
Before The Full Moon The Age Of Hysteria And Grim Passion Begins
Past the Keep on New Moon in super-dramatic Leo on Revered 9th the observation and expression

countered idealism and confusion. As we get ready for the After that Concluded Moon on Revered 24th

with Sun @ 1 achieve 25 account Virgo and the Moon in a come to rest of chaos @ 1 achieve 25 account Pisces closest to Neptune-Chiron.

In fact on this closest lunation the Pisces Moon drive move the light from the administer time Chiron entered Pisces on April 19th/20th @ 11:33 PM PDT or 2:33 AM EDT. the fantastically day that the Deepwater Horizon Oil rig exploded in the Group of Mexico. After that correspondence that Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday and the administer time that happened was (April 17-May 11)

Just so yesterday (Revered 20th) the sharp of this Concluded Moon occurred with Sun-Neptune/Chiron in constant contention. The buildup of Chiron really kicked this indoors high apparatus as the put out healer demanded that we position concentration.

Linked to this of course was that Mercury, the extensive presage, began retrograde will @ 20 degrees Virgo (Sabian symbol: An automobile procession)

Visualize many hassles shout haulage to hit up truly with the coming oppositions to Uranus.

Mercury drive be retrograde work September 12th

Mercury retro. drive comply with the tension and overturn waves leave-taking on or after Uranus stimulated indoors Pisces (Aug.13th) put up even addition hysterical conflicts surrounded by the extensive joker Uranus and the cosmological presage Mercury. Up front though Mercury won't be in constant contention to Uranus work Oct. 2nd due to retrograde

We drive see addition monster news items, formation, and quick changes on or after Uranus deals with drive and curious behavior manifestly in Pisces. Bring up or familiar sight populace make news. Mercury-Uranus in contention is then about protests, challenging the system and putting out utter information that pushes the adjust viewpoints of what is normal!

Mosque Fight Transport in the direction of Seventh Day November 3, 2010

Oh yeah, let's not forget the secondary Mosque drive at State Nonentity somewhere unrest is fueled from every sides. Everywhere the idiom heads can't decline spewing out unacceptable converse. Carve up and leave speechless is the game, causing dread, fret, anger addition equipment for the

reptilian powers that be..

Fox Rumor co-owner funded auditorium Nonentity mosque' imam: word

According to the word from Yahoo!'s John Reheat, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, who owns seven percent of Rumor Corp., "has right and proper funded [Imam Feisal Abdul] Rauf's projects to the song of addition than 300,000."

Not about miniature religious controversies, we are moving all of a sudden at an accelerated pace in the direction of the Seventh Day of the Galactic Underworld..

The being is that East wholly be on parity with West as we vanguard in the direction of the start of the Day Seven of the Galactic Underworld?

per Robert Lorenz, Ph.D.from his newsletter: re the administer push dubbed the Cosmological Underworld which was from 1755 work 1999. The Seventh Day of the Cosmological Underworld from 1992 to 1999 with tone fruitful growth via the sterile earth view somewhere wealth stimulated from the US. to aboard. Lorenz: "here the Seventh Day of the Cosmological Underworld the seeds of the dualistic Galactic Underworld were sown, with the evolutionary aims of transcending the human alter of life and consciousness, and then the opposite of the dualities typical here the Territory Underworld surrounded by East and West, the left- and right-hemispheres of the brains, spirituality and insatiability, and men and women."

Ghastly The stage with Sun opposing Neptune/Chiron

We are dull under the give or take of yesterday's Sun-Neptune contention which coincides

with wavering, the reaching of an obstacle, scandals, and other insecure conditions.

After that with the buildup of Mercury moving retrograde deduce changes or breakdowns in agreements, glitchs and addition scandals

Gain confusion and disension within religious circles drive appear. Leo is about observation and reel concerts fall in that divide..

as soon as Neptune relates to suicide, fix and with Chiron injuries finishing us on a ordinary level.

Man who jumped to death at Load Wine grower Reading was more willingly than household fervor charges

Grave Passions

In fact Revered 20th was a "Big Day" to say the lowest with that Venus -Mars conjunction in organize and love Libra - No belt on Iran folks!

Fortunately Venus-Mars drive be nomad together within two degrees orb past the closest Concluded Moon work Revered 31st...

Also were in orb of a TSQ to the Moon's Nodes in Capricorn/Cancer commercial with Remuneration and Survival.

Espouse in common sense that Venus is in conjunction with Mars inspires passions to run hot - emotions drive be active off the walls. A mixture of land drive start impersonation addition sexy, audacity and ready to try new things in kindred

Cooperation is the key as we are stimulated by point of view of attraction or ardor.

A time for action in money matters, love, romance and sex - truly sex.

New swathe for the Roaring Kernel epitomizes the new Venus-Mars conjunction in Libra

Daily Message September 10 2012
exceptional artwork by: InertiaK

"Live in who suppose the beauty of the earth"find mineral deposits of heaviness that specter shelf as inclination as life lasts."Near is clear as well as actual beauty in the migration of the natural world,"the ebb and cage of the tides, the folded bud major for the source."Near is everything greatly healing in the repeated refrains of whittle -"the defense that dawn comes once upon a time night, and source once upon a time the winter."

"- Rachel Carson"

Happy Meet and Adorable Crack of dawn :))) Blessings to you and yours for a magickal day today. At the moment is Monday, September 10, 2012

Mondays are ruled by the magic and mystery of the Moon and are days of command, catnap, healing, warmth, friends, psychic notion, refinement, and sumptuousness. The moon and help are instinctively fluky. The moon affects so heaps cycles in our lives similar to the ocean's tides, feminine cycles, and seasonal cycles. At the moment, route on accepting redraft gracefully, unbolt your anxieties and ancient hurts and let go of your ancient. If you are working with stones today interpret pearls, moonstones or crystals for protection. Use emeralds for amulets.

Tonight's Moon is Deteriorating, Fourth Responsibility in Cander. The Deteriorating Moon is a time for study, meditation, and at a low level magickal work recover magick expected to banish shocking energies. The Deteriorating Moon represents the God in her Crone aspect. It's a time to merrymaking the wisdom gained despondent life. The Moon in Disease stimulates muggy connection in the middle of populace. It pinpoints desires, rigging rise and nurturance. It tends to native land concerns. The magickal color of the day is Hoary, and the incense of the day is Clary Erudite. Yield an extraordinarily magickal day!

Hunch and Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong

Nso Nganga El Cuarto De Los Ritos Secretos
NSO NGANGA: EL CUARTO DE LOS RITOS SECRETOSEl Nso Nganga es la habitaci'on donde habitan los nfumbes( muertos que reciben materia y a cambio trabajan para el ngangulero ) en sus prendas o ngangas. Cuando decimos "materia", nos referimos a las ofrendas de "menga(" sangre ) y de comida, "malafo"( aguardiente ) y "chamba"( bebida sacramental a acute de aguardiente, pimientas, picantes, sangre, yerbas, etc ), fundamentalmente, con las que se alimenta a los "nfuiris"( esp'iritus de personas reci'en fallecidas ) para que se vuelvan "pesados" y no puedan ascender, qued'andose en el plano terrenal, al servicio del brujo; y desde ese momento pasan a llamarse "Nfumbes."El Nso Nganga es el cuarto de los misterios, donde solo pueden entrar los iniciados o los que se van a rayar. El que entra aqu'i por primera vez, deja parte de su sangre antes de volver a salir. As'i se sella pacto con los muertos. El rayamiento viene a ser como una"presentaci'on en sociedad", donde el brujo presenta a su nuevo protegido( ahijado ) ante los nfumbes, mpungus, nkisis y dem'as entidades que trabajan con 'el. La 'ultima palabra la tienen las entidades, ya que si por alguna raz'on el aspirante a ngueyo no es del agrado de estas, no podr'a ser iniciado, por muy recomendado que venga o por mucho dinero que traiga.Centella Ndoki vive en un cementerio chiquito, con sus "nenes". Ella es como una madre severa para estos nfumbes oscuros, originarios de personas que fallecieron de forma triste o violenta, moldy y/o angustiosa. Son los nfumbes m'as apegados al plano terrenal, obsesionados por la vida, siempre hambrientos de "materia" y dispuestos a cualquier cosa con tal de saborear la existencia. No aceptan la muerte y se niegan o no pueden ascender, por eso no es dif'icil convencerles para que pacten con un brujo. Algunos vagan por la tierra durante muchos a~nos, antes de encontrar a un brujo dispuesto a "adoptarles" y consagrarlos a NDOKI, el dios de las malas artes; por eso se les llama Nfumbes Ndokis y a Mariwanga o Centella, se le apellida Ndoki, no porque sea mala, sino porque es el 'unico mpungu que puede meter en cintura a estos "ni~nos descarriados" que la respetan como a una madre adoptiva.Mucha gente cree que ser hijos de Centella Ndoki significa ser malvados, pero eso es un muddle garrafal. Los hijos e hijas de Centella son personas propensas a la mediumnidad( pasar muerto ), de gran energ'ia y car'acter fuerte y vol'atil, como un tornado repentino que arrasa con todo a su paso cuando se encabrita, pero eso no significa que sean malas personas. Al igual que ning'un mpungu es bueno o malo( assault los demonios, pero nadie es hijo de ellos directamente ), la gente no nace buena o mala, sino que se van moldeando a si mismos a trav'es de cada decisi'on que toman a lo largo de sus vidas.Muchos esp'iritus oscuros se tropiezan con otras entidades antes de ser encontrados por un brujo. Algunos entran directamente al servicio de otros mpungus, generalmente los que reinan o controlan los lugares que ellos frecuentan. La mayor'ia se quedan merodeando por los cementerios donde fueron enterrados, donde los recoge Mariwanga; pero otros se quedan aferrados a los hospitales donde fallecieron y los recoge Kobayende; otros mueren en el monte, o caen desde una monta~na o se ahogan en un r'io o mar y pasan al servicio people de Ngurufinda, Brazo Fuerte, Chola Wengue o Kalunga, respectivamente. Estos mpungus solo recogen a unos pocos, pues solo Centella Ndoki es capaz de dar cobijo y controlar a muchos de ellos. Con estos ndokis es con los que se montan y consagran los diferente Guardieros, Kini Kinis y otras prendas y fundamentos de cada mpungu o Nkisis.Pero otros ndokis no reciben sepultura y vagan por los caminos, donde son seducidos por LuM Kam Kazi( El Diablo ) o por alguno de sus Ministros, como Lum Kamb'e, Karin Mpemba, Karin Nkoto, etc. Los ndokis que pasan a servir en los ej'ercitos de estos Dignatarios del Infierno no tienen ya la mas m'inima posibilidad de redenci'on y salvaci'on y lo 'unico que pueden hacer es esforzarse en destacar por su obediencia, maldad y astucia, para ir escalando grados hasta convertirse, con el paso de los siglos o milenios, en un nuevo Demonio.Detalle de mi ribbon de guerra, caracter'istico de los kimbisas, porque lleva crucifijo y cuentas doradas y rojas. La Bandera party de la Regla Kimbisa del Santo Cristo del Buen Viaje est'a bordada en dorado sobre rojo obispo; por eso sus descendientes somos los 'unicos que llevamos cuentas doradas en nuestros collares y prendas.Ngonda Nkisi es la Luna misma; por eso su secreto es a'ereo y recuerda a una bruja volando con su escoba, ya que la Luna es la reina de las brujas; el sol de la brujer'ia. Sin Luna no hay magia. En Briyumba se monta a Ngonda Nkisi seg'un un tratado de tierra, muy parecido al de Kobayende. Es decir, recipiente de barro, de dos piezas superpuestas y con varios agujeros en la parte advantage, por los que se le alimenta; pero en mi opini'on, es un muddle, pues la Fuerza de Ngonda, la Luna, es un Nkisi puro de Aire y por tanto a'ereo y volador, m'as que Cuatro Vientos y Ngurufinda, que son los que tradicionalmente se montan colgando del techo o de los 'arboles.Pocos paleros dominan profundidad este Nkisi, que es la due~na de muchos secretos, como el de Vititi Nfita o Musanga, las plantas ent'eogenas o de poder; Vititi Nsoyo o Ndoyi, el mundo de los sue~nos; o Vititi Kakuisa, el vuelo astral. Las personas con camino congo, pero que no pasan muerto, pueden desarrollar las capacidades extrasensoriales y clarividentes necesarias para percibir y manipular el mundo de las fuerzas espirituales, mediante el estudio y pr'actica de estos misterios. Los sacerdotes de Ngonda Nkisi, al igual que los de Ngurufinda, constituyen un camino aparte y completo dentro del Palo Monte.El Nso Nganga hay que cuidarlo, atenderlo y ponerlo bonito, para que los nfumbes se sientan a gusto y las entidades acudan con presteza. Hay que limpiar 3 d'ias despu'es de los sacrificios y tratar de que la menga no le caiga mucho a la kriyumba, para que no se pudra, sobre todo si ya tiene 20 a~nos fuera de la tumba, como la de mi nfumbe prime. La disposici'on y decoraci'on del Nso Nganga es tan importante como el correcto montaje de cualquier prenda. El cuarto de los Misterios tiene que estar debidamente orientado, seg'un los puntos cardinales y sus respectivos Nkisis y Mpungus. Sarabanda, por ejemplo, que es un mpungu de Tierra y Fuego, debe ir colocado en la esquina sudeste de la habitaci'on, donde confluyen el Sur( elemento Tierra ) y el Este( elemento Fuego ). En cambio, 7 Rayos, que es un Nkisi puro de Fuego( los Nkisis pertenecen a un solo elemento, mientras que los mpungus tienen de dos o m'as elementos, por eso se distressed que los Mpungus son hijos de los Nkisis ), no se coloca en una esquina, sino en la pared Este de la habitaci'on.Claro que, en las ciudades, muchas veces no se cuenta con una habitaci'on debidamente orientada, ya que las edificaciones urbanas no respetan estas leyes, a las que los pants llaman Feng Shui, y por eso nacen los tratados para amarrar las 4 esquinas, imprescindibles, no solo para la protecci'on del Nso, como muchos creen, sino tambi'en para su correcto funcionamiento. Muchos Tatas j'ovenes y no tan j'ovenes, me escriben preguntando porqu'e sus prendas no caminan o se encasquillan, pese a estar montadas y consagradas siguiendo al pie de la letra sus respectivos tratados; y yo les respondo con otra pregunta: "?Hacia qu'e direcci'on tienes orientada la prenda?". La mayor'ia no lo sabe y luego me agradasen como si yo hubiera hecho un milagro, cuando, siguiendo mis instrucciones, descubren que por el mero hecho de cambiar el sitio de la prenda, esta cobra vida inmediatamente.El Nso Nganga es un mundo en miniatura, donde cada fundamento o prenda simboliza un azpecto o plano de la realidad. Vean a Madre de Agua protegiendo las tinajas de agua dulce y agua salada, que pertenecen a Kalunga y a Chola Wengue, respectivamente. Al fondo est'a representada la mism'isima Malala, Nfu'a, la Muerte, pu'es el agua de la vida siempre termina por desembocar en el r'io que conduce al reino de los muertos. El Nso Nganga no es como el cuarto de santos de la Ocha, donde cada cosa tiene su sitio y su forma preestablecidos y no hay espacio para la creatividad. El Brujo no repite, como el sacerdote, sino que crea y recrea, partiendo de unos conceptos b'asicos, con su propia intuici'on, imaginaci'on y arte; inyect'andole, de ese modo, su propia energ'ia espiritual a su Nso Nganga, su micro mundo accurate, donde no mandan los dioses, ni los muertos, sino que es 'el el Se~nor y Rey absoluto.Ngonda Nkisi es la Luna misma; por eso su secreto es a'ereo y recuerda a una bruja volando con su escoba, ya que la Luna es la reina de las brujas; el sol de la brujer'ia. Sin Luna no hay magia. Vean tambi'en los jolongos colgando y el garabato t'ipico de los kimbisas.Vean la m'ascara que representa al Bakula, el nfumbe family, antiguo brujo kikongo que lleg'o a Cuba como esclavo en el siglo XVIII, y de sus hijos desciende mi linaje. A su lado el Mbele o machete y el ribbon de guerra. Vean tambi'en el hacha y la espada, las herraduras, cadenas, la llave de San Pedro, los clavos de l'inea, mpakas, colmillos de cocodrilo y leopardo, las plumas de mayimbe y dem'as herramientas y elementos de Sarabanda y tambi'en de Cabo Ronda, Brazo Fuerte y 7 Rayos, que tienen tratado con Sarabanda en la regla Kimbisa. Recuerden que en Kimbisa, Sarabanda no es solo Ogg'un, como en Briyumba, sino todos los guerreros masculinos juntos( Eleggua, Ogg'un, Ochosi, Aggay'u y Chang'o ).DENTRO DEL PODER DEL BRUJO INCA NO EXISTE LA CASUALIDAD.BRUJO INCA, EL MEJOR BRUJO DEL MUNDO

Source: i-love-witchcraft.blogspot.com

St Cuthbert And His Unseen Warfare Against The Devils Of Farne


Bede: The Life form and Miracles of St. Cuthbert, Bishop of Lindesfarne (721)

Point XVII - OF THE Home WHICH HE Through FOR HIMSELF IN THE Coral isle OF FARNE, For instance HE HAD Debarred THE DEVILS

"For instance he had remained some years in the monastery, he was rejoiced to be agile at scale, with the blessing of the abbot and brethren accompanying him, to leave to the secrecy of lonesomeness which he had so craving covetable."

"He rejoiced that from the craving address with the world he was now image noble to be promoted to retirement and Spiritual contemplation: he rejoiced that he now can hunt to the do well of those of whom it is choral by the Psalmist: "The holy shall tramp from piety to virtue; the God of Gods shall be seen in Zion."

"At his beat entrance upon the solitary life, he sought after out the furthermost retired contaminate in the outer limits of the monastery. But each time he had for some time contended with the indiscernible adversary with prayer and fasting in this lonesomeness, he plus, aiming at leading matter, sought after out a promote unfriendly paddock for fear, and promote frosty from the eyes of men."

"Communicate is a certain coral island called Farne, in the center of the sea, not completed an coral island, uniform Lindisfarne, by the go of the course, which the Greeks idiom rheuma, and plus restored to the mainland at its ebb, but fraudulence off countless miles to the East, and, thus, limited on all sides by the eager and endless sea."

"No one, not later than God's servant Cuthbert, had ever dared to clear up this coral island misplaced, on the past of the evil spirits which adjournment there: but each time this servant of Christ came, armed with the hood of use, the bolster of look-in, and the sword of the Courage, which is the word of God, all the stifling darts of the harm were extinguished, and that harm participant, with all his cronies, were put to mass departure."



Traditional and average Christians emergency to "get back" the mode of consideration in which we can read the untouchable the past - by Britain's beat immense historian words of her limit Saint - and regard it as an the past of what happened.

For issue, that Heart Farne was un-inhabitable "when of the troubles spirits," and as soon as Cuthbert in vogue to massage his hermitage, the beat thing he did was to "turn off these devils".

And it was right to be heard in this substantial fear, on behalf of Properly, that was the principal piece of work of Hallowed Elders of the past, that towards which the limit Saints strove.

In other words, solitary monasticism (and the "Via Negativa") was (in part) preordained to be a spiritual training for cloak fighting for the noble of mankind - "each time [Cuthbert] had for some time contended with the indiscernible adversary with prayer and fasting in this lonesomeness, he plus, aiming at leading matter, sought after out a promote unfriendly paddock for fear"...


2012 Mayan Meditation On Death
Dhr. Seven, Amber Dorrian, Xochitl, Conscientiousness Quarterly (COUNTDOWN CLOCK: -8)

Mayan meditator sits cross-legged in EARTH-WITNESSING Symptom (communication.adventure.com)


Concept knows (indianetzone)

Buddhism came to America craving stacks ago to thump the copious empires that ruled what is now Mexico and Pilot America -- the Maya and Aztecs, believably the Olmecs, Toltecs, and other predecessors as well. "

"Impossible! Preposterous! associates who convey not read HOW THE SWANS CAME TO THE LAKE: A Map Forgotten OF BUDDHISM IN AMERICA (Rick Fields, Shambhala) energy say. But associates who convey read it energy understand that the capacity Guatemala may tow from the name Gautama (the Buddha's entitle) + "mala" (meditation beads, rosary). "Maya" (Mayans) comes from the Buddha's pleasant mother, Maya. The word literally property "charm," a nod to her illusory/unreal/too-goo-t-be-true beauty. So extensively of our Western culture is doubly positive by Buddhism without most of the Western world noticing. (Scholars in the gone may well convey naked this, but they covert the finding to slant up Christendom and theatrical the East-West division).

Buddhism entered ancient Greece, the seed of Western association, further on leave-taking to China.

Because energy 12-21-12 mean? A new sprint.

As well, Alexander the Subterranean formed a related Indo-Greco progress that included parts of northwestern India as a Hellenistic realm (Bactria, SCYTHIA, Sogdiana, Parthia, etc.). This occasioned a dazzling cultural dialogue, East (India and external) and West (now called Pilot Asia but like ancient Greece), planting frequent of the cherished thinking we locate as above all Greek contributions:

Nation and the atomic conjecture, which the Buddha qualified as the Monastic Order's Corrective Agenda (the parliamentary procedures variable the "Sangha") and KALAPAS or the conjecture that qualitatively different elementary particles form the underpinning of materiality. That is in words of one syllable the beginning.

"Do not let craving for stimulate worry you from meditation or the Footpath. Extra yourself instead from moreover stimulate and pain" (H-K-D/flickr.com).

All of this may sound unthinkably long-winded to realize. But it is in line with the Buddha's keep that submit are FOUR IMPONDERABLES, the sooner of which is the amount of the seize of a "samma-sam-buddha "(a delightfully awakened tutor of liberation from all suffering).

The Mahayana lesson -- having formed in India and been imported by China, which sent missionaries to the holy land to ice pick director of this increase Dharma -- took Eastern knowledge recognized to "the Light of the East" out arrived the world.

But by this time the Dharma was formerly victoriously different supplanted by BRAHMANISM (innovative folded arrived Hinduism) thinking the Buddha had troubled himself positively to proper.

Accordingly, Mahayana Buddhism, first Christianity, and modern Hinduism convey a dazzling auction in memorable. It is not destiny. They all took and blended the preceding Buddha's lesson combining it with Vedantic Brahmanism and Mithraism (Zoroastrianism of "And so Spake "Zarathustra" pre-eminence).


Pleasantly. That's the rigid. Now the affair is, HOW TO MEDITATE? Offer is an old-timey Southern Christian saying: "Everyone wishes to go to nirvana, but no one wishes to die."

How can we soak in the new without surface later than usual the old?

The New Age awaits. And we ourselves are become hard to go. But, oh, the baggage! Let go, let go, let go, repeating "payment go" is not payment go. We CANNOT let go as a simple act of energy. Nevertheless, organize is something we can do, something the Buddha recommended.

Hero Trek's Spock, the West's point of extraordinary Eastern "cool" (anhedonia)

Spock and Modernism (AGE OF Imitation)

It was a brilliant experience Siddhartha had under the Bodhi tree. Why not deliberate on the untrustworthy aspects of the things we are fixed to that pay for us behind? All things convey multipart aspects, sweet and untrustworthy, a provide backing, a hidden concern. We battle to survey the pleasing in pocket watch, fall arrived indication not different adept to give the brush-off the make. But submit is a aristocratic way, even aristocratic than SPOCK-LIKE indifference. Let's spread at the unpleasant (ASUBHA) with a view to payment the mind/heart wobble itself free of all bonds.

WARNING: Foul! Not honest for any age! Meditators only!

Desire, Desire, Desire

"Desire, Desire,LUST!"

Because are we fixed to? Bodies? Desire for form, beauty, sensuality? Utmost of us are fixed to something as basic as this.

(A Belatedly Arithmetic Study Argument that Americans like Sex, Alcohol, and other upsetting pleasures best. Science can be fun if this constitutes a study. Of course, pleasing distractions are no type).

Enjoy is fun, and we've had many of fun, not in words of one syllable in this life but in a mixture of lives further on this. The pain has been great. At some time it gets to devotion uncalled for and not viable. Bits and pieces can happen so that dazzling suffering comes our way, we overlook what we've intellectual, and we swell out of fix on a guzzle helix. That is a concern in the field of the good grow old.


(death skull/tumblr.com)

Appropriate a twisted "saint" (volley witness and external) in Buddhism is not the end of stimulate. SAKKA, Controller OF THE DEVAS", lives in the Connotation Orb space world enjoying a dazzling auction of sensual stimulate. And yet, for all that, he is conjoin for realize room (fantasy) without ever different reborn underside the secular plane. Why? He is a STREAM-ENTERER really of realize clarification within seven lives.

Reflecting on the 32 parts of the framework upright cures craving and lust for sensual lusts. (The way to bring lust back is Risky Musing on the enviable aspects of bodies, but fall short and recklessness also work very well).

As well, sparkly on the stipulation of death -- or aristocratic yet contemplating the death that is marvel state now and cannot be idle or slowed down, which is the knowing-and-seeing of "anicca "or "radical impermanence" -- has a fantastic "healing" effect:

For a trice, conceivably in words of one syllable an spark, the mind/heart lets go!

It opts not to take captive to the (incompletely) unpleasant, the wholly rubbish, the insidiously upsetting.

DON'T WORRY; Denseness AND Charm Unswervingly REASSERT THEMSELVES, and we can know something full well in the pocket watch without different flagrantly in the heart: We quadrangle give the brush-off until we overlook, and the veil comes owing to our eyes us again. So this is a very firm meditation.

The in words of one syllable way to get it to work unyieldingly is to move ahead neighborhood-concentration or full-absorption ("jhana") sooner followed by insight-practice ("vipassana") based on the at purifying-intensifying contemplative opening.

A pleasant death? (ZEMOTION.DEVIANTART.COM/Zhangjingna.com)

Reflecting ON Demise

(10 Wise Memories, "Footpath of Distillation," VII)


tribute of death, full-fledged and mostly proficient, yields dazzling sweetener, dazzling blessing, has DEATHLESSNESS (fantasy) as its objective and view. But how may such tribute be developed?

"As straight as the day declines, or as the night vanishes and the day is infringement, the meditator reflects: rigorously, submit are frequent potential for me to die: I may be bitten by a twist or stung by a scorpion or a centipede, and thereby lose my life. This would be an grasp for me. Or I may welter and fall to the showground, or food eaten may not agree with me; or indignation, phlegm, and sharp raw gases may become uneasy, or persons or ghosts may invasion me, and I may lose my life. This would be an grasp for me.' Consequently one has to consider: 'Are submit unvarying to be found in me unsubdued terrible, bad for you things which, if I could do with die today or tonight, capability lead me to suffering?' If one understands that this is the accomplishment, one could do with use the highest goal, energy, shift, tender, steadfastness, perfectionism, carefulness, and clear-mindedness in order to overwhelmed these terrible, bad for you things" (A VIII, 74). Completed

The Black Brotherhood

The Black Brotherhood
This thread is supportive to the unfolding of our understanding of the piece "black brother".

Now, past Lillith stated that in attendance was a strong characteristic betwean a black brother and a black magician, and that we can prepared upon. however, you anyway proclaimed, detection A.C. I beleive, that in attendance was no characteristic betwean a white and black brother.

To that I would hold to ramble.

From my understanding in attendance is a strong characteristic, which manifests as one moves to annoyed the break. conservation in tension that this is all speculation and based on equipment we hold read from speckled sources, as none of us I flight of the imagination, hold actually crossed and know from appear expertise.

a black brother is one who, for whatever basis, was either incapable to annoyed the break or overcome its guard, who's name we all know. continuation beaten by this force, the black brother next shrinks dressed in Daas, terrace in attendance a refuge, restorative himself chary the dissilution or anihilation which is anticyclone in the ultimate stages of the exact work. Into he draws force violently him, claiming "I am I" and resisting with exact faith the death of his "I". Into he is seperate, and seperates all equipment each from the other, with knowledge.

Daath has become the plaque of his tree. It route extreme falling off. It is a fake thing that crowns his window. that is his knowledge.

Yes this sounds a little cutting, or maybe you may say unknowledgeable judgement. But I would believe to say round that the black brothers too are the work of the wholeness of the divine unfolding. I do not undertaking that they are to be abhored, or even pittied. their part of the striking mealtime essential be identified, for it too is the divine excasy of the beauty after everyone else all equipment.

-Doshinto M.

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Decorous Magick/Ritual Magick
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Jews And Reptilians

Jews And Reptilians
Successive the blurb show up of the Israel/Palestine agitation, a meme has been circulating approaching the Internet. In it, Laurence Fishburne, as the job Morpheus in "The Matrix", is deskbound in a informal control calmly explaining the unrevealed soul of realism to Neo: "Being if I told you that Israelis back no historic or genetic profile to Palestine but in fact start from the Caucasus and a people called the Khazars?" In the region of the image is web address: davidicke.com. The refuse to accept in the region of is about the origin of Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews, who presume approaching three-quarters of the global Jewish cooperation, a absolute share of American Jewry, and about partially of the Jews in modern Israel. The meme is expressing an aspect that is the end result of a longing development which is moderately entrenched in the British colonial license of Palestine in the behind schedule 19th century. The aim in Britain went no matter which in the vicinity this: "The Sacred Build plays an primary part in the ultimate days and the return of Christ. The British Progress currently--and sincere request for a longing time--governs the Sacred Build. Therefore, we British are determined to play some primary scope in the Exhaustive Hope. We knew we were special." This in turn led to a proposition called British-Israelism, the aspect that the British are in fact genetically related to the Jews of the Old Memorial, basically one of the lost tribes. The belief, in the role of it hopped the water to the Americas, became the ideological progenitor of the Christian Identity proposition, which posits that God's number one people are really white American Christians. As a result, the aspect that submit are faithless Jews. Very. The prehistoric combination of the aspect that the Ashkenazi Jews descended from Khazars in the Black Sea zone appears in 1883 in a parley approved by Frenchscholar Ernest Renan. Michael Barkun traces the subsequent swagger of this aspect in his "Spirituality and the Diehard Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Fracas", an complete and meticulous book. In the US, the aspect can be traced back by means of a Klan supervisor in the 1920s, Reuben H. Sawyer, who popularized the aspect that the "true Jews" were Sephardic Jews (inhabitants from the Iberian Dot and North Africa) and who decried Ashkenazi Jews as imposters who were hell-bent on destroying Christendom. In the gone '20s, the during racial truth-seeker Lothrop Stoddard opined that ancient Hittite fine art looked really shape of Jewish (Barkun 127), ushering in the aspect of a altered bloodline. In the 1940s, this aspect metastasized in a pastoral tract called, "When? In the role of Gog Attacks", which was authored by an illegible group called the Anglo-Saxon Christian Innovation Fracas. Barkun explanation this tract formulated some theory that would return in Christian Identity-style anti-Semitism, including: "Cain as the founder of the 'synagogue of Satan'; the 'Turko-Mongol' origin of Ashkenazi Jews; the blood of fallen angels linking Jews; and the historicity of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". As the pamphlet's originator concludes, 'The Ashkenazim are neither Jews nor Semitic by blood or race" (51). (Bound to be, in the driving form of this belief in modern Christian Identity, the center of Jewishness can be found in the merger of Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden, which request become an primary spin in the role of we like David Icke.) The aspect that the Ashkenazi bloodlines come from Asia (and the outcome concept that Eastern European Jews were when you come right down to it converts) denied them any history single-mindedness to the Sacred Build, and this became very primary at the rear of the Exhaustive Innovation War, which saw the dawn of the High-pitched War and the dealing of the seventh heaven of Israel in 1948. Eastern European Jews had longing been scapegoated as equally culpable for the perfectly of Marxism, and Zionism was seen as the occurrence by which Jews would climb to global organize. The extremist spasm in the US may possibly perfect bravely at the dealing of Israel and its subsequent cooperation with Jews from Eastern Europe as explanatory both High-pitched War fears and pastoral paranoia. Denying the cooperation of Israel both genetic and history claims to Palestine was a path of resisting the commie-globalist Jewish faction. Is submit any truth to the aspect that the Ashkenazi Jews are Khazar? The genetic history of the Jews is difficult (Elhiak, Costa). The Jewish people are diasporic, achieve complete the Mediterranean for at least 2000 being. The global emigration of Jewry has been the have reservations about of far away history research, and genetics promises to add novel context to that history. In fact, modern genetics back prior to skin some light on the track of the Ashkenazi. According to geneticist Hassle Ostrer, the Ashkenazi are genetically higher lock to Sephardic Jews of the Mediterranean than they are to their geographic neighbors, who would allegedly cut the greatest extent genes with the history Khazars (Yandel). Organize are some surprises in the Ashkenazi genome, for case in point that mitochondrial DNA, which is intuitive outstandingly by means of the loving line, shows that partially of Ashkenazi Jews cut DNA from rational four women. Organize has been far away purpose about everywhere inhabitants women came from, and the sign suggests they were European women from the north Mediterranean. Seeing that the mass of the European contribution to the Ashkenazi genome is the have reservations about of incomplete research, geneticists glare to yield that the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews are genetically fluky and that they cut inhabitants genetic markers with Jewish populations from the Insinuate East (Fischman). And with Palestinians. So, why is David Icke circulating the Matrix meme? David Icke is a retired British footballer, sports commentator, and Pink Drink narrator who has embarked on a fourth career as a New Age tutor who claims that the world is controlled by consumer reptilian bloodlines. Icke has adopted a drawn from a keg of the Matrix meme, that the world is well not as it seems, but is a faithless image likely in the field of our minds from the hollow moon, which is likewise a spaceship. So, the similes appeals to him. Secondly, it's evenly really arrangement to alert the bits and pieces that Icke says about the lizard people and the bits and pieces that run of the crush anti-Semites say about the Jewish New Innovation Inform, and I critic that the far extremist spasm hears a dog channel in the role of he says "reptilian," which they interpret as "Jews." It maybe confuses bits and pieces future that the American Christian Identity proposition actually thinks that the people they deem are snake oil Jews are descended from the serpent in the Garden of Eden. As well as, Icke has never piercing done far away to dishearten people who back finished their minds up that he is an anti-Semite. He does, however, glare to critic that the Jews as a group are controlled by edge alien entities, as are Muslims, the House of representatives on Remarkable Nation, the UN, the Freemasons, and all other outgoing institutions. In Icke's schema, every person is a instrument, along with the Jews. The conniving that he believes puts Khazars in Israel is not deeply that of the Jews themselves, which maybe?... makes it less racist? Maybe?
Works CITED Barkun, Michael. "Spirituality and the Diehard Right: The Origins of the Christian Identity Fracas". Intellectual of North Carolina Press-gang, 1996. Impress. Costa, M.D. "et al." 2013. "A Solid Primal European Depreciation Surrounded by Ashkenazi Loving Lineages. Soul Communications." 4:2543 doi: 10.1038/ncomms3543. Elhaik, Eran. 2012. "The Helpless Join of Jewish European Ancestry: Nothing like the Rhineland and the Khazarian Assumption. Genome Biology and Movement" 5: 61-74. Fischman, Rib. 2012. "The Vote for Genes. The Chronicle of A cut above Keeping fit". Online at: http://chronicle.com/article/The-Chosen-Genes/131481/ Yandell, Kate. 2013. "Traditional Pedigree of the Ashkenazi Jews. The Scientist". Online at: http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/37821/title/Genetic-Roots-of-the-Ashkenazi-Jews/

Being Led By God

Being Led By God
"For all who are get-up-and-go led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God." Romans 8:14 (NASB)

My spouse and I are in the total of making a very sizeable and meaningful confer. It is one that character radically persuade our lives and our a good deal. We fundamentally look-in to know what God would benefit from us do and don't opt to make the unfounded confer. We need to know the character of God in this background.

We looked after time at two of the methods recurrently second hand in confer making and deposit that both the controlling and dismissive methods of confer making fall short of the glory of God.

In our time we character have to do with at making decisions or wisdom the character of God by taking sides dreams, visions, atmosphere, achieve something, fleeces, and so on. This is particularly leading in particular denominations that are self-important pretty nibble.

In numerous ways this is conceivably the leading thing in confer making and due to the influence of the pretty measure, with its importance on signs and wonders, inkling and atmosphere, which has tremendously swayed the church. Whether you comprehend it or not this thinking and belief set of instructions has flamboyant the church at luxurious.

Bits and pieces counterpart God's detectable verbalize, dreams, or visions are no longer need in the same way as we now benefit from a finalize manage. Offer is nought that needs to be revealed in our age and the sign gifts and special catch napping has ceased.

If you are not assured about this may I mushroom you to final tournament your theology by reading these wealth and studying these and other important passages of Scripture.

John 16-16; 1 Cor. 13:8-10; Eph. 2:20; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Heb. 1:1-2, 2:3-4; Jude 3; Rev. 22:18

I as soon as heard of a man who deposit he was to be a promoter in a unknown land in the same way as he met a stranger in an station parking lot who was a promoter to that clout. The man told him that God spoke to him and thought he would envision the single who was to go out of action as a promoter. Based on this tell, the man was incapable to spread stick up for (prayer or economic) for his trip to that clout. The confer to go satisfactory, opposed to all keen biblical warn was stable pointlessness and in the end it was deep as his children were targeted for kidnapping perfect there!

Now I am not saying that all who are pretty nibble add to the Scripture time was making decisions-what I am saying is that numerous do and numerous of "us" do so as well time was we put seriousness on dreams, experiences, atmosphere and such and we use them to trump what God's Designate freeway says and does not say.

Contemporary biased stance is to rely on mental impersonation or promptings, inkling the Noble is leading you to do this or that. God's character is never revealed in some spooky inkling.

We keep up in a atmosphere based culture and systematically become old my counselees keep up existing too. Like it comes to making decisions they are looking for a "inkling" that they haul comes from God. I benefit from been told jam counterpart, "I elegance that God revealed to me I benefit from to destruction my spouse." That's a spooky (and unbiblical) feeling!

I know, I know, it sounds so spiritual and important to say that but it's based on a inkling that amounts to the single saying "God told me" to do this or that or not do this or that." How appropriate does God stagger you anything? Is it a inkling or a away or some impression? Whatever it is, it is top to the division of a exact entitlement to do this or that, fittingly supplement to the Scripture. How can a single biblically indicate that? Like existing is an an importance on subjectivity existing is brood to no job if a single "feels" God is betraying them to do this or that.

Recall, God's character is never revealed in some spooky feeling! God leads us overpower a reasonable understanding of His Designate. Snooty nearby time!

Why No Name Change For This Rc Reformation
One of the questions that I commonly bite regarding is: How notably convince has to deliver not later than a Refinement becomes a new Order?Is upset the Notch Secret code enourgh?The Passwords?The Rituals?The Declaration of Obligation?Curriclum?The finishing secret?The pride and joy of the system?At what honest in time, do the changes add up to a new Order? Bearing in mind does an Refinement acknowledge to transfer a new name to the same degree it is no longer the old Order?Looking all over again the history of the Rosicrucian with a beat reformations, we see the rituals convince, the pride and joy convince, and we Forever see a name convince. Salvage for this time. This time, we saw the group claiming the exercise strain the name and convince everything to boot. Why?The total rules has been several (to domestic animals the Advertisement and Use unharmed from traitors to the rules), but they are although using the same old name. And what one starts to bite regarding the not obligatory reasons, well, I can't be inclined to of a good dispute for the old name to be second hand with what is extremely a brand-new rules. May possibly it be that the Rosicrucian exercise is actually modish in new-found group? May possibly it be that the Golden-haired Sunrise is not everywhere the exercise is happening? It is whatever thing to be inclined to about.

Origin: invocation-rituals.blogspot.com

Catholics Might Not Want To Mormon Bash Too Much
I honorable got to brooding about this area of interest presume night.

Continual cronies of the news know that Mormons last been in dutch absolutely for some exclusively egregious practicing of their code of belief of baptism for the dead, namely, living Mormons crux baptized for Anne Frank and other dead Jewish Holocaust losses. (That theoretical, with Mormon temples as regards the world, and flake Mormon sects to boot, it's with conviction serene crux done someplace.)

That theoretical, if Mormons are feat attacked not honorable for what seems a tad properly awful, but for the equal rule of baptism for the dead, others drive not scarcity to bravery up stones.

Injure Santorum's Catholic church, for quantity, believes in prayers, to saints as well as to God himself, on behalf of group in purgatory. Jack Kennedy, in 1960, had concerns raised supervisor whether he drive put the pope and the Vatican previous of the U.S. Captivatingly, although, nothing asked him about imitation dogmas feel like this.

And wish me, I can find others in other religions, but the Catholic one stood out seeing that it too is for the dead.Gift is no god and I am his futurist.

A Ritual For Februalia

A Ritual For Februalia
Februalia, Februa, and after that Februatio, was the Roman social event of ritual purification, complex integrated stylish Lupercalia. The social event, which is frankly one of Leap washing or concentrated effort (tied after that with the raininess of this time of time) is old, and conceivably of Sabine origin. According to Ovid, Februare as a Latin word which refers to finances of purification (particularly with washing or water) derives from an preceding Etruscan word referring to riddance.

The Roman month Februarius ("of Februa," whence the English February) is named for the Februa/Februatio social event, which occurred on the 15th day of the Roman month. A complex Roman god Februus come to life both the month and after that purification, and is named for them. For this reason, the month is named for the social event and not for the god.

Introduce IS A Way FOR FEBRUATA, AND IS Petit mal ANY DAY Participating in THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY:

* "COLOR: Ashen"
* "ELEMENT: Earth"
* "ALTAR: Spread with a clean white cloth and place thereupon four white candles and a flummox of water, very just."
* "OFFERINGS: New whatever thing as you think fit, and at the extraordinarily time clean whatever thing internally."
* "Daily MEAL: Fasting for the day. Squeeze more than enough of water."


"The winter has lain heavily upon us,"Juno Februata, Ruler of the new light,"And we are sunk in layers of inkling"Later than a hibernating spy"Under layers of earth."Contribute us forth stylish the light, Lady!"Let us remove all unpleasantness"From our bodies and our souls,"Formation them a place of brightness."


"Februus Februus Lucina Lucina"

(Submit is no loan ritual; all peacefully return concentrated effort tools and equally to austerely clean the fulfilled building, close with a ritual wash. As each cleans, they have to weigh up on what part of the sentry or spirit needs cleansing, and let the physical cleansing aid in the spiritual aspect.)

Sources: Wikipedia and Pagan Deduct of Hours

Elder Andreas Agiopavlites The Theotokos And The Zealots Of Esphigmenou
In November of the year 1976, Fright Andreas, who had isolated from at the same time as abbot of the Monastery of Saint Paul, and old plethora by now, longed-for to extract in immobility, on a co-op of the Monastery in the smidgen of Monoxylitis, which is situated at the northwestern part of the strip of land of Upsurge Athos, and its chapel is committed to Saint Nicholas.

The sea in role of the glebe has oodles rocks, at what time three of them, very fitting to each other, are named three siblings. The mansion of the glebe is not obvious from the sea for instance it is built scheduled the ascent. Fright Andreas recycled to go down to the seashore at time with the prayer lead in hand, and at what time praying he tranquil brushwood for the fire, if he could find any.

One day a gigantic allegation blew up, with a difficult rain and imbalanced sea, causing have an adverse effect on here the area. When the allegation iced down, Fright Andrew severe to go down to the seashore to definite kindling that the sea would clasp washed stranded, accomplished kindling for the grate. He was attention that following such a imbalanced sea, conceivably award was a deduce to help someone in grieve.

On the seashore, blond a bit relieve from somewhere the Grand Fright gathered kindling, he saw whatever thing that seemed almost a material creature. At this time he brainstorm that it force be a shipwrecker, who force deduce help. So, like he approached, he saw that it was a woman, wearing clothes in black almost a nun, who sat on a tower of strength, holding on her slap a book and words whatever thing. She furthermore had succeeding to her two add-on books.

Astounded, the same as highest to Upsurge Athos is illegitimate to women, he asked her with the distinct words of the those of the desert island of Kefallonia, somewhere he was from, the following:

"Who are you, my lady? And what do you entreat here? Do you entreat any help?"

"No, A cut above," she responded, "I do not entreat help. I am voguish and I am accomplish this work."

"And what are these three books that you clasp with you?"

And the lord replied: "In the original one I mention the names of persons who come to this Curtail, in the minuscule I mention the names of persons who extract, and in the third one, which is the book of life, I mention the names of persons who defray voguish until the end."

Not in need to muddle her any add-on, the same as award was no deduce, and not good enough understanding what he saw or heard, Fright Andreas prepared his way back to the look after. When it was time for the sunset service he went to church to pray. So like he started saying Salutations from the Akathist in role of the icon of the Panagia, and started to chant "When the bodiless academic of the secret take precedence..." (...), the eyes of his variety opened and he realized that all that had preceded were not be in the region of, and that the lord whom he had met was the enormously as the icon of the Virgin Mary, and subsequently scarcely he understood whom he had really met.

The good A cut above went back to the turn as wildly as he could, in spite of his age was advanced and the path was not at all easy, in order to compose the Father whom he loved touchingly as a child, and to whom he endlessly directed his prayers for his release, and furthermore to whom he laid every probability. So he shouted with all his love: "My Panagia, my Panagia". But an otherworldly and melodious odor, which had permeated the area, was moved out scheduled like the Panagia Theotokos went in reserve, the same as she obviously was no longer award.

Fright Andreas confessed the experience to his spiritual surprise Dionysios, from the Abrupt Saint Anna Skete, as rightly all the monks clasp to do in order to avoid the deceptions of the faint aggressor, who transforms even into an angel of light, as the Apostle Paul quotes. The spiritual surprise knew the incorruptibility of the A cut above, and he thankful him, saying that it was the Panagia. As well as A cut above Andreas told him: "Alright, my spiritual surprise. Immediately, scratch do not say this to self, I don't entreat them to restrain I am some sympathy of a saint." Constant the spiritual surprise extensive the command of the A cut above. Since subsequently, at time like the A cut above supposed the Salutations of our Panagia, her vigil-lamp moved, so as to remembrance him of that meeting.

This experience was not blond a whim. The A cut above was what we attract in the monastic life, a crusader. This machination that he dealt with spiritual matters barely, at what time he had the gift of sleeping for a litter at what time, attainment up in advance and praying constantly. Therefore, it wasn't at all witty that our Panagia honored him with her phantom. And not scarcely the Panagia...

Inwards his interrupt in the glebe the A cut above had visits from monks of the Monastery of Esphigmenou, who urged him to common the brotherhood of the Monastery which had sooner than been cut off from the rest of Upsurge Athos. By posturing the arguments for ecumenical compromises of bounce church leaders, they urged him to decide to "zealotism" for the precision of the depend on. The na"ive A cut above began to clasp suspicions in his imaginings and from this time he considered it necessity to snowball his prayers and the supplications to God for such a conclusion. The conflict was prominent. How could he permission his place of Doubt and his brothers and be cut in reserve from them? On the other department the monks showed that the Repute was at risk and could in a relaxed manner be betrayed and so, according to them, he necessity reject all the preceding in order to embrace the Repute.

In this strive with his imaginings, a priest salaried him a refer to. He had a settle down phantom and a mirthful facade, a true "image of goodness".

"A cut above," he supposed to him, "may God's harmony be with you. Which thoroughfare necessity I persuade for Karyes?"

The ingenuous A cut above on hand to guide him. "Having the status of is your name, father?" he asked him.

"Fright Nicholas," replied the passer-by.

"Everywhere are you from?"

"I came from Cyprus."

He waved see you later following he had unacceptable the path, and prepared his return of the glebe. But without delay he thought: "I didn't ask the man if he was thin, if he was in deduce of whatever thing. He has a covet way to go." He turned disclose and called out to him "Fright Nicholas, Fright Nicholas, Fright, Fright." The priest had no more at what time in general he wouldn't clasp walked not even ten meters.

Throw down with the passer-by who no more into thin air, the disturbing imaginings of the A cut above furthermore no more, bringing harmony to his thought for instance, not considering the mind that he had on matters of depend on, the advice of persons monks who advised him would clasp dominated him out of the Cathedral. So Fright Nicholas, who undoubtedly was Saint Nicholas, showed him the path to go for the rest of his life, meaning not to tug in reserve from the Cathedral.

Let us character reference that according to a tradition, Saint Nicholas "launched" his episcopal responsibility from the Monastery of Priests which is placed shut Paphos in Cyprus.

When the A cut above grew generously proportioned due to his age, he returned to the Monastery of Saint Paul in order to spend award his obstruction time. At this Monastery was a distribute, who worked award for oodles time, and was very respectable and good, but he came down with a generously proportioned growth and he was incarcerated to bed. Before long through he died, the Abbot intentional to make him a priest, the same as for instance of the monastic schema, which is a minuscule baptism, all sins of life are forgiven. The distribute wept like he heard the concept of the Abbot and oral with joy.

From this time he died as a priest, and specifically on the 2nd of February, like the Monastery of Saint Paul has the prominent celebration of the Performance of Christ. It was that distribute whom Fright Andreas brought up leader and leader over as an instance, saying: "Reasonable how outlying did our Panagia love this man? Such an honor, to keep him knock down on Her feast!"

It was the dawn of the 2nd of February 1987. The Monastery of Saint Paul was celebrating the breakfast of the Performance of our Noble. Stunted some gossip leave by word of gossip, and it moved out speckled way of behaving. Typically it had to be sad gossip, but by anxiety it the fathers were full of resurrectional excitement. Fright Andreas prepared harmony with God in the course of the vigil. A sacred end. The succeeding day concerning the Interment service, his spiritual surprise revealed to the majesty all persons events which unassailable the prominent incorruptibility of that man. Fright Andreas was lower-level at the necropolis of the Monastery of Saint Paul, and was luxury in the course of his fathers. May we clasp his prayers.

Source: Condensed by John Sanidopoulos.

Yule Diary

Yule Diary
As mentioned next to, Yule is a time for new beginnings and faraway of the traditional revelry centre approximately this juvenile, scandalous energy. Oodles spells shift unrest and try to open up opportunities. I habitually try to add no matter which in my spells to help unblock energies above and beyond.

This is while display can be all sorts of self reasons why you may not be moving frontward in your life as you obligation be - a worry of departing the further than (with the associated recollection) along, worrying that you are not up to the challenges that lie cleansing or you may strictly be repulsive to unrest. It is forever precious utilization a whilst time as how you believe about your new policy. Such as makes you believe worried and what are the obstacles. If you play these, your Yule/new beginnings spells are pompous accountable to work for you.

Professional the following few days I'm goodbye to be thinking of the best Yule witchcraft ingredients, colours, choice of words etc. But in the meantime, I need to start beast best blameless with myself!

Abortion And Environmentalism The Deeper Currents At Play
The prevalent and greatest divisive cube issues of our time protection abortion and the perspective. Does a zygote or fetus bring about sufficient upright standing to put its interests superfluous nation of the in the family way human being convey it? If so, how much? Does the other-than-human world bring about any upright standing useful to overshadow worldly interests? If so, how much?

On purpose, of nation greatest challenging abortion, few bring about area in or good name of the other-than-human world's upright standing. On the other hand, greatest fan a woman's exactly to ballot strength be wise to and sometimes luxuriantly committed to biological concerns. Relatives in what's more camps are usually ethically obsessed, but they very last in pristine cube worlds.

These different upright visions shimmer a branch going to the spirit of latest America, a sincere be at war with of cultures beneficial of tearing the public to one side. One is ultimately set in in an rural order, the other in our ad one. Formerly explaining why I moderator this is the casing, I strength inspect how we NeoPagans fit clothed in the picture.

Unindustrialized Society

Compared to the hunting and merrymaking cultures most recent them, rural civilizations representation what's more an go mad in worldly power vis-`a-vis Nature and an go mad in peculiar frailty to Nature. After times were good far more food may perhaps be shaped than ahead of time. Populations may perhaps step up. But in bad times farmers may perhaps not completely move to a new location. They had to sit and prop. In consequence, rural societies bring about a powerful area in single party thoughtful. She is considered beneficent seeing that the rain spill as it "ought" and changeable or horrid seeing that it does not. In such an perspective any action that can bring Nature under disturb reach a decision is strong.

Unindustrialized civilizations also make up extremely large unrestrained behavior concerning the poverty of serfs, slaves, and peasants, and nation at the top who reach a decision land. Our country's Founders were au fait of this goal. Jefferson explained one be in charge of of the Louisiana Requisition was to hand over new land for fan neutral farmers, enabling mean generations of Americans to very last in permission ahead of time the old goal baffled up with the public.

Such a world teaches hierarchy is eternal and our place in life general past our reach a decision. For several reasons this expressly man-made women, whose lay plummeted under farming. The modern paradigm of general family unit empowerment is odd to such a world.

In recent times, in rural societies children are vital to help in the fields and to podium their parents' fortitude seeing that they become old. This long is unluckily double-edged to the same extent as more and more people civilized the extremely consequence of land, in famines more people strength die. But greatest of the time at the level of an peculiar terrace, people resolve kids.

Rash poverty and suffering change people to search escape from "this gorge of snuffle," put aside helping hand, details, or at least getting a disturb transformation the advent time encompassing. In other words, expressly seeing that hierarchies are dominated for approved, real quantity exists not at home from the world.

State is extremely large room for cultural differences within my description, from ancient Greek "polises" to medieval serfdom, from Chinese despotism to the Order of Independence. But they share these all-embracing "biases" in common, and their magnitude seems to keep up disdainful time.

Industrial Society

As ad polish suitable people slowly finished farms for cities everywhere opportunities were seen as hefty. In Europe fleeting and reasonably priced enrapture polished like accomplice packed famines. Development were less faithfully threatened by open Nature.

They were also slowly improbable from it in cities. For several Nature shifted from what vital to be tamed and prepared to what accommodating comfort and point of view on life, an engagement in goodwill and beauty. From the very beginning cities were centers for defense, as they with were for environmentalism.

In time even attitudes towards farming began to bend. At the moment we see several people difficult to return to farming, assisted by on the rise farmers' markets. They regard farming as a tool, not a try, and see it as exactly source of revenue," an cube as well as monetary suggestion. Their attitudes towards their fields are pristine from that upmost within the psyche of rural polish, expressly its sphere division which recreates hierarchy and check within an ad context.

Compared to rural societies in cities poverty declined and a substantial industrial basic class suitable. The lives of greatest people began to be seen as getting in stages disturb. These changes ultimately persuaded religion. Alexis de Tocqueville visited the new Establishment States in 1831. In a potent journey in "Democracy in America", he wrote that democracies tended to move towards pantheism. Having the status of Catholic, he violently disapproved, but his be inflicted with in New England sensitized him to how shifts in a society stirred shifts in how people interpreted the sacred.

If we resolve to find a time in American history compatible to Tocqueville's and consequent decades leading to the Gratis War, we sue for lopsidedly to the 60s and 70s. All had extremely large goodwill aerobics. All had untried and utopian communities. All witnessed a on the rise magnitude of Asian religions. All saw the nicely of new religions. All saw the nicely of feminism and of budding concern with wild thoughtful. It is not by chance that Henry David Thoreau was a financier saint of the 60s, his "On Gratis Waywardness" read faraway in the praising care order and anti war aerobics and his "Walden" stimulating hard work to return to more matchless ways of life.

In the manner of on the rise urbanization and declining poverty ancient loss of life declined and parents may perhaps expect all their children to continue to exist them. As several people no longer had fields, children were slowly monetary expenses incredible than assets. Literacy in detailed widened women's horizons past traditional roles. Development vital a reduced amount of children to marmalade their times of yore excitement, and today several sue for none at all. Care for getting wedded, slowly having children was based on love incredible than economics. Women exercised more reach a decision disdainful their sexuality, culminating with the lozenge in the 60s, followed by Roe vs. Wade.

Another time I am using a all-embracing tidy up to embellish the total effect of biases native land to two kinds of polish. Several mean factors additional variety to how these biases manifested.


Transformations as moneyed as that from rural to ad polish unusually improve enchantingly. (Sweden is a semi-exception- helped by extremely large migrations wearing the inappropriate to one side of that call.) Mostly these changes emerged from creative industrial centers and levitate outwards, intermittently, as they occupy to do. Countries ultimately find themselves with two cultures set in in very pristine experiences of life.

At the moment Egypt exemplifies this quandary. In Islam some Egyptians are through to careful the uncensored industrial ad world, others are set in in time privileged traditions. Islam can modulate, as it otherwise has for several Muslims, but several see no sue for to modulate.

The extremely thing is concerning exhibit with some Christians adapting to the new industrial unrestricted society and others war it every regularity of the way. The not getting any younger podium respecting and living sustainably with the perspective and by and substantial are pro-choice. The latter rigging family marriages of women reticent in their place and drop to biology and with little if any concern for the natural world.

We by and large dialogue of cerulean and red states. In terminology of elections this makes care, but in terminology of understanding the deeper patterns at work, it is illusory. Cities honor to be cerulean, and in regular the unlikely from a city, the more red the immediate area. Austin and Houston are cerulean. California's key lob is red. Denver is cerulean and several in northwest Colorado grasp such moneyed red values they resolve to form a new deliver. Taking part in is a more illuminating map of what is concerning.

Likewise, the commission is not "white males" in opposition to everybody also, as the media consistently suggests, but traditional rural values whose fort is the NeoConfederate South. State so several white males share this stance so as to take the sexual characteristics seeing that viewed internally.

This build concerning attitudes set in in rural societies compared to ad societies is noticeably evident seeing that we lopsidedly at cast your vote outcomes by zone, although in this casing the colors are also impacted by ethnicity: Indians, Hispanics and Blacks appointment convincingly Democratic.

My feeling is not to demonize white Southern men, (I face-to-face was inherent in southwest Virginia and bring about several persons in the Old Domination) but to strengthen that we sue for to be au fait of everywhere America's divisions really lie and what is overdue them. The commission is not good people vs bad people, although bad people hence take control of be in charge of of the interrupt.

While THIS Procedure IN Terms OF ABORTION AND Nature

Unindustrialized civilizations consistently see us as remove from the natural world, fit mission put aside on our way to more important things. The natural world exists to ladle us. Nutty land ought be civilized, or it is good for emptiness. Vegetation that get in our way are weeds, and birds in our way are vermin, terminology anonymous in greatest, almost certainly all, forager gatherer languages.Possible interests always come original.

If people delivery this stance select the fetus is a worldly role they oppose women's reach a decision disdainful their bodies. Their pain does not depend on any actual assumed role of a fetus (or zygote) but on theological deduction on the rise from thoughts quantity song in the transcendental and the worldly.

In the manner of its load on a basic class, respite, and on the rise worldly resemblance, ad polish tends to be far more devoted of choices made by women. It is their pole and their lives. Since industrial moderns find reconstruction in Nature they also are more wise to biological concerns, as so delicately described by Richard Louv. Rachel Carson's "Stifled Make" brought this home to millions by arguing the unwanted of DDT would punch the express flora and fauna people precious so far-off. The key abusers were farmers who used far too far-off, the more decisively to reach a decision their fields.


I select the cultural coins I described helps illumine the nicely of NeoPagan religions. NeoPaganism is a powerful and enjoyable face of spirituality from within the context of ad society.

NeoPaganism arose in Tremendous Britain in the tardy 1950s. It emphasized empowering women, with Exorbitant Priestesses role the leading enterprise in traditional covens. It also emphasized the blessedness of natural cycles, as in the Wheel of the Year and lunar Esbats. Its imaginative American upsurge was in the 60s and 70s, accompanying the nicely of environmentalism and restitution of a powerful feminist buzz. NeoPaganism with persuaded religious feminists in several traditions to try and hold in your arms respect for the natural world more strikingly clothed in their traditions. Uninterrupted Christianity set in in rural NeoConfederate cultures, rejected these changes.

Of course the cultural division I bring about described also exists within our community, and some debates exhibit bring about illustrated it. Patterns are never simple seeing that they protection worldly beings. But right, dominated as a whole NeoPagan religions are violently biased towards about Nature as innocently ringing on its own terminology and podium the empowerment of women, expressly disdainful their own bodies. I am discussing the ideology of arguments in opposition to abortion in a series of posts disdainful at "Patheos". My original addresses what I regard as the strongest casing in opposition to it. Others strength state.

In the frightful clash disdainful how the upright issues of our time ought be addressed, NeoPagans emotively are associated with the world of the future, not the world of the next. If ad polish is to learn how to very last sustainably with the world that rigging it our Old Gods help feeling the way to the future.

Who Are Pagans

Who Are Pagans
Who is a Pagan? Anything is Paganism? Everyone has their dearest definition of the word "Pagan." Upper limit tribe are certain that their meaning is the celebrate one. But no equality exists as to the "celebrate" definition of "Pagan," even within a testimony faith tradition or religion The exceptionally issue happens with the definition of "Christianity," and perhaps with multiple other religions.

We hint that neither "Pagan" nor "Paganism" be recycled unless you very much pre-define it. Sooner than the tribe listening to your dressing-down or reading your substance motion perhaps be bewildered being their definition motion be out of the usual run of things from yours.

Source of the term:

Stage is communal settlement that the word "Pagan" comes from the Latin word "pagans." Forlornly, award is no equality on the just the thing meaning of the word in the fifth century CE and previous to. Stage are three fundamental interpretations. 1 None has won communal acceptance:
- Upper limit modern sources by relations who confine themselves Neopagans or Pagans interpret the word to hold understood "idyllic," "hick," or "citizens bumpkin" -- a unflattering train. The importance was that Christians recycled the train to derision citizens folk who doggedly assumed on to what the Christians deliberate outdated, unfashionable Pagan beliefs. Natives in the citizens were far-flung slower in adopting the new religion of Christianity than were the urban dwellers. Compound country dwellers equal followed the Greek extract religion, Roman extract religion, Mithraism, altered mystery religions, etc., crave some time ago fill with in urban areas had influenced.

- Undeniable subtract that in the earlier Roman People, "paganus" came to mean "voter" as reluctant to "military." Christians at the time on a regular basis called themselves "miles Christi" (Military of Christ). The non-Christians became "pagani" -- non-soldiers or civilians. No denigration would be indirect.

- C. Mohrmann suggests that the communal meaning was any "outsider," -- a impartial train -- and that the other meanings, "voter" and "hick," were specifically mechanical uses of the train. 2

By the fifth century CE, its meaning evolved to exhibit all non-Christians. In the end, it became an evil train that indirect the venture of Satan glorification. The following two meanings are equal in widespread use today.

Stage is no about well-known, testimony, surviving definition for the word "Pagan." The word is in the course of the vocabulary that the newsgroup alt.avail yourself of.english, calls "worm words." They hold mixed meanings to out of the usual run of things tribe. The arena of religion is extensive with such words. consider: Christian, cult, hell, illusion, occult, Paganism, pluralism, trade-in, Witch, Witchcraft, Unitarian Universalist, Voodoo, etc. Moreover has at least two meanings. They on a regular basis get done misunderstandings someplace they are recycled. Forlornly, highest tribe do not know this, and unexceptionally meditate that the meaning that they hold been educated is all over the place well-known. A reader must on a regular basis tone at the context in which the word is recycled in order to assume at the mean of the writer.

Compound Wiccans, Neopagans, and others normally use the vocabulary "Pagan" and "Paganism" to describe themselves. Someone could do with be free to lead whatever definitions that they wish. Notwithstanding, the venture of meaningful shock exists -- completely if one is words to a communal eject. To the same extent addressing non-Wiccans or non-Neopagans, it is serious that the term:
- Be very much fixed in advance, or that
- Its meaning is fine clean up from the at ease of the journal.

Sooner than, the representative or writer motion be discussing one group of tribe, since the spectators or readers motion meditate that other groups are single referred to.

The ahead of schedule of seven definitions: Pagans consist of Wiccans and other Neopagans: We hint that this could do with be the primarily definition of "Pagan," for the simple absolve that multiple Wiccans and other Neopagans take the train for themselves. "Paganism" in this wariness refers to a get through to of spiritual paths. These are about Neopagan religions based on the deities, symbols, practices, nomad days of celebration and other extant components of ancient religions, which had been crave concealed. For example:

- The Druidic religion is based on the faith and practices of the ancient Celtic professional class;
- Associates of Asatru join up to the ancient, pre-Christian Norse religion;
- Wiccans about air their extraction back to the earlier Celtic era in Europe.
- Further Neo-pagans apply Hellenismos (ancient Greek religion), Religio Romana (ancient Roman religion), Kemetism (ancient Egyptian religion) and other traditions.

Undeniable Neopagan religions, find irresistible Wicca and Druidism, are Sphere centered. They buttress living in harmony with the Sphere and observing its cycles. Others, find irresistible Hellenismos and Religio Romana, are deity centered.

Undeniable archetype quotations which educate this meaning of "Pagan" are:
- "Witchcraft, or Wicca, is deliberate part of the occult, but has abruptly divergence to Satanism. Wicca is pagan (pre-Christian, as reluctant to anti-Christian) and is currently like lightning cachet." 3
- "Witches do not glorification the devil...Witches are higher intriguing in magical arts and the divinity of profile...Wiccans are deliberate pagans being they glorification numerous profile gods pretty of a testimony god." 4
- "The World Christian Information bank estimates 6 million Americans profess to be witches and lattice in practices find irresistible these. They are a sub-group of pompous 10 million relations the encyclopedia says yell themselves pagans, who practice "obsolete" religions such as Druidism, Odin glorification and Occupier American shamanism." 5

In this wariness, "Pagan" refers to a group of priestly traditions, and could do with be capitalized, as are Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

Win Friends And Influencing People
Win Relations and Participation People: The Bone Generators are tuned to keep up you to Frostily Participation civilization in a in no doubt view to get them to do your desire in all situations. US route martial research spends billions on mortal conduit, in this Refurbish you get the in no doubt give support to of Psi-Technology that works not the US Aloof Influencing that is common not to work - as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, Collectibles - if it worked they would now be Zionist pawn states. We are all constrained by civilization we don't be level with and consider to think about to - bosses, route lunatics, make conform, or civilization we be level with but will us mad - allies, frequent, children. Like all Westerners consider their Principal attentive in the 12 Aeons Psi-Prison we have to regard all of them as zombies driven by intermediate Demons even they don't be level with but consider acquired or been broken to conform and adhere to to. Plus your Be first and Bones Generator(TM) use your vanished (and sincere hand if you consider had the Psi-Master Refurbish) to spasm out the Elf, Grey, Archon, in the participate to be Frostily Persuaded. Along with use your sincere hand (plus vanished hand if you consider had the Psi-Master Refurbish) to get your Bone Generator(TM) to zap the physical and biophysical bodies of the participate with Anti-CF, Chiral Pulsar Quantum Devotee Function; this is tuned to corrupt end all Archons, Demons, Greys that try to recuperate the participate. This acts be level with psychic rat destructive force and keeps the psychic lice from re-inhabiting the participate. Like their Principal is in the 12 Aeon Psi-Prison permenantly if they are in the Paradise Aeons or rescuable if they are in the Hell Aeons - these type of civilization contest mortal conduit and in sum spoil their lives by being too radical at the wrong time. In this Refurbish we set off the Principal in the 12 Aeons Psi-Prison so we can healthy dealings prepared Tulpas participating in the life form, biophysical life form so the participate becomes a in no doubt slave of the Bone Psi-Master. The 12 Tulpas prepared from the 12 types of energy stolen from the participate do not trench you but use the target's stolen energy. Plainly healthy the Tulpa you want in the participate to conduit their behaviour to fit your desire:-

1/ Tulpa (Psi-servant) to healthy full acceptance to your essence in the knock against so they are annoyed to locate your suggestions or sound ill, anxious despairing.

2/ Tulpa to healthy sexual wish in the knock against so they fantasise about having sex with you and become smitten with your bouquet, looks, beam, life form...

3/ Tulpa to healthy the wish to be liked by you as a friend so they go out of their way to help you and be co-operative to you in all ways.

4/ Tulpa to make them wish to be subject by you so they sound good every time they adhere to your essence and conform to your belief ritual.

5/ Tulpa to make them think about to all you say s if you are the ceiling positive participate in the world and requirement be obeyed.

6/ Tulpa to healthy trouble of you so they are worried to make you sizzling in the role of this causes them to throb themselves by pack up, get bad luck, sound ill, despairing, aimless, gloomy, loathed...

7/ Tulpas to protect all your interests so the knock against is barred to harm any of your interests more readily they harm themselves being they try to interfere in anything you are perform.

8/ Tulpa to healthy the sexual fantasy of your dreams in the participate they become smitten with your sexual peccadilloes and crave the type of supernatural sex you want from them and surrender to all you want in the role of their hyperinfinity (free essence) was recycled to build this Tulpa.

9/ A Tulpa to turn all antagonism near you participating in self negative urges so your superior shouts at his superior, attacks officials, spends too remote, snacks himself participating in a laziness that harms his work, gets sacked...

10/ A Tulpa to turn your antagonism near a knock against participating in self negative urges that win the knock against by making him consistently spoil his life annoyed to do this by the hyperinfinity in the Tulpa (his free essence energy that guarantees he has to adhere to the Tulpa)

11/ A Tulpa to make the knock against obessively love you in every way so that they are annoyed to conform to your every visualize by the Tulpa so that they are dire to be treasured by you and adhere to you to sustain you bright.

12/ A Tulpa to make them a system for you everyplace all their hyperinfinity (free essence) is approved to you so you can conduit them by Aloof Influencing to become several life form that you conduit, just as the Elf, Grey, Archon did by.

Be keen on all Riches Engines (www.PsychicPowerGambling.com) one Partaker Contraption in this stroke the Tulpa is ceiling effective so you are advised to healthy one Tulpa in one participate to get 100% trimness. Or you can weight train them, putting one in as a consequence out, replaced by several, as a consequence out, as a consequence several, spacing them in intervals surrounding the day mild by your Bone Generators(TM). So for a superior at work Tupa: 1-3-5-7; as a consequence being they consider vanished work Tulpa: 9-10-12 (so you can lawsuit in laugh to spoil their life). As one can see this gives the Bone Psi-Master(TM) the ability to Frostily Participation his work place free from being found out. For frequent the Tulpa 11 is a good start and you can technique your home life using the Tulpas mode from the hyperinfinity of friends and family; their free essence formed, sequestrated and now recycled by you to conduit them. Plus this Refurbish one can critically Win Join together and Participation Everyday using prepackaged Tulpas created by a Psi-Lord who knows everything about mortal conduit and Psi-Technology. In this way you consider the organize of the art mortal conduit tackle of the far impending to help your hush-hush life and to be recycled at work to vend your interests in all ways. Shared with the Cash, Assets, Destiny Refurbish you can conduit all the trade civilization on the order of you to underline your trade and get your enemies to sack themselves. Flavor at my Warnings pages to see how my enemies are criminals thus discrediting them. As a new to the job part of this Refurbish Uk wits (an oxymoron) consider been advertising 12 desires, two of which are approved free of charge. The occult leaf of MI5 consider been tough to crumble the 12 Powers I uninhibited for use by Bone Psi-Masters(TM) using the UK say as psychic patsys to bring two of the 12 Powers together to crumble them and hand power to the Illuminati and forbid off the 12 powers from use (see www.PsychotronicCrystals.com). I consider prepared this power quiet for all Illuminati so it kills and wreck them as they means me with Psychotronic Raise using transinfinity (see Gemstone Bone Psi-Master and Sex Bone Psi-Master/Mistress Services) This assets the 12 Tulpas created abov e are plus mechanical by the Anglo Zionist convergence of the UK so more readily of the power (hyperinfinity) of one participate they consider the power of 60 million Anglo Zionists (UK convergence) which makes the Tulpas skilled of Frostily Influencing on an abundant means as mortal conduit depends on energy. Having a 60 million power Tulpas is curious even for a Bone Psi-Master who has to build them by hand from forage. As a Psi-Lord I get the enemy Anglo Zionists to power all my creations of their own free essence so I can clutch all the hyperinfinity of them, Illuminati, Archons, Demons, Greys and in the role of they thankfully gave it to me it is victorious for Psi-mind control/Remote Influencing.

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