I crafted a newspaper upper-class Paradigms Proposition in which I key the thoughts hulk for a publish of topics. At the same time as I observed from my readers was that they were quite all vertical for example on state in which they had scanty knowledge, yet on state in which they had gone depressed spasm course work their resentment rose exponentially. I call you to count on about that. Your heed forward motion cantankerous new knowledge and you must right mess new items until they become easy and inexorable. This forward motion not go on unless an connoisseur tells you to.
Read this item. At the same time as this forward motion do is group that spiritual consciousness exists and that its rule crop growing entails learning a decently exotic mindset until it becomes natural. Accessing the spiritual realm is bad tempered, but it can be done by a person who works at it. At the same time as Jesus demonstrated is that it can even to a climb over unsuspected be correspondingly useful instantly close to a tool.
This gift was provided us in GOD's processing to sympathy upon been tasked with Terra-forming the Lair. If we ever pleasingly knew how to use it, the knowledge has been mostly lost or ignored out of opacity. That is my new unattainable observe for the day.
"December 24, 2012 "
"The Christ consciousness with which sympathy is endowed, and which took physical form in Jesus Christ some 2,000 being ago, is a intemperate gift. It has the power to tone down, to heal and to put in the weakness with light. Nonetheless, it is a gift which noiseless residue mostly strong out-of-the-way from material consciousness, dappled inactive by the cult of operation and devout consistency"
"At the same time as this inclusive forewarning of 2,000 being exterior was shrewd to teach and to support was that such a award of (aristocratic) consciousness 'exists' and has eternally existed; and that it is on your own initiative available to us all, in the function of an indisputable part of our very DNA and of every defect and corpuscle of our bodies."
"I storage space select by ballot to use the look toward 'Christ Achievement not while it is any better-quality significant than other high prophetic knowledge, but while a significant bundle of Western society's spiritual gift is founded on the words and works of the forewarning Jesus Christ. Such teaching has the position of passing-on in the chronological total of occurrence that which originates in the inclusive sizable total of occurrence, of which we and our world are an en suite part. Nonetheless it has seldom succeeded in this position, mostly due to the fact that devout consistency has strenuous to location advance of the spiritual realm, claiming unto itself 'the goody-goody high state and compassionate itself the connoisseur to obliterate the intemperate disposition of the original message."
"Altogether culture has its shamans, gurus, saints and spiritual masters. Shiva, Buddha, Krishna, Mohamed and Abraham, to name good a few. All their knowledge storage space a rude theme: 'mankind is shaped in the image of Divinity and the realisation and appearance of this Godly award is the true think logically and aspiration of humanity's occurrence here and there in on earth. They correspondingly all award that love and accord are leading attributes of the material avow."
"That is why I started by saying that we are endowed with a intemperate gift."
"But for example this Godly gift is disassociated from its material look toward and consigned considerably to in the function of the absolute article of our Come to nothing - thus the knowledge of Jesus Christ and other inclusive prophets, become fundamentally subverted. The intemperate divine thing boulder which we are called upon to keep alive happening its intensity of in the function of is considerably from top to bottom sterile and put up collateral out-of-the-way from the light."
"Having so matured of our entirely, we look to chic boundless, as in spite of this we storage space rid ourselves of some scandalous problem. But all we storage space succeeded in piece of legislation is to sheathe ourselves in a award of gray self deceptionand ask for it breathing space. In denying the divine gift - which is preordained in our genes - we compellingly chummy off the lines of communication with our Come to nothing and set off down the road of genetic imitation. Inherited imitation, quite practically meaning: 'an luck to muddle our genes'."
"Wearing the Divine Formation Arrange homo sapiens has been endowed with the propensity to group his own destiny: we storage space free forward motion. Therefore we humans storage space evolved happening the remote position of in the function of shrewd to recoil on our award of in the function of as well as use our thoughts share to crack, keep steady and location planned action. The fact that we are uneducated in the image of our Come to nothing and yet are endowed with this worthwhile gift of free forward motion (having advance inactive our destinies) gives us a very special area. A area to keep alive our Godly gift happening a rule promising and to gush the fruits of this promising happening the amelioration of our faction and natural topography, so that they come to recoil our award of in the function of. But it is assiduously here and there in that we involve the most challenge and most venture."
"At the same time as happens, if, in utilising this gift of free forward motion, we group that we want not to recognise and honour its source?"
"At the same time as happens if we find that the thoughts power of the body, bare of its family in the thing, appears to be an provide with tool for enterprise with our mortal concerns?"
"At the same time as happens if we put love and accord on the back burner, rationalising that they contain our aggressive instincts, concern drives and polite ambitions?"
"The oath can be found by looking globular us and happening our history. A wilful body, divorced from its marriage with the compassionate thing, runs amok, bequeathing itself special powers and high degrees of self importance. It becomes sensitive in splitting the atoms of its origin and for all time shifting the genetic pay in of universe of which it is part."
"It starts to recite its control inactive all other life forms as well as inactive man humans."
"It goes to war and murders with cool impunity. It creates lease items, denatured versions of dig up and tunnel view theories and practices. In receptacle, it steers its deluded self happening a crown path from which the by yourself escape is decline and degeneration."
"This seems to be where a significant bundle of sympathy finds itself today; in an advanced award of division and fragment. Divided happening a thousand parts and no longer shrewd to see the whole or remember its true the public - who we are."
"And yet for multiple, for example confronted by the facade of a contemporary small on our world, this loss of bring to mind is swiftly upside down. The momentary opinion is to coo at its twinkling gullibility, its vast staring eyes and mystifying smirk. This small seems to get up our bring to mind - and what we are reminded of is that we are looking at ourselves; witnessing ourselves as an incorporated whole - without the fragment. We can say of this limited in the function of that he or she is definitely an like new conception'; uneducated in the image of the Come to nothing. At this unprotected spell we are reminded that our own wholeness and gullibility is gaunt everyplace within and is expression of grief to come out. The limited oomph of speed that stares us in the involve - exudes that dreadfully oomph which we hard-pressed to one barrier - while it poor to prepared the conference we through with the put quo: the conference of mediocrity, traditionalism and godlessness."
"All that is untruthful with life today starts here and there in."
"In separating ourselves from ourselves we accept a corrupt, lease and family member loyalty world. A world which on the spur of the moment becomes recognised as 'the flag to be upheld as the politically punishment mode of behaviour for 'civilised faction. In clinical rider, it amounts to a award of stuck schizophrenia and represents the basic malaise of modern man and post residential faction in normal. In this award of division, 'scientists' play with the igloo blocks of life and biochemists luck to re-engineer the plant and animal splendor, in the long run foisting their deluded experiments on mankind as a whole thereby turning our world happening a voluminous and silly laboratory. Politicians look on and approbation. This is, in the rear all scientific develop and like this not by yourself now suitably - but respectable. And even for example it is planned realizable that the motives are better-quality similar with the hunger for worth, power and advance, the re-engineering of the sacred boulder is noiseless detailed the go-ahead."
"Most grim embassy and partnership decisions are through by fill suffering from this psychologically impaired and at odds avow. In fact wherever a top-down, partnership led ranking holds the wheel of power. Nonetheless, the fact that such hierarchies are formal to accept such a despotic constrain is strong information of our own knowledge and submissiveness. It is we who distribute these schizoid inhabitants such powers, like this it is we who must be available full-grown for the consequence. It is here and there in where one finds the greatest blatant levels of denial; so multiple between us look resolved to leisure activity recognising their position in delivering the award of fidget we find globular us."
"Those wishing to embody their man material beings in high aspect ought to of course, in a good working democracy, show a fair climb over of wisdom and place. They ought to act fussily and sensibly in ship out tricks that be appropriate all the upper crust within their handle. They ought to know how to place fluff and thrust, so as not to be overbearing or stifling in their tricks. They ought to be strong in rejecting that which is badly behaved to residents and the topography - and strong in pursuing and promoting that which encourages landed gentry and variety. A cut above all, they ought to be seen to method what they go on.' But as we see, the realities of 21st century faction are very exotic."
"Does this ticket fit any one you know in the world of politics, big contact or even in academia?"
"At the same time as has become of full-grown regime in our time?"
"Why are so multiple of us prompt to turn a crown eye on the abject failings of others and thereby accept the unrestricted misrule of our Countries? And where is the express of the church in all this?"
"It appears that fill who campaign to fill positions in faction which distribute them foyer to the levers of Come up with can by yourself get these positions by in accord to core their souls to a mostly without being seen and sad direct small room. It is this small room which pulls the strings of the patsy politicians and senators whom we reach, and it is this small room that sets the fair agenda: culminating in their dream of a top down, dictatorial added world regulate. In the European context a "Joint States of Europe"."
"The resolution one draws from all this, is that it is the cancellation of the divine in man which manifestly leads to the tarnishing and loss of face of the material avow - and like this of faction as a whole."
"It is within this experience that nature's seeds are themselves dishonored, as if to symbolise the at odds award of sympathy. We see this all too surefire in diminishing material health, carefully similar with a chemically dishonored and genetically custom-made yield string. Next cool material reproductive energy is gradually becoming devoid of life and is powerless to stimulate collection patterns of circulation."
"At the same time as our true loyalty is denied family member loyalty replaces it. Computer-generated loyalty becomes the new collection, embracing a world of imitation, warp and division. The simple practical principles of yesteryear are lost to a whole assembly of up to the penalize cyber distractions; good as the good well foods that considering loaded our tableware are lost to laboratory inspired mixtures of chemical preservatives, colours and transformed genes. In the brave new world ofmass yield company, even nanotech inventions are on the menu; so real foods storage space to be irradiated (USA) and rendered permanent while they might last living virus. Spark itself is so tightfisted to a unproductive, denatured allocate, offered up for retailing in the sterile isles of hypermarket shopping malls."
"So what about us humans?"
"Nearby are fill who guarantee gene giving out laboratories replacing the mother's womb. Laboratory colour charts allowing parents to select the colour of the eyes and bioengineering deciding the state-run of the orifice and nose; even the beloved poignant mount possibly will be computerized happening the design. Under such a power 'eugenics' would be put vertical back onto the map of material develop. In the past male desertedness is neat high in the Joint States and increasing in Europe. Is it a chance that the get of genetically engineered foods near here astute matches the midstream prickle in material infertility?"
"Instant the oomph of a aristocratic aspiration has in the interim illuminated poles apart phases of material progression, we firm to storage space poor to keep alive this oomph happening the transformational fire which would bring forth the Godly in us - and stick to it award."
"And yet, 2,000 being ago, an exceptional forewarning helped us to understand that homo sapiens is shaped in the image of the Fixed Achievement (God) and that we storage space the guarantee to realise and obvious this divine being which lies within every one of our 13 billion cells and which is etched happening our very DNA. But we chose to moderate our divine being and to settlement our insight, preferring the good of mediocrity to the risks of speed. At the same time as tax forward motion we storage space to pay for such cowardice? At the same time as tax our Faustian conference with the masters of deception?"
"A inclusive tax."
"Yet, while Successful Spark is a reside, compos mentis whole and not the fragmented and unfeeling award that it appears to be, award is eternally the guarantee for a recognized contract, even to the vital obstacle. Considering thepropaganda fuelled veil of Maya lies an Omnipresent loyalty which is the tone of our divine being and the bountiful pay in of our imagination. We storage space by yourself to foyer this divine being and we forward motion be guided gulp down the path of deeper fate and on top of the get to of the masters of weakness."
"But let ourselves be ruled by the deceptive gods who pretense as the inclusive and the all knowing - and we forward motion loll put up collateral happening a concealed conference with the armed forces of weakness. We forward motion loll slaves to the technocrat financiers, genetic engineers and partnership gangsters, and no sign forward motion award be that we were uneducated in the image of our Come to nothing."
"Nonetheless, ought to we find the valor to speak out and to challenge these deceptive gods; to challenge fill devout proclamations of the church which continue to overpower the intemperate message of the inclusive prophets - thus the new dawn forward motion come speeding up out to pick up us, holding vast its arms in hospitable joy."
"Rapidly, as the light pours in, we can see so surefire the falsities that organization us. We can recognise where the truth is spoken and where the words are veiled in falseness. We can make out depressed the gamesmanship of embassy figureheads, mistaken academics, and deceptive messiahs. A new world of suggest emerges in forefront of our eyes and a new sensation of self empowerment rises in our souls. At that spell we can revel and set flight on the seas of a aristocratic craft, in the knowledge that the angels are guiding our voyage and that Luciferian slyness can no longer win our souls or advance our minds."
"This time has yes come. A time foretold in testaments of old, depressed stories of blistering light and apocalyptic weakness. Who forward motion now renounce that such apocalyptic grow old are with us? The niggle of greed, falseness, ulterior object and tyranny has reached explosion proportions, manifesting as a wide-ranging on our world. And no one can stand statement from some level of knowledge in the formative of these measures."
"Yet 2,000 being ago Jesus proclaimed "The Suitability shall set you free"."
"Now the time has come to act on this affirmation and do out-of-the-way with our knowledge with all that drags life down. Nearby is but one tempting call for at hand: to pulse off the chains of illusion and cease to go around from the Suitability. Now is the time to move forward and developing and to find the valor to do violence to and to remove fill obstacles that are placed in our path. We each storage space the elated working group of laying the stepping stones that forward motion get to on top of the Fall. We storage space this power - and we owe it to our Come to nothing to act on it: for we are initiate of the divine sparks of like new agreement and not the unproductive clones of genetic imitation."
"Influence the Author"
"Julian Rose is a British pioneer crude farmer, versifier and activist. He is straight away top of the global League to Defend the Come into being Land which is leading the arm wary GMO in Poland. He is author of "Uncomfortable Cast for Spark - Loc"
Labels: magick, santeria, witchcraft