsaber Boots] if Substance of Pipe is low-cost on your realm.

290 - 350

Appear your trainer learn Leatherworking Master.

* 290-300

10 x [Noxious Withhold Headdress] - 120 Committed Withhold, 10 Black Dye, 10 Rune Stock

* 300-310

20 x [Knothide Withhold] - 100 Knothide Withhold Scraps In simple terms miss this part and start making [Knothide Bomb Kit], if you don't take Knothide Withhold Scraps.

* 310-325

23 x [Knothide Bomb Kit] - 92 Knothide Withhold

* 325-335

43 x [Intense Knothide Withhold] - 215 Knothide Withhold In simple terms go to the adjacent comprehend if you didn't go in to 335 by making these, but consequently you order implore a few leader [Intense Knothide Withhold].

If one Intense Knothide Withhold is cheaper than 5 Knothide Withhold, complete making the Intense Knothide Leathers for example you go in to 330, buy them from the Deal Mutual society quite.

* 335-340

5 x [In chunks Draenic Vest] - 15 Intense Knothide Withhold, 15 Rune Stock

* 340-350

If you don't take to that much Fel Scales, you can make [In chunks Draenic Vest] up to 345 or 350 if you can't find any Fel Scales in the AH at all. 14 x [Scaled Draenic Boots] - 28 Intense Knothide Withhold, 28 Fel Scales, 42 Rune Stock

This recipe goes yellow at 345, so you order implore to make a few freebie ones. I signal mound sufficient stores for 14.

350 - 425

Appear your trainer and learn Leatherworking Swish Master.

* 350-380

33 x [Borean Bomb Kit] - 132 Borean Withhold Transform all your [Borean Withhold Scraps] participating in [Borean Withhold] if you are a Skinner. The recipe is yellow up to 362, do not proper click the Withhold Scraps, near is actually a recipe that make you skill-ups, use that.

* 380-390

10 x [Arctic Boots] - 80 Borean Withhold

* 390-405

123 x [Intense Borean Withhold] - 738 Borean Withhold

* 405-420

20 x [Morose Frostscale Leggings] - 80 Intense Borean Withhold, 100 Crystallized Pipe Copy [Morose Iceborne Leggings] if Crystallized Blossom is cheaper than Crystallized Pipe.

* 420-425

5 x [Tedious Bracers] - 40 Intense Borean Withhold, 5 Everlasting Pipe The recipe sold by Braeg Stoutbeard in Dalaran. It contract 3 Intense Borean Withhold.

425 - 525

Appear your trainer and learn Leatherworking Abundant.

* 425-435

10 x [Savage Withhold] - 50 Savage Withhold Scraps Make a face making the adjacent recipe in the guide, if you don't take Savage Withhold Scraps.

* 435-450

15 x [Savage Bomb Kit] - 75 Savage Withhold

* 450-460

10 x [Tsunami Boots] - 70 Savage Withhold, 10 Eternium Stock You can buy Eternium Thump from Leatherworking Clutch vendors and you may well extremely make any other item that requires 7 Savage Withhold.

* 460-470

10 x [Savage Cloak] - 70 Savage Withhold, 10 Eternium Stock Or any other yellowish-brown item that requires 7 Savage Withhold.

* 470-475

5 x [Darkbrand Boots] - 50 Savage Withhold, 5 Eternium Stock

* 475-480

5 x [Darkbrand Shoulders] - 60 Savage Withhold, 5 Eternium Stock You may well alse make [Scorched Leg Bomb] up to 485.

* 480-485

5 x [Darkbrand Chestguard] - 60 Savage Withhold, 5 Eternium Stock You may well alse make [Twilight Leg Bomb] up to 490 or any other yellowish-brown item that requires 12 Savage Withhold.

* 485-490

152 x [Intense Savage Withhold] - 760 Savage Withhold

* 490-496

2 x [Darkbrand Leggings] - 8 Intense Savage Withhold, 24 Hereditary Realm

* 496-502

2 x [Cloak of Beast] - 16 Intense Savage Withhold, 4 Hereditary Realm, 4 Hereditary Air, 4 Hereditary Pipe, 4 Hereditary Fireside

* 502-504

2 x [Darkbrand Helm] - 10 Intense Savage Withhold The recipe order be yellow, you possibly will implore to make 3 or 4.

IT IS Heartfelt Considerable TO Put off Foundation THESE AT 504!

* 504-507

1 x [Cloak of Beast] - 8 Intense Savage Withhold, 2 Hereditary Realm, 2 Hereditary Air, 2 Hereditary Pipe, 2 Hereditary Fireside

* 507-510

This part sucks. You either make leader [Cloak of Beast] or make [Cloak of War] if it's cheaper to make. And you can extremely make [Darkbrand Helm] which order be green. Bestow is impartial no other recipe that you can use to level your Leatherworking expertise up to 510 and both of the bind recipes are yellow. Confident users reported that they ended 6 cloaks and torpid did not level up to 510 from 509. Confident users distinct used 5 Helms to go in to 510. This part is really depends on luck. When you go in to 510, you order be nice to buy new recipes from the Twilight Highlands vendors.

* 510-525

You Pressure TO BE Depository 84 if you take to level your Leatherworking up to 525, and you order take to make the starting seek manacles in Twilight Highlands, so the NPCs won't shop up until you full the quests. Crowd players can find Threm Blackscalp at Dragonmaw Dock in Twilight Highlands. Buzz players can find Mumbled Merriweather at Highbank.

Whichever purveyor recipe changes to yellow behind schedule 5 expertise points, this resources you're goodbye to assume a new recipe every 5 points. All and sundry of these recipes gives you 2 expertise points. You can use equivalent recipes, so peak of them use the exceptionally amount of stores, current is the path I did:

You order implore 30 leader Intense Savage Leathers to buy the 3 recipes.

3 x [Bloodied Withhold Bracers] - 30 Intense Savage Withhold, 30 Hereditary Fireside

2 x [Bloodied Withhold Boots] - 20 Intense Savage Withhold, 20 Hereditary Fireside

3 x [Bloodied Withhold Helm] - 30 Intense Savage Withhold, 30 Hereditary Pipe

Origin: witch-selena.blogspot.com

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