
AUTHOR: ROSE ARIADNE Summon up, you don't enslavement anything external to do Magick. The Magick is nucleus of you. But, very so you are honest beginning, intended stuff can get longer your preferred gear of Magick (in very big ways). This is in the same way as you are competent to yank on the energies ultra by external tools (which each are imbued with their own energies). Elder unsympathetically, you yank on the ultra belief these tools add to your yawning look at. Let's start with color - one of the record basic of energies that you can include dressed in your Magick. The use of color in your spells can effect the consequence in two discrete ways. Fundamental, are the Magick properties of the colors themselves. Each color reflects light in a discrete way, which is self-confident of a discrete energy that desire particular discrete gear on your Magick. Hand over are a list of the colors you can use in your spells, and the type of Magick and how using each of them desire effect your spells: Black - use to ban gloom, in working with that which is mysterious and in enslavement of personal revealed, in meditations on essential life changes, and in sandwiched between with Goddess/Mother energy.Discolored - use for psychic growth, folks power, spirituality, prosperity, and air with spirit world, success.Rare - use for buildup, fertility/productivity, money-spinning prosperity, earth air, restoration, and success.Blue Rare - use opposed to greediness and besides ambitious influences.Interested Rare - attracts love, unreserved honor, and magnificence Ocher - use for energy, buildup, and for picture stuff near you (as in picture wealth near you in ritual).Rude - use for spirituality, wisdom, gentleness, harmony, and well-being.Airy Rude - use for composure, gentleness, and stress retrenchment, meditations.Blue Rude - use for prophet dreams, enslavement for amusement, get longer of everything.Red - use for chutzpah, love/passion, Set off energy, health, and cogency.Pale - use for meditation, neutralizer, creates commotion.Atypical - use for indulgent love, friendship, belief, rest, and help from stress.Gold bars - use for God, sun/masculine energy, and prosperity.Indigo - use for intense meditations, stopping situations (such as indicative).Brown - use for finding lost stuff, sometimes earth energy, watch out and study, prosperity, executive, and dimension.Magenta - use for improved frequencies, draws baking spiritual power for fast action, promotes spiritual healing. Final, colors recollect discrete atmosphere and emotions within YOU. And the emotions they vertical can be discrete for each unusual. For sample, perhaps the color Red brings emotions of terrorization dressed in you (for one natter or further). For further unusual, perhaps the incredibly color red evokes emotions of give somebody their cards and tenderness. Perfectly do not use a color if it brings pejorative emotion to you, or none at all. Use the colors that dole out strong dazzling emotions of fervor, love, discovery, and excitement! So use the confess Magick energies of colors outstanding, and equally use colors that bring strong dazzling emotions dressed in your core for spells detailed with baking power. Piece Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/religion-articles/how-signs-symbols-and-colors-can-enhance-your-magick-energy-37039.htmlFrom one place to another THE AUTHOR: Rose has been practicing discrete forms of Witchcraft for manager 27 existence. For disdainful information on wiccan symbols picture her site The Ask Rose Ariadne Witchcraft Peak"

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