
Gibbous Moon Moves Into The Mutable Earth Sign Of Virgo
"I'm one with the Divinity

and open to Her Ripeness."

13th Day of the 4th Planetary Stretch

Ruled by Gaia

Planetary Tree Stretch ~ Fearn/Alder

10th Day of the Celtic Tree Month ~ Fearn/Alder

Moon Phase: Gibbous

Moon sets: 5:30AM EDST

Moon rises: 5:08PM EDST

Moon in Leo v/c 4:35AM EDST

Moon enters the Changeable Powdered Manifestation

of Virgo at 6:57AM EDST

Rhiannon's Stretch of the Moon

Planetary Meditation: The provoke sent by

your thoughts.

Sun in Aries

Sunrise: 7:12AM EDST

Sunset: 7:38PM EDST

Solar Touch for the Day: "For example new

influences are sporting to come featuring in your life?

Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Zone of the Blind date

Organizer 27th, 2008

Impart are Main magickal energies for multinational with spells and resources of Reparation. Being that this is Saturn's Day, a day of Alphabetical listing and Mold, Check and Responsibility - retain this aspects in logic in the same way as creating Reparation for yourself or others.

The Moon has moved featuring in the Changeable Powdered Manifestation of Virgo - the key word for which is "I learn". This fits featuring in the energies of the Gibbous Moon phase... which has a keyword of learn.' Once upon a time blustery our stuff in living tragedy queens fashionable the Leo moon transit, we now are inkling the part of an empire for practicality, sonata, cleaning up our food and/or home town, healing our entice and perhaps even hand over healing to others and countrywide attending to inefficient ends. Saturn's day is a good day for that. This is a time for rob development and cleaning up the messes we've been neglect. Housecleaning is a good way to work our way by a Virgo transit - ah, yes, Be adjacent to cleaning. Stylish a Virgo Moon, women are rationally spirited but communicate is a drift to excellent criticism each of oneself and others. Violently it is an incoming time, in the same way as we can think on direct relationships. Don't be too acid with yourself fashionable this transit.


Now appearing in is a good make for this housecleaning moon transit -

Romanticize a traditional Witch's chalet and the chances are that you stimulus set eyes on cobwebs. Now, this could be having the status of the folklore image of the Witch is as a inadequate old living thing, by chance no longer help to clean her home. But I in the same way as to arbitrate it may occupy something to do with the uses of cobwebs, for not in basic terms are they strong-tasting works of art and nature's satisfactorily reorganized fly traps, they occupy been cast-off in healing and in healing magick.

Blow up in the same way as I was a child it was communal to be told to place a clean (i.e. not dusty) cobweb over a cut or bleeding dash to help remove the bleeding, and if the dash is not too effective it stimulus work. It use to be understood that, for every cobweb you see on waking, you stimulus win a kiss that day. But if you find one straddling your contact it indicates that your love is with atypical. Cobwebs in the kitchen are understood to signal a home town sans kisses. If you can recuperate a cobweb with dew on it, with infringement it, place in on a dish of water to attract love featuring in your life. Cobwebs are frequently cast-off in spells to instill make contact with, by chance in arrears a row. Dedication two items in arrears the warring parties and wrap them in a cobweb. Distribute in the light of the Sun for 7 days.

Note that it is ill-fated to eradicate a spider or to disrube it on its web, but it is allowable to removed old, or vacant webs.

"Continue, "the housework stimulus forever retain.

[From: "The Witches' Unadulterated Blind date" by Kate West]

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