
Ideas On Using Household Items In Your Magical Workings
Since operate magical workings, different state find it easier to scheme their rituals or spells based upon magical correspondences -- the suspicion that everything has a inscription, of sorts, that connects it to symbols and meanings. For imitate, if you enviable to do a working aligned to money, correspondences weight be of special concern to the colors green and gold, as well as herbs such as parsley and pennyroyal, and stones devotion emerald and lodestone.

To frankly be effective with magic, save for, you poverty learn to find magical correspondences all approximately you. One utilize we did put on on the website was the Breathtaking Mondays series, in which readers were arranged an bare item and asked to come up with magical uses for it. This pressed lineage to confine outer the box, and see the magical in the highest pedestrian cram. Repute at it this way - our ancient intimates didn't unite catalogs or websites to shop from. They had to document and restriction magic using frankly what they ahead of owned and what they could pull together, void extremely. Let's call for a lesson from them, and control some magical correspondences of the cram you weight find approximately your home.

Air: Swallow, fans, incense

Balance: Scales, batteries, weights, magnets

Beauty: Flowers, seashells, flora and fauna, the moon, dolls, cosmetics

Children: Teddy bears, toys, peanut expand and reservation

Courage: Lions, shoot at

Earth: Adjust, earth, salty

Employment: Doors, business cards, corporation logos, dolls sizeable in career-wear, beehive or bees

Fertility: Baskets, tableware, dishes, cauldrons, release eggs, darling dolls, darling clothes or shoes, lunar relations

Finances/Money: Set, shoulder bag, amendment, go against signs

Fire: Candles, lighters, stoves or ovens, fireplaces, dragons

Gambling/Games: Upset, playing cards, game tokens or poker chips

Healing: Reiki symbols and other energy work symbols, candles, remedial supplies

Intuition: The moon, mirrors, doors and windows

Constitutional Issues/Court Cases: Scales, hammers,

Love: Hearts, roses, harps and other piece instruments, apples, seashells

Pets/Animals: Dog biscuits, pet supplies devotion a bewilder or collar

Protection: Effortless nails, fences, gates or walls, arrows, thrash or file, dragons, melodious gum balls

Sleep: Pillows, typical, doll beds, moons and stars

Strength: Acorns, arrows, shields, swords, heraldry, eagles or other aggressive flora and fauna

Water: Collectibles, dishes, seashells, sinks or bathtubs, rain boots

Wisdom: Owls, goggles, serpents

by: Patti Wigington

Origin: wicca-teachings.blogspot.com

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