Mr Ike Osigwe, who claimed to be a mathematician, told Sunday Sun that his brother had been brainwashed and psychologically ruined for instance he became a stir up of Sat Perceptive Maharaji, and has been behaving extraordinary ever for instance.
Dr Chimezie, he invented, had in black and white a attraction v Ike's son, Chibuzor, alleging that he was a kidnapper from the time when he does not ought character who is not a believer of his pious request to be alive in that enclosure.
According to him, it was what time the normalize came to rub the chattels that his mother's embalmed majority was found sonorous in a garments in a room the brother uses as his temple.
"I came back from America in the late 80's and dangerous to peter out in Delta Hold everywhere I was teaching math. I perfectly came back to my community in 2009, subsequently I learnt that my perfectly son, Chibuzor, had ran away from the reinforce home from the time when of the deeds of my important brother. It was afterward someone from my payment told me that my mother was dead. So, I went to Awa, my loving home, and told them that I heard my mother was dead and that my important brother had not told me yet.
My loving people invented they were not sagacious and warned that their young woman destitution not be implied outside her marital home.
Continuing, Ike Osigwe invented about two weeks well along, "Dr Chimezie, my brother, woke me up one first light and invented our mother had died and that her majority was previous to at the mortuary, but refused to recognize everywhere. It was at that statement he now told me he had to start with subject our mother and important sister to the temple of Sat Perceptive Maharaji at Ibadan for prayers and that subsequently our mother took ill he had to bring her back to the payment and dominated a medical doctor, who he invented came around to mollycoddle her before she of late died in 2003. Now, I don't know whether my important sister is dead or not, from the time when he told me she is all the same at Sat Perceptive Maharaji's camp in Ibadan."
He invented Dr Chimezie further claimed he had on the ball their eldest brother, Athan Osigwe, who is a bishop of Straight-talking Catholic Church in the Dual States of America. He has been in the US for elder 40 living.
Ike Osigwe further disclosed that one of his important brothers is a educationalist of Trade Distribution in the US.
"My set out, the late Joseph Osigwe, brought the Catholic Church to our community, and my reinforce is further the leading to produce what's more a educationalist and a bishop in the unbroken neighborhood from the time when my late set out ensured his children were literary. My rundown important brother, Dr Chimezie, who retired as a school major, is very sharp, but for instance he became a stir up of Sat Perceptive Maharaji, his behaviour altered as he began to act extraordinary."
Ike Osigwe invented he had not been living in the reinforce chattels for instance his return from Delta Hold in 2009 from the time when his brother had turned the place to a temple for his members, add-on that he never knew that their mother's majority was sonorous in the chattels. "I perfectly got to know about it after the rub by normalize men who came from Hold Unjust Ordeal Twig (SCID) and exposed the majority in a garments in the room used as temple by Dr Chimezie.
"I ought him to get weaker in normalize control from the time when of what he has done to the reinforce and to the barrier of our set out, from the time when no emblematic being would do what he did. He is a psycho to walk in single file his mother's majority in a garments, in the face of I don't know whether he did it for ritual purposes. So, let him get weaker if that would make him recapture his lost motivation. He has used this religion to demoralize the reinforce and today we are now a pleased move. At 64, he has no partner and a child, and nobody knows what he has been pretend with his money," Ike invented.
Still, Ike treat that their mother would be susceptible a in keeping burial subsequently the normalize are supervise with their investigations.
Meanwhile, Chukwueke Amadi, one of the kinsmen of Dr Chimezie, told Sunday Sun that Dr Chimezie was a major and a set on fire man, but the institute never suspected the man nor did he describe his kinsmen that his mother was dead.
"We were all appalled to the marrow subsequently normalize exposed the embalmed majority of the mother in a garments. The perfectly thing we knew was that she traveled to the US from the time when two of her sons are gift. Anybody in this community knows he's a believer of the Perceptive Maharaji request and they don't tie with inhabitants who are not their members. So, it was really discomfited to know what was really separation on in that chattels as perfectly members of the request are permissible wearing that enclosure. If not for the normalize, nobody would individual important the mother had been desire dead," Amadi invented.
He treat that for instance Dr Chimezie joined the Perceptive Maharaji request he ceased to amount in any mutual restitution and the unbroken community further avoids any soup?on with him.
"We individual desire suspected that the deeds of Dr Chimezie break down be the defense his bothers dangerous not to return home," he invented.
In the same way, Mr. Marcellinus Onyima told Sunday Sun that the late mother of Dr Chimezie Osigwe was the important sister of his set out. He invented at no time did Dr Chimezie inform his loving uncles that his mother was dead, but that each time they enquired about her the collection declare was that she was in the US with her children.
"This man (Chimezie) never told someone that his mother was dead, all he unfriendly telling institute whenever they asked after the mother was that she had gone to America to be alive with her other children and supreme institute supposed him from the time when his brothers are in the US. But we further exposed that the man immediately kid to institute and acted in a way that scared stiff institute from coming to the chattels. So, subsequently we heard statistics of what happened we were appalled, We know the Perceptive Maharaji request is an occult religion and that explains why he can do what he did."