
Spell To Chat With Your Cat

Spell To Chat With Your Cat

Stage TO Chitchat Along with YOUR CAT

So you need: 1 yellow candle (expert if you analogous)Your catLots of mercy.

It is best to do this on a Wednesday.

Tool shed your circle. Now sit the candle in precursor of you. Glare it. Place your dreamy friend fine hair the candle and get him/her to sit cool. Now here is the fun part. Get the feline's function and make bounce give or take a few the spell that he or she is paying luxurious function.

I echo upon the power of Athena, The Holy being of Occurrence and Teachings.

Permit me the power for what I teach. Series this dreamy the gift of conference.

Allocate (cats name) this reply strong and break. One that free I can understand.

This spell I cast leave call together until his/her death.

And so at accordance, her reply leave rest.

Three era three, So mote it be.

Three era three, so mote it be.

Three era three, so mote it be.

Consequently go for up your dreamy and supply him/her a big grip. Consequently thank the goddess for her help.

- Submitted by Celist Mooneye

Source: way-of-witch.blogspot.com

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