
It's the season finale - and that episode 21 and 22 together in one, long double episode.

So with such an epic finale - we start 18 years ago in a Boston Group home with a young Emma. "Once Upon a Time", I will judge you if you clutter your finale with pointless fillet for unnecessary tweeness. You have Mary Margaret, you are already way over your twee quota. But no, it's for ANGST! Because Emma watches a little girl get to go to a new home while she cries because she doesn't have one.

Back to the present away from such mopey reminiscences, and Emma's baby brother still doesn't have a name because, traditionally, a new royal baby should be properly announced in a coronation ceremony. This is a great chance for Emma to snark, and a chance for me to point out that, unless they get back to the Enchanted Forest he's going to be Prince of a tiny piece of Maine (and the US government may object) but, hey, let's run with Royals in Exile. Having finally gathered some level of self-awareness and that, maybe, everyone gathering round to worship the Charmings isn't fun, they're going for a Pot Luck at Grannies. To celebrate their family togetherness

Hear that Emma and your evil plans to go back to New York? Let's rub some salt in that wound - with Henry dropping in with his apartment hunting.

Regina and Robin are being all cute and relationshippy. And Rumple hides his dagger; just in time for Belle to come in worried sick about all the power she has holding his (unknown to her) fake dagger. They talk weddings and how much Rumple has totally changed, honest.

To Grannies and everyone is partying and Henry is reading the fairy tale of how Snow White and Charming met (as Emma puts it, it was by armed robbery) and Hook is bemused by Charming would pick Snow White over the daughter of King Midas (so am I Hook, so am I). Hook snarks about Emma wanting to get away from it all, which Emma quickly tries to silence. But Regina is no fool and demands an explanation. With her cards on the table, Emma leaves, followed by Hook.

David tries to reassure Henry - and then they all see the light reaching the sky out the window. Zelena's time portal is open. They rush to the gaol and find Zelena missing and Regina unerringly fixates on the culprit - Rumple. Though he protests his innocence and Belle backs him because, of course, she has his dagger. What Rumple didn't think of was CCTV - but he quickly changes the video to make it look like suicide not murder. With Zelena dead, Regina expositions, her pendant's magic was unbound so fulfilled her last wish.

Clearly everyone needs to avoid the portal because time travel is dangerous.

Hook confronts Emma with good sense and a book of fairy tales and scoffing at her idea of safety. And if Emma is, as she claims, looking for home why not make it in Storybrooke and Emma finally reveals the truth. All these stories that everyone else is a part of isn't her life - she was never a princess or anything else form the stories, she has no fairytale history. She also adds insight informed by her past - she ran away a lot and decided home was somewhere you missed when you left - she hasn't missed anything yet

Major character development is shelved by her seeing the time portal and rushing off towards it. Emma ignores Hook's good sense (she doesn't have magic, so how can she close it) and ends up pulled in, Hook is saved by his hook, but, alas, him always wearing the same leather all the time has left it weak (and probably really smelly) so Emma's grip just tears his sleeve. Hook follows her ("one of these days I'm going to stop chasing this woman." Heh, not likely).

They arrive back in the Enchanted Forest - back when Snow White was still a wanted fugitive and Regina was the Evil Queen - probably because that was the story Emma was focused on in the book (which they have) when they went through. Just to drive home the culture shock, Emma makes a "Back to the Future "reference that, of course, goes right over Hook's head.


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