
Wiccan Reads Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice, by any other name is called Midsummer or Litha. My personal fondness is to call upon this Sabbat Litha. Depending on your tradition or your calendar, Litha occurs June 21st this day. A fire festivity, Litha is appear for festivities involving bonfires (as a lot of sabbats do), celebrations, blessing crops and garden, entertainment in Summer's Fine and Cordiality. Formal is months on view, the Snuggle is lavish and the God and Idol are in their tasteful and good-looking aspects. This is a able time to get together with public you love and proposal a ritual, blot with a BBQ or picnic, proposal a lay off, social gathering flowers and herbs to mix on the fire, with good aspect. In other words, eat, unhappy and be merry.

A talented book that you can find at best bookstores or online is "MIDSUMMER; Exquisite Carousing OF THE SUMMER SOLSTICE", by ANNA FRANKLIN, copyright 2002, published by Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, Minnesota 55164-0383. Llewellyn's website

In this book you will find the beginning of this festivity, old conduct, new conduct, magickal tradtions and spellwork, recipes, herb craft, rituals and an profitability of costly information in the Appendixes. Llewellyn Publications offers books on all the sabbats, and it is certainly value looking in the sphere of, on the whole for a solitary practitioner of the Trickery.

I so handle this Sabbat. I conjure it is my partiality. (if you read back unswerving my blog, nevertheless, you will find that every sabbat I organize about is my partiality). It is light and delicate, optimistic, fun. A celebration of this stunning time of day on our desired Snuggle is decently lofty sweet!

image credit: morganarose.com

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