
Old English Moon Ritual

Old English Moon Ritual
An old English moon divination ritual was to presumption the following: * A key, * A ring, * A blossom, * A sprig of willow, * A insufficient branch of cake, * A skin of bread, * The 10 of clubs, * The 9 of hearts, * Ace of spades * Ace of diamonds. Traverse these in a tablecloth and place it under your mitigate.Say upon leaving to bed:"Luna, every woman's friend,"To me thy graciousness bend."Let me this night in visions see"Emblems of my luck."Your dreams guts reveal your future: * If you dream of STORMS - it income coming trouble; * If the STORMS END - a recline try as soon as breakdown. * If you dream of a Ring or the ACE OF DIAMONDS - marriage; * Dreams of Currency - a good job; * Dreams of CAKE - prosperity; * Dreaming about Flowers - joy; * Dreaming of a WILLOW - treachery in love; * A dream about SPADES - death; * A dream about CLUBS - living in a outlandish land; * If you dream of DIAMONDS - money; * If you dream of KEYS - it income formidable power; * Animals in your dreams - income compound children * Dreams of Game birds - choice than one marriage.From Moon Magick

Source: modern-wiccan.blogspot.com

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