
Lev Meivin Daat

Lev Meivin Daat
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I stay on the line amended the reversal and protection ritual to conceal unfolding of Tehilim 91, on the other hand of Tehilim 37 as basic methodical. It's a esteem of Augur Providence () which leads me to do it, as discussed in the in advance admittance, Shelter Of The Highest High.

From Rabbi Pinchas Winston's tale on parashat "Vayeitzei":

According to the Radak (Tehillim, 91:1), Moshe unemotional this tehillah in characteristic of the go fast of Yissachar, who were frequently mysterious in the elated tune of Torah. Doesn't matter what is the elated tune of Torah? It is shirah, the tune of the existence, for, straight as the angels are frequently singing part praises of G-d and His world, so, too, do our souls sing praises of G-d as well, all the time.

In addition from his tale on parashat "Mattos":

According to the Talmud (Shavuos 15b), this psalm is called the "Call on of the Plagues," having the status of, one who says it and trusts in G-d -- one who takes flight in the shadow of the A'lmighty -- attitude be saved in times of hazard.

According to the Radak, Moshe Rabbeinu heavy-duty this tehillah to the Levi'im, who passed out their days in the insulated conditions of the Summit -- a true "stronghold" of G-d. It was unemotional the day that the Mishkan was whole, and the Augur Success descended to small package it, taking part in which Moshe entered to comprise communication from G-d.

And his tale on parashat "Devarim":

"Eleven psalms were earlier in the rear Moshe's death, and these are the eleven Restrained Services of which show are eleven, the crux rummage of the 'eleven days travel.' The Midrash goes on to say that this corresponds to the eleven tribes that Moshe blessed to the front his death, in order to chip away at these martial which are known to the Kabbalists as the crux foundation of the eleven done [in the Mishkan], the ELEVEN SPICES IN THE INCENSE-OFFERING, THE ELEVEN VERSES THAT Birth With THE Communication 'NUN' AND END With THE Communication 'NUN' Agreeable THE ELEVEN Restrained Services which redeploy void... which is why the eleven psalms were earlier..." (Yalkut Reuvaini in the name of Asarah Ma'ameros, Devarim 13)

Tehilim 90 - 100 are recognized to Moshe. Important to comply with, the shoresh has two post nun in it, yet it doesn't "begin" with a transfer nun. It begins with the transfer lamed, symbolizing "a core that understands knowledge" ("lev meivin da'at"). As a result, the shoresh is the tikun of one of these eleven injurious martial.

It is completely, subsequently, that I scan Tehilim 91 on the other hand of Tehilim 37 in my reversal and protection ritual.

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