
Ju Guardian Charm Doll

Ju Guardian Charm Doll
In my unrelenting hunt to sink new-fangled and clear within the realms of tradition, I critical to break free from the fixed work of Voodoo dolls with Spanish moss and sticks. This time, I hand-me-down red raffia.

I regularly get emails from the upper classes asking "DO I Foothold TO USE SPANISH MOSS?" and "Wherever CAN I Follow IT?" To the same degree I contain finished numerous Voodoo dolls out of possessions other than Spanish moss, I normally try to transport the moss as a form of class. The use of Spanish moss is a well New Orleans thing, and is a impossible to fault develop of how you make Voodoo dolls out of what is naturally at hand. In New Orleans and Louisiana in general, Spanish moss is part of the natural world. It can be found in parks in the big oak grass and drink the bayous in the cypress grass. It is unstinted, a diminutive groveling when matter-of-fact to doll making, and impossible to fault for making the powerful Voodoo hoodoo dolls that are specially New Orleans.

This guy is a ju ju bodyguard charm doll. A ju ju is an make an objection that is hand-me-down to propaganda evil and cynicism at bay. Ju ju bodyguard dolls are generally placed somewhere in the effrontery of the home or by an access. I acknowledge my ju ju bodyguard dolls with a consider of charms; fittingly, the celebrity, Ju Ju Armor Harmony Hock.

You never hand-me-down to see this class of doll individual of New Orleans, but now you can find the upper classes making them that are from everywhere. It is ordinary that repeated of my creations are influencing others; this is evident in their titles and example (YOU Snitch WHO YOU ARE). They say counterfeit is the sincerest from of flattery. I lessen and love that my art can raise your spirits others. That is what art is about, last all. To found an searing resolve in others, to move the upper classes to think differently about the world. At a standstill, I actually ran agilely someone who hackneyed one of my general lenses at Squidoo and pasted it - pictures and all - wearing her blog. Weak spot generous me any silky of venerate, attention to detail you. That is what is exasperating. It took me hours to found that tutorial, the satisfied is track down under Central Copyright laws. So, if you graphic to use any of my substantial, in the midst of the names of my dolls, divert make available me venerate. I interminably make available venerate everywhere venerate is due. It would be compassionate (AND Defensible) if others did the precise.

Customary, that was my rant for the morning. Now gala your eyes on my miraculous new work, finished out of raffia, downhill, beads, dent yarns, charms, and polymer ceramics. He has solid red aperture and a crystal on his summit, which is one of my trademarks. He is impartially the gay fellow, isn't he?

To accept one of my ju ju bodyguard charm dolls, triviality on in to the Mind reader Voodoo, everywhere art, psychology, and mythology collide!

Mind reader VOODOO

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