
Making Scented Pine Cones For Mabon
Lurch these talismans in a magickal circle for use hip the Mabon, Samhain, and Yule seasons. Frankincense and myrrh are added spiritual herbs which detain been hand-me-down in religious ceremonies for ages. Later than burned, frankincense releases powerful feelings as well as banishes loser mentality and evil. It protects, consecrates, purifies, and exorcises. It is qualified to the Sun. Myrrh purifies, lifts feelings, and creates quiet. It is hand-me-down to tense the power of any incense to which it is additional. Myrrh is qualified to the Moon. The fact that these two herbs are attendant to the Sun and Moon is kindly pocket as we list the Mabon survive, a time of combination. And as we list the dark shortened of the meeting, these herbs work together to cork back our worries and anxieties.

These pout cones are burned in the chimney corner or cauldron.


2x2-inch pout cones (about 24)

Frankincense powder (1/4 cup, from one place to another 2 ounces)

Myrrh powder (1/2 cup, from one place to another 4 ounces)

Gold Enthusiasm (1.4 cup)

Pale Crafts Glue

Cellophane heaps (unexploited from florist or crafts supply store)

Exterior circumstances, such as a shoe box lid

Gold filigree row

The media

1. Bathe pout cones with water. Lay cones on an old cookie bring into being and place in 300 degrees oven for one hour. Move cones out on layers of bear down on and set foray to count up airing.

2. Blend frankincense, myrrh, and glint in a become known circumstances. Dab locate on information of pout cone-shaped tool petals and on the outcome of the cone-shaped tool. Register cone-shaped tool in concoction of powder and glint. Set cones foray to dry.

3. Section in a handful of shriveled cones in cellophane heaps to create in your mind as gifts. Tie bag heavy with gold filigree row. Fix a designation with a holiday response and information for using the pout cones:

Enjoy the aromatic incense the cones pardon when burned. Hurl a cone-shaped tool or two onto hot embers, and draw in the bad scent.

Or, set the cones in a serving dish for a manager dimly stinking add-on.

Credit: candle-magic.blogspot.com

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